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The Human Race is Being Bored to Death... Bring on the Apocolypse!

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posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 08:54 AM
I honestly believe that a fair percentage of humanities problems boil down to simple boredom.

The devil makes work for idle hands thus mischief ensues.

Its not just the mass distractions of the media, politics and religion

But also that crappy job, stale relationship, mundanity that makes people crave for excitement.

This is why humans love a scandal, a disaster (on someone else), create drama in the home, over eat, troll online, gossip, get drunk, take drugs, fight and so on.

Boredom seems to drive many of the things around us.

The reason why a lot of people especially in the west are bored is that life has become easy, mundane and repetative.

The distractions of political discored, partisanship, religious leanings, even war stem that boredom.

Fact is

Every mountain has been climbed, every corner of Earth explored, everything has been said and done already there is literally nothing new under the sun.

Humans are meant to struggle, to reach new horizons, to subdue creation or we get bored and stagnate.

I propose therefore that this mass stagnated boredom is the start of an extinction level event which will cause us to destroy ourselves.

We need then to reach for the stars or die as a race.

Evolve or die, stay as we are and on the human races tombstone will read "bored ourselves to death"
edit on 1-8-2011 by CrankyPantsUK because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2011 by CrankyPantsUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

people who are bored look for sensation and entertainment.
is it the need for leaders that tell you what to do ?
to discover and use the creativity can be learned.
hint: find a hobby !

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

I don't necessarily agree but I see a lot of stars and flags in your future -
Does this mean I am a psychic?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:05 AM
I think boredom is more a problem in richer communities in richer nations, which spawns deviant behaviour, which leads to socio-economic problems, which decreases the wealth of the community as they try for reparations, and then sends them back to the start until they become bored again and history repeats.

I certainly wasn't too bored when I was exploring South America, meeting with rebels, running from insects, with money and food necessities to obtain, but not always present. That's why I left home in the first place, before I even finished school, because I was bored with my affluent life, I wanted to actually participate in the world rather than watch it through a television screen.

But how many people are willing to actually get up and do that? Or they may not even think about it.

I guess the cycle of their society has become an integral part of their psyche and a lot of people cannot even comprehend another situation.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by CrankyPantsUK

Fact is

Every mountain has been climbed, every corner of Earth explored, everything has been said and done already there is literally nothing new under the sun.

Except 95% of the worlds oceans remain unexplored. As well as countless other regions of the planet.

Top 10 Unexplored Places on Earth

There's lots of stuff still left for us to do here on Earth. Boredom is an individual problem, not a global one. If you're bored, then go explore. I doubt any one individual has done and seen it all.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:07 AM
As strange as it may seem CrankyPants, I agree with you whole heartedly.

It's cause of my Mom you see.

Back in the 70's when TV comercials first started using boredom as programmed attack word to put in the minds of children in order to generate unwilling sales through their parents my Mom shut me down.

Me: Mom I'm bored.

Mom climbs the mountain and starts casting thunderbolts: BOREDOM, is not my problem. Boredom is nothing more than admitting that one does not have the inteligence to invent something to do on one's own. Call a friend, invent a new game, make something, go outside. IN FACT ... (and my Mom put me outside and locked the door behind me)

Ever since that experience I have observed the effect this word has on people in America. It seems each and every time it is used the subtext of expectations is that the person the word is used on will do-something-about-it.

Myself I got to have the unique experience of being sought out by my friends because I could always invent a new game, idea, or thing to do.

It saddens me a little to hear that the word is being used in the UK now.

David Grouchy

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by icepack
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

people who are bored look for sensation and entertainment.
is it the need for leaders that tell you what to do ?
to discover and use the creativity can be learned.
hint: find a hobby !

This is not about me, but a general observation and fear.

I have hobbies, fell running, mountain biking and perving at Amy Childs

But seriously

The fake outrage at many scandals etc create a lot of trouble just because of boredom.

Im sure that if a REAL disaster was to happen, then the people involved do what humans do and pull together to get through.

We seem to be at our very best in those times.

And the experience stays with you to the point of it being the greatest monent of your life.

I have been to war

There is nothing like being shot at to make you feel alive

And to be honest, it makes me smile too, and was indeed some of my greatest moments

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:14 AM
We're only just beginning to understand our own history, free of lies and deceit, our varied and many cultures, also increasingly free of lies and, best of all, we are only skimming the surface of the depth that is our collective and personal conscious/unconscious minds.

In comparison to that 'inner' world of the human mind, there is also the growing acknowledgement of the unbelievable complexity of the universe itself (if there IS only one).

If anyone is bored, it's because they are too lazy to learn.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

Sad, and rather appalling that you turn to apocalypse as a means of entertainment. Rather anti-social, don't you think? Try directing your energies, or at least your thoughts to more positive ideas.

Do something useful. If your mind doesn't flow in that direction, PM me, and I will make some suggestions.
In the meantime, you might focus on working on your nourishing your brain. That should be a useful task unto itself.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

Sad, and rather appalling that you turn to apocalypse as a means of entertainment. Rather anti-social, don't you think? Try directing your energies, or at least your thoughts to more positive ideas.

Do something useful. If your mind doesn't flow in that direction, PM me, and I will make some suggestions.
In the meantime, you might focus on working on your nourishing your brain. That should be a useful task unto itself.

Hey LadyInWaiting

You seem to have missed the spirit of the op by concentrating on the title!

My point is the sad fact that boredom is the driving force behind many of our races ills.

People have been soo dulled down with boredom that they do not even think for themselves anymore.

They follow the crowd or latest fads, many of which are destructive.

There really is a problem here which mostly boils down to our environment.

