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Obama, Congress Reach a Debt Deal

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posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Actually the establishment of the DHS was a gigantic burden and waste of time. If any department got the ax, I would hope it would be them.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Maxmars
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Actually the establishment of the DHS was a gigantic burden and waste of time. If any department got the ax, I would hope it would be them.

My 2nd swing of the ax would be the EPA.
The EPA was created by Nixon with an executive presidential order.
Well if it was created by an executive presidential order then it can be - abolished & defunded -
by an executive presidential order.

That would short circuit the Obama backdoor Cap & Tax trick at the EPA.
That would save us $10 Billion a year!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Why do you not want the environment, the sustaining life giver you live in, ...... protected???

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by Eurisko2012

While they are at the "cutting out pork"...cutting back to one war at a time should save a few trillion.

Why are we at war???

Oh right, gotta protect those Afgan poppy fields so the CIA can continue making big bucks importing the illegal drugs to Amerika
edit on 1-8-2011 by romanmel because: typo

Well, i would like to bring home all of our troops from Germany.
However, we appear to have a serious problem with Iran.
I think Israel will start bombing the hell out of Iran very soon.
Um.....what do we do about that???

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Oh, but you wouldn't want to do away with the EPA.

Al Gore hasn't got the global warming scam set up yet. Have you noticed how hot it is?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by simone50m
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Why do you not want the environment, the sustaining life giver you live in, ...... protected???

Pardon the insertion of a comment on this, but, do you really feel the EPA has "protected" the environment? It appears to me that it has mostly legitimize corporate/industry political back-dealing to get the ability to do what they want.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:47 AM
I don't believe theres a deal yet they need time to get their personal ducks in a row to make money for themselves off the mess they are creating.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by METACOMET

Remember when President Obama was Senator Obama and he repeatedly promised to protect Social Security benefits.....many of his fellow politicians are reminding him of those promises.

Next year is the campaign I think they are going to work something out...that will at least take us through to 2013...after that who knows what will happen? There are a lot of senior citizens in this country and they vote.

I am repeating the above message....and also...they may have agreed to a supposed deal......but the Senate and the House still have to pass of right now (Monday August 1, 2011 at 8:45AM pacific standard time)...nothing has definitely been decided.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012

Well, i would like to bring home all of our troops from Germany.
However, we appear to have a serious problem with Iran.
I think Israel will start bombing the hell out of Iran very soon.
Um.....what do we do about that???

We have an alliance with Israel that we are bound to uphold. It is not a matter of the capability, but the will to uphold it. Our last President declared in the Knesset (i am fairly sure) that America will ALWAYS stand with Israel.... which seems a fairly difficult commitment to ignore. No one objected then, and the political careerists are loathe to renounce it now....

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by simone50m
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Why do you not want the environment, the sustaining life giver you live in, ...... protected???

If we abolish the EPA and then just sit back and watch for only 1 year, you will see the world
will NOT come to an end.
You know the planet Earth was doing just fine before Nixon was elected.
The EPA didn't even exist when JFK was in office.
The sun rose and set just fine. Really! It did !
Look at it this way.
We have to cut somewhere.
There are too many people in Washington DC running around saying "Not here, not there, not

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Your countries debt deal is a joke, all it does is postpone things until November. Ridiculous, and If I lived in your country I'd be compelled to do something about it!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by misfitofscience
Your countries debt deal is a joke, all it does is postpone things until November. Ridiculous, and If I lived in your country I'd be compelled to do something about it!

Come on over.

No one here has the guts to do anything... except bitch.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by misfitofscience
Your countries debt deal is a joke, all it does is postpone things until November. Ridiculous, and If I lived in your country I'd be compelled to do something about it!

Where do you live???
We are trying to get our act together.
Washington DC is addicted to spending.
For every person there is to initiate change there are 1,000 to resist him.
This is what we are seeing in Washington DC.
We are also having a HUGE argument over the - size & scope - of the U.S. government.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by misfitofscience
Your countries debt deal is a joke, all it does is postpone things until November. Ridiculous, and If I lived in your country I'd be compelled to do something about it!

Come on over.

No one here has the guts to do anything... except bitch.

Speak for yourself. Not ATS, and not America. What we do is what can be done, despite the misgivings of many, there is always hope. And while we have been usurped and overrun with people in power who lack the shame gene, we are not beyond remedying this situation. Repetitively speaking, it's not about the capability, but the will to do what needs doing.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:58 AM
Many of us ATSers have been making this call for weeks and months now... there was NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER that the debt ceiling would not be raised. The puppet theater in Washington D.C. is all about getting its hands on your tax dollars and putting it in their pockets and those of their banker friends.

In this particular case, the international financial institutions (i.e. the "puppet masters") would NEVER allow the possibility of interest payments not being made to them. Of course, the historically proven "fear card" was played and touted all over mainstream media that the speculative balance sheet investment market is somehow linked to the real-world economy, and the failure to hand over your cash to them would lead to a SHTF scenario.

