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Police tackle insane man from behind @ airport....

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posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 04:14 AM
Apparently, he was marching in place, saying he was Hitler's Bodyguard, after an hour or so (the flight was delayed 7 hours) the police finally decided to sneak behind him and tackle him. He wasn't really responding to anything they were saying, but he wasn't really disturbing the peace, most people found it funny/sad. He seemed insane/psychotic to me, certainly not a serial killer or bomber or whatever...

Judge for yourself...

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 04:18 AM
Why are US police so heavy handed?

Can they not simply go up to the guy and escort him somewhere else?

Why tackle? Is it all about showing off over there?

If they did that here, the police would be plastered all over the news and on disciplined.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by wildshoetwt

Yeah the American security services, be it police or military seem to have an inability to deal with any situation compasionately or with any degree of tact. What exactly warrented such a heavy handed response?

That all said at least this guy can now sue there asses! another thing the Americans are good at !!

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by JennaDarling

Where is "here?"
I really want to know.

Cops in the US increasingly think that anyone that is not automatically pleasing them is subject to force.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Exforcesuk

Being American, I have to say I agree with you. This is the norm,,,,and utterly ridiculous. Cops get away with treating people like animals, prisons are overcrowded with sick drug addicts, and everyday normal people are victims of a cops bad attitude and over hostile actions. WE HAVE TO STOP IT SOON AMERICANS OR THEY WILL EVENTUALLY CONTROL US ALL LIKE PRISONERS.

I recently have taken to watching a British program "traffic cops" and it appeals to me because it is shocking to see cops so respectful!!

As for the "being good at suing people", Im ignoring the nastiness that was meant with but will say that this man will have no legal leg to stand on in court. He didn't obey commands.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:17 AM
lol. what is he doing at the airport

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by MrEuphoric1
reply to post by Exforcesuk

Being American, I have to say I agree with you. This is the norm,,,,and utterly ridiculous. Cops get away with treating people like animals, prisons are overcrowded with sick drug addicts, and everyday normal people are victims of a cops bad attitude and over hostile actions. WE HAVE TO STOP IT SOON AMERICANS OR THEY WILL EVENTUALLY CONTROL US ALL LIKE PRISONERS.

I recently have taken to watching a British program "traffic cops" and it appeals to me because it is shocking to see cops so respectful!!

As for the "being good at suing people", Im ignoring the nastiness that was meant with but will say that this man will have no legal leg to stand on in court. He didn't obey commands.

It is a problem of the American mindset I believe and not just the cops/military, it just happens to show its ugly head there more often.

One rarely hears such problems in other countries, they seem to have decent way of life and government running the place, one doesn't see them bankrupt, corrupt or violent.

Sorry but it has to be said.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Exforcesuk

Yeah the American security services, be it police or military seem to have an inability to deal with any situation compasionately or with any degree of tact. What exactly warrented such a heavy handed response?

They screen out people with iq's of average score or higher and they are given orders that cause the non-sociopaths to quite the force.

You have to factor that in when you see police brutalizing someone in the USA.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by 2Unknown
lol. what is he doing at the airport


Didn't you watch the video?

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by JennaDarling

Did you seriously just lecture me on the exact behavior you just exhibited. (and the cops in video for that matter) It is not of the "American mindset" to be corrupt, bankrupt etc. AND THAT IS COMPLETELY OFF THREAD. and ignorant.

But to add to thread, your type of judgmental thinking is what is going on in this video by the police and they, plus you, should be ashamed. Hopefully we, as humans, (not just Americans or Brits, Muslims, etc) will learn to take some responsibility, have some compassion and stop attacking others for being different.

And lastly, don't make me start a thread on a thousand examples of what you claimed you never hear about. Oh but wait, I wouldn't. BecauseI don't judge all British people by the actions of another.

EDIT:WOW: Forget trying to converse with you as this site is designed for. I read thru alot of your posts and you really are just a racist uh?? Have you ever even been here?? Do you even know a single American??? Best wishes with that attitude, your gonna need it.
edit on 5-8-2011 by MrEuphoric1 because: became aware of who I was talking to......

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:50 AM
Did they get Adolph as well?
Or had he already boarded? Cops ,one goosestep behind ,as usual

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