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Animals freaking out today

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posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:08 PM
In response to the OP, yeah, the seagulls went scatty at silly o'clock this morning, I thought that was weird, I'm in the UK BTW.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:31 PM


posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Open2Truth

Please don't misunderstand my intentions. I want answers the same as anyone else here does. It's just that I hold myself to a different standard than some. To just reach out to the supernatural and be satisfied that the case is closed is unacceptable to me. From my perspective, this is no different than saying "The sun revolves around the Earth and don't question it because it is the will of God."

I have tried several times to present different possibilities as to the events the OP described. Time and time again, I am shut down and harassed by those that insist it is one thing and one thing only. They have never once even offered any other possibility. Instead of saying "Ok, it appears as if this were not the case in THIS instance so let's explore something else," all we get is the same idea posted time and time again, with new revisions every single time a question arises.

People are trying desperately to fit a square peg in a round hole. I'm asking us to try to pick up some other pegs, that's all.

ETA: Additionally, the volume of people suggesting something will happen does not make it any more true or probable. If one person says it, or a million say it, it is no different. I see no evidence whatsoever indicating that "something" will happen. I assume you're all more than sufficiently experienced with ATS and life in general to know how these predictions turn out. This will not be the special case that breaks the streak.
edit on 30-7-2011 by SpringHeeledJack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:24 PM
Its been proven that animals freak a day or two before an incident...not a single tiger or elephant died in the Thailand wave....they left town days before...same in california...cats and dogs go missing in droves a few days before a big quake...see what happens tomorrow...I watch my dogs closely ALL the time...they are smarter than me and know more on top of that...their only problem is they lack opposing digits(thumbs)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:41 PM


posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

Seagulls are mental at any time of the day especially during twilight. I'm in Glasgow and I usually head to bed around 2.30 - 3 am and at this time of year its twilight around that time and the seagulls go nuts, dont know what theyre up to buts its every damned morning and they continue right up until around 6.30 - 7 am. Thankfully I have ear plugs and use them to shut the noise out.

My two cats were fine today and saw plenty of sheeps and cows when I was out and they all seemed to be acting normally, as were the two guinea pigs that I also saw.

Dont know where the OP is but maybe earthquake warning as animals are known to get freaked prior. Others have suggested boars and foxes and theyre both good explanations. If its not either then who knows what it was that got them freaked out.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack
reply to post by Homedawg

This is another example of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I'll let everyone here continue to post without obstruction and I'll be back tomorrow after nothing happens to once more offer additional possibilities. This is too amusing.

Again with the condescending tone. I don't think people are saying that the world will end because their dog told them it will, just that animals are more sensitive to changes than people are. This doesn't mean that something BIG is going to happen because some animals are going wonky. It could be something as simple as a change in the weather, small earthquakes we don't even feel, strange smells that we can't smell, etc. I think you can get where I am going with this. Just because animals sense something we can't, doesn't mean the world is ending. I find your lack of trying to see both sides laughable, so continue laughing and so will I.

Here is a link.

and another about scientific research about this.

and another from our best friend PBS.

edit on 30-7-2011 by superman2012 because: adding links for people that can't find them.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by superman2012

I knew I wouldn't have to wait a whole day to see the goalposts moved once more. Everyone here feeling there is some supernatural cause, you'd do well to not include so many logical fallacies in your argument. Here, let me be your guide...

And most importantly:

and this:

Every single one of this has been presented in this thread. Please learn why you are wrong and correct yourselves. As for this thread, it is full of childish behavior, magical thinking, and pure nonsense. If this is where you want to make your stand, knock yourself out. Those won't be my Vietnam. Have fun in LaLa Land kids.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Link 1: American seismologists, on the other hand, are skeptical. Even though there have been documented cases of strange animal behavior prior to earthquakes, the United States Geological Survey, a government agency that provides scientific information about the Earth, says a reproducible connection between a specific behavior and the occurrence of a quake has never been made.

Link 2:" One of the things we will examine is a widely observed (though scientifically unproven) phenomenon"

Had enough FAIL yet? Your little emoticons add nothing to your sources which disprove whatever you're trying to convey. YOUR OWN SOURCES DISPROVE YOU!

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by SpringHeeledJack

Thanks for that teach! You do realize that just about every one of those Wiki articles you presented, can be used against your argument as well right?
With the exception of pathetic fallacy, but then that one doesn't apply to either argument so was that a mis-link?
We aren't saying the Earth is mad at us, just that animals have better senses than us and MAY feel something we don't. [SNIP]
edit on 30-7-2011 by dbates because: Removed off-topic content

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack
reply to post by superman2012

Link 1: American seismologists, on the other hand, are skeptical. Even though there have been documented cases of strange animal behavior prior to earthquakes, the United States Geological Survey, a government agency that provides scientific information about the Earth, says a reproducible connection between a specific behavior and the occurrence of a quake has never been made.

Link 2:" One of the things we will examine is a widely observed (though scientifically unproven) phenomenon"

Had enough FAIL yet? Your little emoticons add nothing to your sources which disprove whatever you're trying to convey. YOUR OWN SOURCES DISPROVE YOU!

They don't disprove me sport, a certain faction of them do, just like any other scientific community. You try too hard and FAIL everytime. Life must be hard hey?