If, in some imaginary parallel universe where bankers did not run the country, default was allowed to happen, would all food being grown by farmers automatically die on August 2nd? Would people stop needing homes and people stop building them? I could go on, but I'm sure my point is made... the real-world economy is unstoppable, as it occurs in a natural manner.

The only thing that would be affected is the parallel market of the speculative trading of products created by financial institutions for the sole reason of speculating on these products. These products do not create real-world advantages like roads, bridges, schools, food, homes etc.. what they do create is massive profits for the world financial institutions and huge bonuses for all of those involved in the parallel system.

However, because these people are running the country (and I would argue most of the world) they have managed to have enough influence on politics, so that, even if their speculation leads to massive losses, your tax-dollars are still transfered to them to insure quarterly profits and bonuses!

the Billmeister

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by misfitofscience

From what country do you hail? I'm guessing one who's corrupt leaders are snuggly in bed with ours, and the international bankers.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Billmeister

We have only one solution that would save our AAA rating.
It's called Cut, Cap & Balance.
It has overwhelming public support by the latest poll.
Harry Reid should have the guts to let the entire U.S. Senate vote on it.
Harry Reid should STOP acting AGAINST the will of the people.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by METACOMET

Well the Republicans "win" this battle. america looses. Im mad, im sad, im distressed at what is happening. America make sure you continue to pad the wallets of wall street the elites, the politicians you know the tyranous few. Run america into a toilet bowl before the people do something, then it will be to late...peace to us all we need it more then ever

edit to add: what makes me ANGRY is a deal will be set and it will be a last minute throw together debt deal. If you listen to the language, they are telling us of a few changes, then when after august 2nd they will make the real changes or non changes behind closed doors, they will tune it up....Therefore we are allowing them to change anything and everything across the board america...wake up
edit on 1-8-2011 by lbndhr because: edit to add

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by Billmeister

We have only one solution that would save our AAA rating.
It's called Cut, Cap & Balance.
It has overwhelming public support by the latest poll.
Harry Reid should have the guts to let the entire U.S. Senate vote on it.
Harry Reid should STOP acting AGAINST the will of the people.

I, respectfully disagree.

These ratings are also an ingredient in the whole speculative market charade. What it affects is the percentage of interest that the bankers will or will not transfer from the tax-payer into their coffers.

No real-world solutions are ever brought up, or when they are, they are quickly removed from the debate, because they involve an end to the system of transferring your tax-dollars to the gang of cronies in D.C., the City of London, and Wall Street.

For one, how about letting the failing banks fail? There is this thing called the FDIC which would have protected savings... oh wait, the decision was to give (secretly, until very recently, mind you) $16 trillion of your tax dollars to the world financial cabal. I haven't done hard core math since college, but the entire national debt is just over $14 trillion SOURCE, of course, this would not have kept the ponzi scheme going.

Do not fall for the puppet show in government... some real-world solutions do exist, but they involve an end to the system that has been set-up for years which ensures the wealthy remain wealthy by transferring your tax dollars into their pockets. The buzz words of socialism and communism have been used to scare the people into supporting a system which gives your money to multi-billion dollar corporations while letting your schools and fire stations crumble.

The solution is to get some people of character into positions of power, who are not part of the "establishment" who have set-up the system and profit from it.

That said, my cynical side thinks that a series of "filters" are in place to make sure no such people ever make it to real positions of influence... though my fingers are crossed!

the Billmeister

the Billmeister

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by METACOMET

I get so irritated with this BS. If Congress was actually serious about making cuts the 1st thing they'd cut is the matching funds for political campaign contributions. Public funding of Presidential elections means that qualified Presidential candidates receive federal government funds to pay for the valid expenses of their political campaigns in both the primary and general elections. National political parties also receive federal money for their national nominating conventions. The US govt paid the University of California over 600k to digitize Grateful Dead photos. Department of Veterans affairs gets 175 mill a year for buildings that are unoccupied including an octagonal pink monkey house. 1 million to zoos to post poetry plaques. YOu have to pay taxes so Monkton, VT can have a 150k dollar critter crossing. 112 million a year in fraudulent tax refunds. Denali national park in Alaska got 1.5 million for new toilets.

