posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by tpg65
Someone explained it to me in a way that actually made sense.....though I can't quite remember the argument so I'll have to wing it from memory.
Basically we are only hearing one side of the audio.....recorded on earth. It takes something like 4 seconds to get to the Moon..(I can't remember the
exact numbers...but I think I'm in the ballpark)..then it obviously takes 4 seconds for the reply to come back to Earth. Well if you are recording it
on Earth, then you will hear Ground Control reply as soon as they hear the Lunar Lander's message rather than hearing a delay.....because you are
hearing it as it broadcast to the Moon, rather than after it reaches the Moon...there still will be a delay on the replies coming from the Moon
itself...but on Earth, we hear the replies from Ground Control without a delay because it was recorded on Earth. The astronauts still have to wait
another 4 seconds before they hear it of course. This explains at least some of the lack of delay. Hopefully that all made sense.
Even though there is still plenty of things that bother me.....The biggest in my mind is how we had a VTOL craft that was sophisticated enough to come
shooting out of the lunar sky at thousands of miles an hour...right itself...come to a stop, and then land...all without the aid of aerodynamics to
guide it....instead using only rocket thrusters...and in an environment that was completely Alien with less gravity, yet the same amount of
inertia....How we can do that when our modern VTOL craft (other than those that use air such as helicopters) can barely lift off....hover ......and
turn around 360 degrees.....baffles me,,,,,
edit on 31-7-2011 by bhornbuckle75 because: fixed some minor problems...then I did a little dance.
edit on 31-7-2011 by bhornbuckle75 because: Found something to fix....didn't do a dance this time, though.