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Alien Disclosure Eminent!

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posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 08:27 AM
There are folk all over the world (including myself) who want E.T's to make an appearance in the hopes of them helping us get back on track with restoring our planet to the pristine condition it once was, but getting these same people's hopes up by posting information received the way you got this, just isn't fair to the U.F.O. community. I believe you honestly meant well by posting what your friend(s) told you, but friends do play jokes on each other. Maybe you've been set up, or perhaps even your friend(s) were set up by someone at NASA to see how much they can be trusted.
Unless any visitors from another planet take it upon themselves to do so, I don't think there will be an official disclosure as long as those in charge of "black projects" are making deals with the E.T's, and I'm sure they are. I have no idea what we have that would be so valuable to them, but I don't believe permission to abduct a given number of humans for experimentation is being used as barter as it was in the early days of e.t./military interaction, as the aliens can and do take whatever number of humans they want. Maybe now in exchange for E.T. technology, the military has to refrain from blowing up the aliens' underground labs and bases.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Bkrmn

Sorry everyone, I should have said NSA instead of NASA!
Damn brain farts!

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Common Scarecrow

The coming end of 2011 will unfold a lot of mystery. Something big is going to happen soon, You guy's feel it too? and if this doesn't make sense to you then this isn't going out for you. Small minded people don't have my light of day.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:59 AM
The OP hasn't been on since about 5PM EST of the 31st. Abandoned threads are usually closed. Wonder why this one is still open.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by dilly1

Funny how as mankind has gained knowledge our support of each other and our ability to nurture and love have grown. I know we still live in a violent world but that is the govts not the individual people. When taken one on one most of us are accepting and kind to each other. Thats the world I live in. I think that superior intelligence breeds kindness and acceptance. I think that the smarter you are the less you need to rely on violence. Guess I'm just one of the half full kind of people.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by dilly1

Originally posted by karen61057

Originally posted by dilly1
reply to post by karen61057

He was talking about species outside from earth , MRS. SENSATIVE

I dont think so. I think he said its the most important discovery of the species. (meaning us) Its our most important discovery. And what's with the Mrs Sensative crack?

Then he should have said most important human discovery of all time. Anyways who cares, what are you his UFO agent. Lol

No. I just thought your attitude of absolute knowledge was a bit brash and closed minded. I dont know what the alien situation really is. I would love to know. I dont make claims one way or the other as to their existence. I look with an open mind. I dont believe everything I see or hear or read. I also dont discount things I learn that go against my standards of belief. I research those things further so I can make up my own mind. Perhaps this approach will forever keep me on the fence. I dont know. I know it's cliche but the truth is out there.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

My feelings exactly but you stated them so much more eloquently! Thanks.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:19 AM
Your subconcious minds have already been disclosed to...thats just it.

Watch the movies they play on tv and movies they release at the theatres notice how they time these shows with certain mainstream news events taking place.

Its an unconcious debrief of sorts.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Common Scarecrow

they said the same thing, "disclosure is imminent" yesterday.. i mean three years ago, and it has yet to happen.
You need an official declaration to believe? Poor guy... To me its no longer a "possibility" but common sense.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by IceFlower

Well, you're correct. My bad. The subject is about UFO's and aliens. I read in both forums. While we're on the subject I thought gray area referred to the gray aliens and abduction and such. Oh well. Assume and you make an ass out of you and me. LOL.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by superluminal11
Your subconcious minds have already been disclosed to...thats just it.

Watch the movies they play on tv and movies they release at the theatres notice how they time these shows with certain mainstream news events taking place.

Its an unconcious debrief of sorts.

This is something I dont feel confident about. Hollywood and the governments in cahoots over dispersing information. That I feel is a figment of an over ripe imagination. If it's true then the message they are spreading is that we are doomed. The aliens are here to take back or take over the planet and we as a life form are completely dispensable. Perhaps I just dont want to think that is the truth. To back up my beliefs I would ask, if this is so, why they would not have done this at a time in our history when we were more vulnerable and not now when we have nuclear weapons? That is logic I can feel confident about. Naive' ? Maybe.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by _damon
reply to post by Common Scarecrow

they said the same thing, "disclosure is imminent" yesterday.. i mean three years ago, and it has yet to happen.
You need an official declaration to believe? Poor guy... To me its no longer a "possibility" but common sense.

