Hmm,theres lot of posters on this thread backing up the whole "global warming" thing,but i dont see to many sources of facts to back them up.
Remember,your the believers of it,not me,so the burden of proof is on you.It doesnt matter if government "scientists" say its happening(when its
clearly not) and they say they have "proof" because i dont believe a thing they say to be honest with you,i question it all.I look into everything
that they say and the "facts" they claim to have,but all in all they have aboslutely nothing to support it.They didnt have anything back when global
warming scare tactics was introduced by Margaret Thatcher and they dont have anything now either.
Before the 1980s this hypothesis was usually regarded as a curiosity because the nineteenth century calculations indicated that mean global
temperature should have risen more than 1°C by 1940, and it had not.
Then, in 1979, Mrs Margaret Thatcher (now Lady Thatcher) became Prime Minister of the UK, and she elevated the hypothesis to the status of a major
international policy issue.
Peronsally,if anything.I would be more concerned with this so called deterioration of the electromagnetic field,because its thats really
happening,thats a very dangerous concept.
Dont get me wrong,so would be man made climate change if it was actually true,but everything leads to it being scare tactics,fear mongering,money
making.Pretty much a breathing tax,and if not a breathing tax now,it can be used as a gateway further down the track to create a tax of us actually
breathing and farting.
Thats what i dont like about it.
Just remember,everything on this Earth can do what we do,but better or at a larger scale.If you think we have any control over this planet,your bloody
kidding yourselves.
The only thing we control here is the lifeforms,mainly ourselves,but as well as the wildlife to a degree.
If you cant understand what im saying,go back to school.Actually,no wait,dont got back to school because they are indoctrinating the kiddies to think
the same way as you,to just believe and not question it.
Just logically here for a second,just put all the government talk on this matter aside for a moment.
Now these "scientists" are probably the same ones that claimed :
That oil was going to run out,remember that? Peak Oil? well,hasnt happened yet and we are actually finding more oil,not running out.(not saying we
should go crazy on oil use though,far from it)
That we were going to have a Ice age,a small one they claimed,where is it? once again,it never happened.
Im pretty sure some scientists also claimed Y2K was going to happen,which didnt,but im not sure about that.
Anyways,now they want us to swallow that the climate is changing because of man made activitys.Well let me tell you that not even in our wildest
dreams would we be able to control the climate like that.Either not for a very,very long time,if ever.Also at that kind of scale too.
Even with the proposed uses of what HAARP or anything else we have that may be able and capable of to achieve it,it is still not possible at that kind
of scale.Because you will pretty much have to control the sun to able to do something like that.
The last thing i would like to mention is that,if you research,just a little bit, about volcanoes.You will find out that they emit more CO2 in one
eruption than we do in years.Not only that,CO2 is in the atmosphere natrually,theres nothing we can do about it,its just a natrual cycle of
nature,nothing more,nothing less.We also need it to live,because through the photosynthesis process,CO2 is converted to O2 for breathing lifeforms to
breath and allows them to live here natrually.
By the way,im no scientist,this is basic science you learn at school if they taught it to you.
If everyone remembered this simple concept and wasnt so worried about the latest gossip,then there would be alot more people opposing such a tax or
concept on living beings,its sickening to me personally.
If you look even further into CO2,you will find that the more CO2 in the atmosphere,the more larger and dense things will grow.Thats why there was
larger flora and fauna back around,say when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth and such,there was a larger amount of CO2 in the atmospehre,alot more.
And yet lifeforms still roamed the earth,they didnt die because of it.
Seriously,look into everything ive said,and you will find its all been proven and are facts.
Dont take my word for it,if your serious about debating this subject,then look into it and come back with something worth while to say.
If your serious about this subject,then prove me wrong of what ive just said.
I doubt any of you will be able to,because its the truth,and they are simple facts.
Its far from being anything to hard to understand,even if you didnt go to school or learn these things.
And,the truth my friends,always holds itself up,always.
Good Luck.
edit on 29-7-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)