posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 02:36 AM
We have tried to put our words in Nada....
The last Riddle clues for the 4th ring said that the 1st unlocks the rest.
This may be something for the future. We are not sure right now. But, either way.. Smirks is missing, so if it does unlock the others, then we are
out of luck. But, we figure that this will happen later.
Nice thinking there helen, didn't even cross my mind since ftr is down. I can see why you are QOTDR huh? ...... Nice title, has JC already picked his
friend like it says in the red clues? I want a friend! oops, did i say that out loud???
Ummm, we have not picked any friends. Helen has helped us all out tons though. She wrote and said she wanted a title too... (as a joke) after the
last ring was found. So, based on her "title" we made a title. So, we made this title for fun for her. If you want a title we can think of one
Ok, how about this... 4 Captains, 2 Queens, and a few minions.
Sorry guys, you need to be minions, the girls get to be queens.
If you want to be a princess... Hmmm.... 4 Captains, a Queen, a Princess, and a few minions.
[edit on 16-8-2004 by JCMinJapan]