posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 07:22 PM
The Op has presented an idea that the current sitting president has given up on his ideas and ultimately given into the political pressures, by
abandoning what is believed to be the core principles of the Democratic party. There are a few things that can be stated:
The ultimate problem lies in the following statement: Politics as Usual.
That is what this has been, politics as usual, what has made this such a big deal? After all there has been other budget fights in DC over the years,
happens every year, but why now, what is so different? Could it be the Trillions that are owed to our creditors, where the country is going down the
road to financial ruin, and that the credit rating is teetering on being dropped just about every week? Every week, there is always a new story where
the talk about Moody’s or any other credit agency that gives a country its credit rating keeps threatening to drop the US credit rating. This has
been going all along for the past year. And the problem has been politics as usual, out of control spending and very little discipline in the
financial area. Obama and the rest in DC, both the Republicans and the Democrats, have ultimately made a total mess of this, where it is going to end
up crashing down on every bodies heads, not just DC, and who will suffer, not going to be those in DC, it is going to be we the people. If the Obama
administration and all of his allies in congress were so concerned about the people, then why, when they had control over the federal government, why
did no one, not one person on social security get a raise in their supplement? Not one additional cent has come from DC, in fact, it has been frozen
here. Yet congress got a pay raise, those in the federal government got a pay raise, in fact some of the best paying jobs in the country right now is
in the federal government. No CEO makes that kind of money, yet there are heads of departments that make 170K as a salary, and the incumbents get
paid every year, and keep getting paid.
What has happened is that the new people in the congress put political pressure on the congress and the white house and simply stated enough, either
you agree to the terms or we will kill every bill on the budget and any deal. To rein in spending, make the hard choices, cuts to programs and start
focusing on the debt to save the country and prevent its credit rating from further sliding down the hill. And is that such a bad thing? Is it so
bad that they are forcing the federal government to live within its means and not to continue its reckless spending.
The country is in trouble and the only way out is the following: A new tax code, a flat rate tax, to where it is fair and closes all loop holes in
the system and financial discipline to stop the hemorrhaging of the funds out of DC. That could prevent a far worse problem in the long run.