posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Ayman13
I've thought about that too, I'm guessing if it were to harm more than help, one reason to consider would be the religious upheaval it would cause.
I'm not saying it would only be a religious problem, no no no no, not one bit.
However, if it were to be understood that we had help, were created, and/or were enslaved, that would be the deciding factor of how the reaction would
be of the public I guess.
If we were helped in the past I think it would still cause some problems, mainly because some would feel that they want to answer to the ET's instead
of our own governments (which in it's own is a very complexed conversation), and I could definitely see reaction like that happening.
If we were created... whoa... I'm not going to even get into that.
If we were created as a slave race, as some believe, I think a lot of people would be pissed. Now I have no idea what it would be like to even think
like an ET who created life, but if I were to, I guess I'd have to assume they would appear malevolent. I mean, think about it, how does a farmer
think about his chickens or cows for that matter. Sure he feeds them and protects them, but in the end, he will slaughter them wholesale. Does that
mean the farmer hates livestock? No way, it's just his way of making a living.
That's my opinion of course.