Im not wishing for the apocolypse

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

"Every mountain has been climbed, every corner of Earth explored, everything has been said and done already there is literally nothing new under the sun"

you spew ignorance from your mouth with such statements

clearly deny ignorance isn't working for you

good luck skipper

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:28 AM
I actually believe that this could be true. I have spent most of the day bored at my desk writing in threads about crop circles just for a debate...I don't even know if I believe in crop circles but hey, it's something different. I have also wikipedia'd Roast chicken and Tokay Gecko... why?? because I am bored and I need a new challenge. No job on this planet that I am capable of or have the opportunity to do will fulfil this deep rooted boredom. I need something major to happen and it probably never will.

With tha above in mind, the only way we can fulfil our mundane lives is with material crap that we don't need but want to enhance and build on the stuff we already have and are now bored of. So for now I will continue to eat, sleep, dream, buy and work until the bus that will take me to freedom arrives.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by masqua
We're only just beginning to understand our own history, free of lies and deceit, our varied and many cultures, also increasingly free of lies and, best of all, we are only skimming the surface of the depth that is our collective and personal conscious/unconscious minds.

In comparison to that 'inner' world of the human mind, there is also the growing acknowledgement of the unbelievable complexity of the universe itself (if there IS only one).

If anyone is bored, it's because they are too lazy to learn.

I like that

The potential of the human mind is a new horizon in itself

The way to it though is barred by the bored masses who crave excitement and gossip, and whose minds have been so dulled by boredom that the majesty and potential we have is drowned out by pathetic nonesense

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:31 AM
I think its sad that people are bored when there are so many books to read, places to explore, and new things to learn. What human on earth has learned everything there is to learn about? If you get bored with the television, then turn it off! If you are bored with your life, change it. Of course, changing your life's path is not always the easiest thing to do, especially when money is hard, but it can be done. I think a lot of people get stuck in the routine of life. More people I know seem to work seemingly pointless jobs day in and day out just to survive. It takes both parents working in order to support families these days. We used to work in our fields, or take up skillful trades in order to survive, our lives had meaning. Now, we work in an office typing over keyboards, doing numbers for corporations, or serving food to gluttons. A lot of people don't have meaningful careers, and don't have the support, resources, or know how to change it. I know a lot of people that wish for change, but the only way it seems probable is if something cataclysmic happens, something big enough to destroy us that might bring us all together. I don't put that much faith in man, though, it seems even in the darkest of times, they won't know how to help their brothers. There is still hope though.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

Hi. Actually you posted an explanation right above Masq's, that I didn't see until I'd posted. Sorry. We get so many teens around here "wishing" (think they wish) for this type thing, that I thought you were another one of "those". lol.

We do band together in tough times, that we have proven time and time again. But yeah, the title is icky.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:42 AM
Is it boredom or is it apathy? I think there is a general sense of hopelessness around in this day and age. It's like we have lost our way and feel no matter what we do makes any difference. We are ruled by political elites who seem to have removed themselves from the reality of the man in the street. They have their own agenda's that generally don't reflect the same aspirations as the man in the street.

So people lose interest in important issues like politics, because it seems so distant and seems to deliver little change.

I think the looming financial crisis will change society beyond recognition, the good days are certainly coming to an end and we can expect life to become more difficult as a result. It will be a wake up call and it will make us reflect on our values and what is important to us, the only problem many people will suffer a long the way.

As far as boredom goes, it's always been a foreign concept to me personally.
edit on 1-8-2011 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by seedofchucky
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

"Every mountain has been climbed, every corner of Earth explored, everything has been said and done already there is literally nothing new under the sun"

you spew ignorance from your mouth with such statements

clearly deny ignorance isn't working for you

good luck skipper

Yet again proof that there really is no substitute for face to face discussions

Text lacks tone and body language that make face to face discussion the most superior form of communication there is.

You missed the spirit of the op.

Read it again and my comments

Failing that

Good luck to you too skipper

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:48 AM
Great thread title! I've been thinking about this a lot since I started questioning my own interest in end-of-the-world movies and certain threads on ATS that I didn't believe, yet found I was fascinated with anyway. I noticed a pattern in myself.:

Whenever I was the most stressed out...I would suddenly find myself looking over ATS for doomy threads, or finding doom and gloom movies to watch on Netflix. For me, I think I would get so stressed out that some part of my mind would crave this escapism, this 'end of the world' scenario which would give me something to really worry about, much more than an end-of-the-year comprehensive organic chemistry exam that I had been stressing about, or money matters, or the house, or whatever else is stressful to me.

So, I think many of us are just so stressed out that we look for something even more stressful that will make our fears seem minuscule by comparison.

However, I will acquiesce to the idea that boredom is a major contributing factor for many people as well. For me, though, I find that I seek out less of the apocalyptical stuff when I am just bored, as compared to when I am just stressed.
edit on 1-8-2011 by AlphaBetaGammaX because: Somewhat decent grammar - it sure makes reading easier!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:54 AM
I feel sorry for a lot of members on here that are practically wishing for the end of the world on a daily basis, they must have crappy lives with lots of unfulfilled dreams. If you are bored or unhappy in your life then change it, dont wish for the world to end or become a smoking waste land of doom and destruction.

I really love some of the post though no doubt written by overweight teens regarding the heroics they would get up to in the new savage world. Most of these people would not last a week without fast food, the internet and their xbox. Be careful what you wish for as someday you may just get it, and I would bet my right leg a majority of the wishers would be the first casualties.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

I think apathy is the terminal stage of the disease of boredom.

There is a lot of apathy eating away at society.

Its created a ferral sub culture of chavs, gangs, and criminal elements that seem to lack normal human affection and empathy.

Yesterday a guy I went to school with murdered his girlfriend.



The substance that folks use to numb the boredom.

I wonder how many deaths have been caused by boredom?

But apathy will kill society as a whole if its not dealt with.

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