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What religion and why? Anyone else think there's something more to it?

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posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by Inkrinhuminge

Seattles finest, i highly recommend "conversations with god" by Neal Donald Walsh. Those books will give you answers to questions you are asking, and then some. These books will amaze you (3 books).

I absolutely agree. In fact, I've almost finished Walsh's "The New Revelations." It reiterates many of his points detailed in his previous books. It's more of an overview of sorts. Very thought-provoking and provides some advice on how we can begin to shed our old beliefs about God....the very beliefs that have created the biggest problems for humankind.

This book challenges you to examine some new ideas about God. It suggests that mankind's views and actions throughout history can be attributed to our false beliefs about God that date back to ancient texts, such as the belief that there is something that God needs something from US to be happy.

Yes, and it makes one believe that God is an extremely nice,humourous, fair and undermanding deity.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:29 PM
The reason I never got along with any religion is the fear they propagate, and the hate mongering the preach. I don't like it that Mother Earth is forgotten and called names no fit for one who provides everything we have, and I don't like it that a dead man, now don't get me wrong here, Christians, his words, if they are his words, are very wise, but he is not now, and never was a God. Also, I don't like being called a Satanist because I adore and love Mother Nature. I also don't like it that the Religious right has the ears of the Congress and President, and yet pay no property tax like the rest of us, yet the own, free and clear, a great deal of prime Real Estate.
I also don't care for the ones who come to my door and call me a sinner, and try their best to induct me, and my family into their little cult. And it is a cult, look the word up for yourself. If some of these things would change, perhaps my attitude wound change. Sorry for the rant, but I didn't start the thread.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:31 PM
cramming for the finals?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by autowrench
well ranted mate

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by xx somexperson xx
Maybe you're naturally inclined to be a deist?

This is the internet, you can study every religion. it doesn't matter if you're reading a web page or a book, it's the contents that matter. Maybe you can find something that fits into your feelings of the 'big picture'.

Also, study science. The more you know for facts, the more clear the 'bigger picture' should become, and the better decision you can make for conjecture.

while non denominational myself, the definition says that they don't interfere in human affairs is not always true.

on May Day in 1970 there was a huge demonstration at Yale.
you can google.
for weeks pre med students had driven miles to come and try to talk me in going to help them.
they said the theme of the day would be music.

i was there that day, and with much help from spiritual beings, i was able to help the students get through the day with no one losing their life.

they so controlled the people around me that day, that i was impressed.

i went to student headquarters, the student leaders all left the room.
leaving only i and a young friend there.

a student from premed came in and said problems had broken on the green.
i asked about available students from the medical field.
she told me they had many.
i said send them all to the green.
she phoned the instructions.

the phone rang, i told her to please answer.
she said it was the marshalls.
i said, tell them to close the gates, let students in not out.
the marshalls told her it was not part of the plan.
i said tell them we have more problems that we can handle already.
and the marshalls closed the gates.

in a quiet moment i asked, why am i saying and doing this.
and was told that the medical personnel would be the only thing both side would respect.

then the student leaders came back.
at that point students came in and said there was a meeting of the group that had been in Cuba, they were waiting for the representative of Yale to start the meeting.

the student leader turned to me and my young friend and said, you go and represent Yale.
we were led to the hall and sat on the stage.
as the representative of the university i decided who would talk next.

one young man had mentioned singing in Cuba.
so i kept going back to him, to the frustration of the radicals.

then the tear gas hit and the hall emptied.

i knew i had done my task and went to leave the campus, but couldn't because the gates were closed.
found a quiet hall way and went to sleep, i was tired.
left the campus the next day.

but yes they still interfere in human affairs.
i knew our purpose that day was that there be no martyrs, and there were none.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by kacou

Like I had stated, Mother was Catholic and father was christian. So therefore half Christian and half Catholic.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by summer5

I love to hear about others peoples beliefs and there reasons to back them up. Those are the people that interest me the most because they are different and not like everyone else. Well at least how they think and what not.
So far I haven't actually sat down and talked to someone with the same system of belief as me so it's hard to express my opinions at times.
Thank you for your kind words.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

I feel the same way, look at religion has done for us so far. It has brainwashed (if you will) people into a certain belief and every other way is wrong and that has caused endless wars all across the world. It's more of a chaos theory then bringing peace to all over the world. It has put boarders around everyone. We should all be one with this and just believe in what really matters. not these rules and laws..

