posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 04:10 PM
I'm sure you've noticed it, and if you haven't yet, this post should make it more clear.
It seems every season they are rolling out some new cop reality show, crime drama, or prison show. It's come to the point that at any one time during
the day, there are at least two of these types of shows on to choose from.
The worst though are the crime dramas... I'm sure you've seen Law & Order: SVU where some girl goes into the police station, cries about being raped
by so-and-so, and the whole SVU team kicks in the guys door, beats his ass mercilessly, arrests him, and then throw him into the interrogation room.
This is where the show becomes the most disturbing... The "good guy" Stabler rolls up his sleeves, turns the camera off, then spends a good 10
minutes screaming at the guy, throwing him around the room, breaking chairs, and demanding a confession... Only to find out the guy was innocent the
whole time. People enjoy this show? 5 minutes into the show, I'm already furious about the glorification of police brutality and blatant civil rights
violations, and find myself rooting for the bad guy. It's almost like they're trying to condition us, so when we're in the interrogation room one
day, we'll think "It's not illegal for him to pistol whip me, I've seen this thousands of times on TV".
Another type of show is the police reality TV show. I was watching one of these shows the other day (not by choice), and what I saw further lowered my
respect for law enforcement. For example; One show was some WIlderness Police show about environmental cops in Florida. They're on their police boat,
and see some guys they think are illegally catching lobsters. They pull up, give the guys the whole "I'm the law here!" speech, and search their
boat, finding nothing. In a desperate attempt to save face and leave the scene feeling superior, they ticket the guy because his boat registration
numbers were too small. Watch any of these shows, and 90% of the time even when the cops finds nothing, they still bust the guys ass and ticket /
arrest him for something. One of my favorite quotes from these shows "If I could arrest him for being disrespectful, I would".
"One night of rehabilitation" anyone?