OP, nice post,
I too tested as an INFP about 10 years ago... haven't tested since, but I should as it would be interesting to see if I've changed. You should look
into Numerology too... very interesting. I wouldn't consider myself "Indigo" as I'm not psychic, nor do I have visions. But I did answer yes to most
of your questions, have good intuition and have astral projected when I was younger... not going to get into all details now.
I was raised a christian and still am to a degree, but more of a christian mystic. I definately haven't locked myself in a closet with the book
refusing to believe new concepts or ideas. I feel the original teachings and the original version of the "religion" has mostly been lost. Just a shell
of what was once good. Even as a young child, I felt the "God of Love" contradicted with the "Jealous, vengeful, wrathful God" in the old testament.
Somethings wrong there and most of the story (if was once different) has been dumbed down, paganized, and turned into a book of fear. What God of Love
would make you kneel before him? What God of Love and forgiveness would give you one, pathetic human existence (in the whole infinate space/time) to
proove your worth or send you to burn forever in fire, pain and torment..!? NOTHING is more satanic than that logic, right there... I don't understand
why it still sticks. I feel Jesus' teachings more so meant that if you don't correct or fix your negatives during this age, you'll have to repeat
these lessons... meaning more of the same ("gnashing and grinding of teeth". War, pain, poverty... isn't that's what happens here in these meat
bodies in the 3rd density?).
I find the skeptics hilarious as they automatically go for the "you think you're better than others" line, when I feel it's the complete opposite.
Whether you're an elitist or beggar, I firmly believe we are all equal. I feel that's what most of us in this mindframe also feel. We all have a spark
of conscience from the true creator and if you take a step back, we are all one. Being INFP, or ENFP doesn't make you better or worse than anyone....
It's just personality traits.
I also love the skeptics who completely reject all new age ideals and run from concepts calling chakras or new age concepts demonic or evil. Are there
are new age movements trying to mislead and suck you in...? Yes. If I was the "devil", that's exactly where I'd stand... right in front of the door to
truth and scare you away. Demons will give you 95% truth to lead you away with 5% lies.
As a matter of fact, the Luciferian movement is very spiritual and new agey... they are very green, "save the earth" oriented and that means wiping
out a majority of the populace to save her. The pagans are Sun/Nature worshippers... the sum of the Kabbalistic magical square of the sun is 666. How
many "suns" are in modern day corporate logos? Who owns these logos? The sun is good... the earth is good... respect them and treat them well. Don't
WORSHIP THEM!!! Not all spirituality is bad... just be careful... don't sign up for any specific religion, new age or not. Believe in a creator of
love and treat people well.... that's all you should know. Ultimately, there is a reason the "bad" people exist, as without the "dark" you wouldn't
know what "light" is. This story get's a lot scarier, but I don't think I'm going to go into that now as I'm getting off topic.
If people had an idea how reincarnation, balance, karma, and synchronicity worked, the world would be a better place. The KKK member in his last life
is now living as a poor blackman who feels a lot of racism in this lifetime. The bully in his last lifetime is now the kid that gets picked on. The
man who cheated on his wife in his last lifetime is now the woman who's husband is sleeping around. The person who murders someone is then murdered in
his following lifetime. Those statements may tick a lot of people off, but do they not make sense...?! Is that not a good system to get you to learn
right and wrong?! "What goes around comes around." "Karmas a Bi$%h." It's balance. That's how the system works... it's how your soul ultimately
learns. Start letting go of petty crap (racism, jealousy, etc, etc...) and start treating others how you would want to be treated.
I agree Heaven and Hell are more or less states of mind, because thoughts are creative power and we create our realities as we go. If you're always
negative, you're creating a negative reality. However, "Hell" is also distance from God (prime creator/highest dimensions of pure love, and nirvana)
as we are apparently in the 3rd density and you can't incarnate much lower, but you can move up...
I don't pretend to know exactly what 2012 means and how or what is going to go down (if anything). I do however, am under the understanding that if
something DOES happen... if it's negative will be a test. Are you going to panic, run, kill, and fail the test... possibly having to go through all
the 3rd density lessons again? Or will you stay balanced, be calm and help people along the way...?
This aeons lesson is a duality...STS or STO, science vs religion, left brain vs right brain, democrat vs rebublican
... Find the balance. Find YOUR
truth. Take what resonates and move on. Your all on your own journey and may not be where others are... that's fine. It doesn't mean anyone is better
or worse than you.
edit on 31-7-2011 by Profane22 because: Added
edit on 31-7-2011 by Profane22 because: corrections