There seems to be a great deal of silencing around the world. Fukushima is only one example that is obvious of many.
Here is a study that has been silenced by the government of Ottawa regarding the decline of salmon stocks in British Columbia by Kristi Miller. There
appears to be a virus causing the decline. But why will they not allow the report to be published?
I am finding it extremely disturbing that the media is being made to be silenced about so much that is happening. This trend has been increasing more
than ever and one must ask the question WHY? This is only one example of what has become a global norm.
edit on 28-7-2011 by Egyptia because:
(no reason given)
I don't think people of the world no longer trust their government. One of these days, I can foresee a day where the blind folds will come off and
governments of the world will no longer keep the illusion of all is well. Call it a rebellion, but I think the pot is beginning to boil and
eventually it's going to spill over.
The problem is that it is purely speculation. As soon as a "scientist" gives an "opinion", it suddenly becomes "gospel truth" and THIS is what
the government is attempting to avoid.
At the very least, it prevents everyone panicking so that suddenly no one wants to buy our fish...
Some groups of First Nations depend on people buying the fish..
There is the possibility that this study is an indication of not only the salmon stocks, but integrated within other factors that may impact the
condition of the ocean itself and 'us'. As I say this is mere speculation. After all when all is censored we are only left with conjecture and
speculation. The mind's imagination is great and plentiful. I am eager to know the results of this study, as I am to learn of everything that is being
This goes way beyond survival of a microgroup of society because something like this impacts the macrogroup of everything. That is to say it would and
could impact everything else within the function of society and sustainability within time.
edit on 28-7-2011 by Egyptia because: (no reason
The problem with letting a scientist give their "opinion", people who don't know anything about science start demanding the "govment" to do
something. When there's nothing to do yet because no one knows anything.
Until people start using common-sense and critical thinking skills, the government feels it's necessary to "protect" them. And I don't blame them
at all..
I think you should consider that the media is not being "silenced." The media are willing participants. Where's the evidence that the media wants
to report someting but can't? Maybe I'm missing somthing but I havent seen any media companies complianing about banned from covering a particilar