Disclosure needs to come from them. That's the only disclosure anyone in the UFO community is really looking for. Not from a govt but from the aliens themselves. Nothing else is disclosure. If you want reports there are plenty out there already. I dont want to read any more reports. I want to see the ALIENS THEMSELVES. That will be the only believable disclosure acceptable to all.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:47 AM
Actually, it is the code of silence that has to be broken when it comes to speaking about such issues in public - otherwise we will be slaves to the agenda - slowly introduced to the truth in the form of secrets and subversive speech for those who think that they are "in the know" and carefully orchestrated "disclosures" for the remainder.

The truth is that we have become distracted and fearful with no real choice or ability to have any say in what the controllers are planning, the knowledge that we have serves to calm our fears, however, due to the nature of its communication, we are unable to voice our thoughts and decisions in any constructive manner.

Basic human psychology, the aire of secrecy and daring attracts the childish sense of adventure, however, the subjective nature of such speech renders the authorities void from any form of responsibility, and simultaneously prepares and curtails the mind of the public who are generally puppets to the agenda, being led by a string as opposed to being informed at the forefront.
edit on 2-8-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:48 AM
Oh Noez! Is this when I have to bring in my tomato plants?

But all joking aside, WHO would you believe with news like this?
We've already had the pope and hundreds of highly educated, documented, PHD'd individuals tell us they exist and are among us!!!

Obama could give a speech and introduce Zena from Orion to all of the world and nobody would buy it. Just how would this be accomplished? I just don't see anything credible happening.
Just my two cents.

All I know is my cousins friend has a housekeeper and gardener who swears Aliens love tomatos

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by karen61057
reply to post by dilly1

Funny how as mankind has gained knowledge our support of each other and our ability to nurture and love have grown. I know we still live in a violent world but that is the govts not the individual people. When taken one on one most of us are accepting and kind to each other. Thats the world I live in. I think that superior intelligence breeds kindness and acceptance. I think that the smarter you are the less you need to rely on violence. Guess I'm just one of the half full kind of people.

I suggest you travel/explore other places other than america and europe. Your one on one approach is correct but it applies to mostly american and european cultures. Try going to africa,russia,south america.* Whole different ball game*. The world you live in is your world, what you created(its ok we all do it). Those are your perceptions and you choose to calibrate how you think its sees fit. And I do the same. But I choose to include the whole picture ; I also factor in the increase in population with finite food,fuel and land . Which in return your way of hope excluding reality is the wrong approach. Your approach is good for short term but eventually you will be disappointed. You shouldn't put things or people on high pedestals. Your surely to get hurt. Happens all the time.

I'm not saying its good to be dooms-day'er but we haven't changed much since the roman times. Yes technology is way advanced but we still commit mass murder, theft on a much bigger scale than before,genocide,raping women&childern,incest,pedophilia,war(s),bio-wars, terrorism,assassinations ,,,,,,,,I mean I can go on and on. You want to believe intelligence is a positive prerequisite for good. And I say boloni. Only good up-bringing,quality parent-hood is the closest thing to a sure thing. Its not full proof but its dam close. But intelligence ? I don't see how . The smartest people have a 50/50 chance to help or hurt people and that split is dependent on the up-bringing of that person.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:17 AM
There is no alien life, we are alone in the universe... This doesn't have to be a something to feel down about.

Remember we are special, we were made in God's image we are here for a purpose.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by karen61057

Originally posted by dilly1

Originally posted by karen61057

Originally posted by dilly1
reply to post by karen61057

He was talking about species outside from earth , MRS. SENSATIVE

I dont think so. I think he said its the most important discovery of the species. (meaning us) Its our most important discovery. And what's with the Mrs Sensative crack?