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

I understand this and the possibilities, but like i have stated earlier I am one to believe in what I know is true. I don't like stories anymore, I love the truth.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by lifeissacred

I totally agree with you, the outer limits holds so many mysteries it's spectacular. I feel the same way that our "creator" is something so much more then what were taught about, I can't even explain my feeling for it, but it's something big.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by citizen6511

It's almost hard to believe but I can't judge anything I don't know for sure so I am totally open for anyone's experiences. This would be unbelievable, do they still visit? and if so how often?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by BobAthome

No, I just have an open mind and would like to open up to people and share my thoughts and hear others.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by citizen6511

That was a great read and very inspirational. Why did they have you represent Yale?
It's crazy how we have "freedom of speech" in the "land of hopes and dreams" but yet when there is something hat comes about that they don't like or want other's to be aware about will shut it down. Sad world we live in today, but I'm happy to see these days and what they hold next for our people.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:32 PM
I have had some -incredible- paranormal experiences. Fundamentalist Athiests need to seriously get a clue. I am convinced that Jesus is a powerfull and totaly devine manifestation from God, and evil is very real, but beyond these mentions, everything further, is too mysterious and big for me.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by SeattlesFinest
reply to post by citizen6511

That was a great read and very inspirational. Why did they have you represent Yale?
It's crazy how we have "freedom of speech" in the "land of hopes and dreams" but yet when there is something hat comes about that they don't like or want other's to be aware about will shut it down. Sad world we live in today, but I'm happy to see these days and what they hold next for our people.

in my post i said:

then the student leaders came back.
at that point students came in and said there was a meeting of the group that had been in Cuba, they were waiting for the representative of Yale to start the meeting.

the student leader turned to me and my young friend and said, you go and represent Yale.
we were led to the hall and sat on the stage.
as the representative of the university i decided who would talk next.


the student leader needed to pick someone, so he picked me.

and yes they still ocasionally visit, but sometimes i get months when no one contacts me.

this past year i have trained for disaster preparedness, volunteered for the tornadoes.

i wonder if i'm being prepared for the next event.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:43 PM
OP, I understand you. I was you once upon a time. I went to church and did as my parents told me, even though I KNEW deep inside me that there was more to the story.

My personal opinion now is modern day Abrahamic religions are the absolute last resort for humans to "get it right" when it comes to understanding spiritual manners. However, I don't believe these religions are end all be all though anyone practicing the sincere aspects of these religions to the best of their understanding should be okay.

These religions should be spring boards into questioning, growing, and learning. Somewhere along the way, and I suspect due to humans losing some of their higher abilities in exchange for free will, humans needed a "perfect man" to walk earth. It's crazy that many of us still reject it.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by citizen6511

Random selection, i understand now.
I do to have a strong intuition about an upcoming event that will possibly change humanity in many drastic ways as we know it by the end of this year and ive felt like this for a year and so on now.. It's an unexplainable gut feeling but very strong as if i just know.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by cry93

People are starting to awaken, it will take some time but we will get to a point where everyone will be asking questions and want answers. The next frontier will unfold a whole new story for us. This is my opinion as I'm starting to see more and more people open their minds, I used to think I was the only one. We will find our way back, whatever created us wont lead us stray, evolution is forever.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by SeattlesFinest
I started to ask my self why does god say only certain religions survive and what not ...

Did God say that? How do you know? I'm guessing it's because this is what mainstream religion has taught you. Your first step is to let go of everything you've been told by others, it'll just confuse you and may even lead you away from God.

Originally posted by SeattlesFinest
There are so many religions out there to choose on. I feel most of us aren't really given a choice because there parents have had them go to church on a regular basis that they don't really get to choose for them self what suits them for the person they are.

Religion and belief in God are two different things. I explored a lot of different religions and in the end felt that none of them cornered the market on understanding God. God is beyond our understanding, my problem with religions is that they all insist that they DO understand God and that each of their versions of God is the correct one.

Originally posted by SeattlesFinest
My questions is, is there anyone out there that believes in another power out there that they cant explain that created us for a reason but not the image of the god we read about in the bible and none of those stories that are told?

Yes and no. There is a lot of truth in the Bible. Don't be so ready to dismiss it because of your bad experience with mainstream religion. There's a huge amount of prophecy in the Bible that's already come true, and more related to the End Times that hasn't come to pass yet, but that we see unfolding in front of our eyes. Many of today's headlines seem ripped right out of the pages of Daniel and Revelation. And much of what is in the Bible has been verified through archaology and through the writings of secular writers of the time, enough that it's short-sighted to dismiss the Bible as "fairy tales" as so many non-believers do. But men did write and edit the Bible and in my opinion their personal biases crept into some of the telling, so it takes some work to sort through what reflects the will of a perfect God and what doesn't. It's a journey, but it's a fulfilling journey that leads to great faith and enlightenment.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by SeattlesFinest

Way back before the age of the internet, it was easy to think you were the only one. My time in the church was pre-internet era/just before the information age exploded.

This may sound hokey but my advice is to be strong and follow your own path. I still believe there are truths and lessons to live by in the bible but I am still unlearning a lot of things I was taught in church. Even the things that I knew didn't add up in my mind even back then. Isn't that something? Religion and fellowship ties are extremely strong.

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