posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 05:47 AM
Hi, this is my first post
I wish to describe something that I am able to do that puzzles me and also want to know if others can do this.
It all started after I began to think about the jolts that I get when I am dozing off - I have read that many people get these and they are common. I
often get such big muscle jolts throughout my body that I completely wake again. (Can be annoying - especially when I am very tired).
I believe that energy (we are all "electronically charged") can be transferred between people - kind of like static electricity but way more subtle.
So I tried the following.
My girlfriend always crashes out before me, so while I lay next to her, I take her hand.
I concentrate and visualize a muscle group / area of her body and picture it jolting / moving.
I am able to make her muscles jolt / move with 100% accuracy every time. It gave me a fright at first, but now I just enjoy the fact that I have some
weird control over her sleeping body. It kind of makes me believe we are really connected in some way. The movements are subtle to 'big jolts' and
always where I am picturing. It works best in hands, feet and whole of her limbs as these are the most noticeable and easiest to monitor for a
Can others do this, is it common - please tell.