Then he should have said most important human discovery of all time. Anyways who cares, what are you his UFO agent. Lol

No. I just thought your attitude of absolute knowledge was a bit brash and closed minded. I dont know what the alien situation really is. I would love to know. I dont make claims one way or the other as to their existence. I look with an open mind. I dont believe everything I see or hear or read. I also dont discount things I learn that go against my standards of belief. I research those things further so I can make up my own mind. Perhaps this approach will forever keep me on the fence. I dont know. I know it's cliche but the truth is out there.

I'm not close minded. I just use "only" logic to determine reality Vs fantasy. And when I say fantasy I mean faith/hope. Which all people who believe in ET visiting earth in the past 12,000 years is just not logical and with no proof(just speculation) to think they have visited us and secretly controlling us(not saying you said this but that's what msm aliens people say).

When knowing the only way to travel thru this infinite universe is with light speed/controlled worm-holes/ and becoming immortal and is way beyond our current potential . Why would the supposed visitors be doing anything secretly, WHY? Does that make any sense you, not to me. And then all these UFO sighting(pics and vids)having all these bright lights at night or shining metal saucers which both are so dam visible and noticeable and obvious ;that the whole approach and reasoning of alien believers doesn't make any sense. I mean its just down right stupid. Aliens secretly here but they fly at night with bright colorful "hello" lights so people mite have an idea it mite be them. The whole UFO phenomenon is one big bowl of spaghetti confusion.

If you apply my train of thought process in how one could only travel in this amazing universe you will see it takes a lot of know how and GOD-like powers to travel in space. And do you really think someone that doesn't age and is a million light years away is suddenly going to be our friends while being so vulnerable. Don't you think your being just a tiny bit naïve.

Now, do believe there is alien life or alien intelligent life out some where in space. YES (to both). And definitely more than one, no doubt. But I hope we never communicate with them let alone have visit because the reasons I stressed above.

Hope I haven't offended you.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
There is no alien life, we are alone in the universe... This doesn't have to be a something to feel down about.

Remember we are special, we were made in God's image we are here for a purpose.

Why would you abandon your human ability to use logic.? Why?

There IS alien life and alien intelligent(equal or more to us) life some where in space. Why? Because since space is infinite. You do know what infinite means ,right? Then there must be equal or more advanced with all the life you see on earth. Doesn't mean there is a whole bunch of earth's but at least one more(at least).

Only because the cosmos is infinite.

Again the key word is infinite. If the cosmos wasn't infinite then you mite have point. But you don't.

Nobody is feeling down about anything . You on the other hand are a dying breed. All religions will surely be extinct in the far future. Not because I want to or anybody else dislike. But, Because medicine will eventually make humans live longer and longer . Once we stop saying the phrases "life's too short" or "you only live once" , people will stop worrying about death and welcome it when it arrives.

So enjoy your faith now as much as possible because 200 or 300 years from now faith will be a in its last decades.

And we are not special "outside the human realm". If you think humans are special go ask the people of Ostuchi, Japan if they think we are special.

And the only purpose here is to survive and make the best of your short tiny insignificant life. You choose to ignore logic and spray faith and hope ,when in return your not really happy(you'll never admit it)..I use to be like you and once you only use logic you have a massive weight lifted of you its truly amazing.


posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Oh Noez! Is this when I have to bring in my tomato plants?

But all joking aside, WHO would you believe with news like this?
We've already had the pope and hundreds of highly educated, documented, PHD'd individuals tell us they exist and are among us!!!

Obama could give a speech and introduce Zena from Orion to all of the world and nobody would buy it. Just how would this be accomplished? I just don't see anything credible happening.
Just my two cents.

All I know is my cousins friend has a housekeeper and gardener who swears Aliens love tomatos

"are among us!!! "
Care to prove this statement?

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 02:05 PM
No dept. details or anything.....

Smells funny.

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