The actual spending in 2010 for the census bureau was about 14 billion dollars. Yeah going door to door is a brilliant idea. Seriously all the technology and widespread availability of electronic records and we're gonna drop 14 bill going door to door. Sad part was 7 billion of the 14 didn't count in the official budget. 100 million in marketing costs to inform principals about their own progress in meeting education reform goals. 900 million in minority specific educational funding. Almost 300 million is mandatory. Aren't we past that yet? Also under the dept of commerce you have 171 million in educational loans specific to african americans. 10 Billion to the Nuclear security agency for our very few nuclear power plants. And guess how much for research for ultradeep water, gas and oil research and development? Zero. So funding research for alternatives to nuclear power but not adding a nuke plant in 30+ years. Makes sense. 30 billion to the National Institute of Health. YOu'd think with what the drug companies make as well as the medical profession in general that the amount of money they'd make would be enough to encourage self pay private research, but why bother when Uncle Sam drops that much cash on it. Medicare and Medicaid are 489 bill and 285 billion respectively. 82 million for those nifty new xray machines at the airport. Kinda funny that the 10 billion spent on border security doesn't contain anything physical to actually secure the border. We just add 22k new agents with recurring salaries rather than work on a more permanent fix.

This blows my mind 48 billion on urban development. 250 million for improvements to public and PRIVATELY owned low income housing. What essentially amounts to 150 million for bus accessible housing. 35 BILLION to provide rental assistance to 4.7 million low income families. Which amounts to a little over 10k per family. More than 85% is recurrent with the same folks getting it year after year. That's ridiculous. Add another 2 billion for policy development, hmmmm.

500 million to restructure the regulatory agency responsible for offshore drilling. Just for restructuring. We took in about 9 billion dollars in oil, gas and coal royalties. I honestly thought it would be a helluva lot higher. 187 million for prisoner reentry and jail diversion programs. 136 million for CRIMINAL ALIEN ASSISTANCE. wtf. 146 billion in federal unemployment benefits.

The Federal Highway Administration got 70 bill this year. Charge a cheap toll and offset it. The IRS will get 13 billion in funds. Automate and streamline. 40 billion for govt sponsored business stocks and dividends.

I was actually surprised the DOD costs for Iraq and Afghanistan for 2011 were only 160 billion including deployment and aid.

Heres a weird one.... NASAs budget is relatively unchanged 18 bill 2010-2012. I thought shuttle ops being discontinues was a financial decision. SO how come no savings.

744 billion for social security payments.

I keep hearing the rich aren't paying their fair share... That's just silly. The top .1% yup, 0.1% pay 18% of the total income tax bill. The top 1% pays 38%. 59% is paid by the top 5%. The bottom 50% essentially pay no income taxes. And interestingly enough about 50% of americans are receiving some type of government assistance from social services.

We give out between 30-40 billion in real foreign aid each year. But we're operating at a deficit, which means we're borrowing money to give to other countries. Does that make sense? Hell no.

2008 government spending was $2.9 Trillion with only $2.66 Trillion pilfered from the American people to pay for it. In 2008 the federal government overspent by $240 Billion just under 10%. By the end of 2008, the federal government racked up a total of $10.8 Trillion in total national debt.

Move ahead to 2010, spending shot up $650 Billion (close to the total budget of the DoD or HHS!) to $3.55 Trillion while the tax grab went down $280 Billion to $2.38 Trillion. The shakedown of the taxpayers by the federal government included 40 additional fees and other additional taxes to extort even more hard-earned money from the innocent and defenseless citizenry of the country. In 2010, the federal government overspent $1.17 Trillion or 33%.

Your congressmen make almost 200k per year. Not bad for a public servant. With benefits they make about 282k per year. Just in salary they make 3.4x what the average US salary is, about 50k. Wanna know why congress only spends 3 million a year on trips? And why they are crooked> Here's a link to the trips that we don't pay for. Most members of congress put quite a bit of friends and family on payroll for campaigns to move some of the campaign contributions around. And the gifts they get, yeah there is a limit in what they can take in gifts from foreigners but I think if you look on that same website you'll think it's hilarious how many of them received a gift of 6 neckties. Here's a list for earmarks. Hmmm remember when Obama said he would veto all earmarks? Yeah.

The bottom line is this entire deficit ceiling was BS. There was an appropriations bill already passed that would have allowed everything to function normally for another 60 days.

As far as a constitutional amendment for balanced budget, I disagree with that too. Sometimes we all have to exceed our budget and take out a line of credit.

If they really wanted to actually operate at a balanced budget it could easily be done. And if they really wanted to attack the deficit it could be cleared up in 10 years. But they don't want to fix it. I have no faith in either side at this point. Crooks and liars. Their only purpose is to get reelected and continue living the high life. respect the tea party guys that refused to budge because of the promises made to their constituents. Too many of these public servants do what they want to do rather than represent the wishes of the people who elected them.

Just like in the real world we have to make tough choices. Some years you can spend more than you have for something important. But if you do it every year you go bankrupt. Our government is the nations largest employer. We're stealing from the people who work hard and have built something for themselves and giving it and more to many who don't want to work and don't want to better themselves, sure some need a helping hand, but my tax dollars shouldn't completely take care of them for 10 years. Help them all you want, but we aren't a socialist or a communist nation. Like it or not everyone here has the freedom to work for what they want. If you want the government to take care of you for your entire life, you need to move somewhere else.

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