PS- Where are YOUR links that support your theory?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:54 PM


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posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 10:06 PM
funny, i did notice today that ants who usually follow a sort of straight path, today they were looking erratic and with lack of a better description almost drunk like.

reading thru some other replies here i agree with the solar activity connection.

i believe animals get their intuition from the magnetic field, and any disturbance might send em into a frenzy erratic mode.

sort of like many would react if facebook and twitter suddently 404d


Animals acting strange is ok, now when they flee, one would be stupid not to follow.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by SpringHeeledJack

I think that entire post is a scam. I would like to know which time zone this member is in as well as the time of the first indication that Etna was doing anything. I would bet my life that as soon as this member saw or heard Etna, doing anything, they rushed inside to post this in order to gain stars and flags. I demand a timeline of these events.

My first post about this matter can be found at this link. Possible Paranoid (Pet Prophetic Post) - Enter with Patience Please!

Posted at: 30.07.11 04:25

Note: You only have 4 hours to edit a thread on ATS - and no, there's no MOD out there who would help me 'fix' a thread - if that's where your mind is going.

My next post went like this:

I can't get over last night. I really expected some fantastic event to take place.
Luci was just freaking and her behavior didn't stop until almost 0230.
Etna? Putting out a little ash, little steam, etc, but nothing.
All in all I guess it's best to report extreme animal behavior before hand if nothing else to prove or disprove the 'animals can detect EQ's and Eruptions speculations'.
As for me I still have no idea what her behavior was all about.

That post can be found on the same page, only difference? Almost 10 hours on the dot.

Later on the same page?

Ok Folks, let not be toooo hasty on judging my pup!
Since I posted my last here - what 45 mins an hour ago maybe - Etna has started to really make a lot of noise - again. I can't see anything on the webcam - but - She is BOOMING again.

An hour later? Etna is really heating up!

From this page on you can see what Etna did last night - again - MANY HOURS AFTER my dog freaked out.

Not of interest: I was notified about this thread - as you can see by the time stamps - by an ongoing participant in the Etna thread. I wasn't aware of this thread before then.

So, I can understand your questioning people, that's what ATS is all about. But if I may be so bold as to suggest that next time - before calling someone's a post a 'scam' - ask for proof first - it saves washing all that egg off your face.

edit on 31-7-2011 by silo13 because: bbc

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 04:52 AM
Our cats are acting the same...yesterday and today...both of them...spooked and on alert...erratic behaviour...even the male cat who is the most chilled cat I've ever seen...and I live in Europe
edit on 31-7-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 05:12 AM

Not of interest: I was notified about this thread - as you can see by the time stamps - by an ongoing participant in the Etna thread. I wasn't aware of this thread before then.

And it was me who notified about the thread as I thought it interesting that other animals were reacting the same, at the same time. Also at the same time I took Data from Etna only to find very little activity but it did cause me to put Her under watch. A few hours later Etna's activity rose to produce the eighth paroxysmal eruptive episode from the active crater on the east flank of the Southeast Crater. From flat line to fully active in a few hours.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

FWIW . . .

It is CONCEIVABLE, to me,

That some sort of UFO activity MAY have been involved . . . as well as or otherwise perhaps . . .

subliminal stuff related to quakes or HAARP or various other things on different wave lengths . . . and/or

stuff from the 'spiritual' dimension.

I don't put so much stock into the predator etc. hypothesis. It seems to me that the preditor stuff would have set a class or two of the animals to fright or anxiety and noise.

But you described the whole range of animals acting way above average noisey and anxious/excited. That speaks, to me, of an above average sort of phenomenon.

Personally, I most respect Guy Malone:


for guidelines on spiritual warfare to prevent & even stop cold UFO type intrusions into one's family/property.

The other possibilities, I wouldn't have any idea how to stop or prevent.

I do hope you have some quiet moments to tune in and reflect from your intuitive parts whatever visual images or impressions come to mind.

Please post whatever comes up.

Sounds like an interesting situation, to me. And, one I expect many thousands will be having in the not distant future.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 05:53 AM
Well, you probably won't believe this, but I helped a buddy move an African lion - um, in the middle of the U.S. of A., (yes, some private individuals do own these things). This was a few years back. You could hear animals going nuts for miles around, even though it had been dead for a while. Except the cats, they loved the thing. Walking on it and rubbing against it's fur. I'm assuming it must have been the scent, but it sure must have carried. Seems to be some kind of primitive instinct, because those animals would have never smelled a lion for untold generations. I'm sure no one would have suspected why their animals were going nuts, I guess sometimes in life you're just left wondering....

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by tinker9917

Originally posted by automata
i have come to notice that this is all that jack does is go around from post to post and act like a little mosquitoe in your ear and should be ignored. he allready admitted he works for the govt.

I have noticed this too. Every thread I've seen him post on in the past 24 hours he was looking to argue and put people down. Respectfully disagreeing is one thing, but he is a closed-minded troll.

edit on 30-7-2011 by tinker9917 because: (no reason given)

I completely agree. I was enjoying this thread until he came along and really annoyed me. Although, his posts started getting better in the last few pages.
edit on 31-7-2011 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

Is there a scheduled test being run by CERN today? how far are you from the CERN facility?

It would be interesting to hear from any members in Switzerland who live beside CERN if there has been any odd animal behaviour in their locality.

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