posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:46 AM
Hi i am anthony, i am one who was terrified of death as a child and believed like the other children i knew that if i found true love and made love i
could become immortal by making love. All through life i seeked the ancient secrets of immortality and such things, i studied physics to find out the
secrets of life. Though the saying was if you seek you shall find, i didn't know if i would i hoped i would i preyed i would and then one day i did.
I know many things and have gone through the great realization they talk about in buddhism and as well after awakening. Once awakened you remember
past lives and past things you learned, we have always existed so that is an infinity of stuff to remember so i haven't remembered all but i have
remembered alot. I in my life saw a ufo once and will share my story on here once i can post in other areas, i am looking for a reason to have 20
posts so i can so i am just going to add to this introduction the first few paragrpahs of a book i am begging to write that has concepts you will
never hear of in your life and hopefully i can get some responses and that way i can post back and get those twenty posts down to get to start posting
in the main areas, for i have new information on the new world order none others on this earth besides the fbi that hack me have. so here is the
begging of my book with new concepts i bet you a million dollars( we all live forever one reincarnation you'll have the money) you will never ever
hear from anyone else and i am sure you'll admit are at least a nibble of intrest to consider.
The birth of a universe, a big explosion, stars and planets and things not yet discovered to science fly out of the center growing and going on
outwards. The stars and planets grow on their own without any need for addition of materials or fluids, this is called growing by the power of
creation. Beings are made of the same materials as planets and stars. If within those materials that make up the planets and stars the power exists to
grow without the need for addition of other materials or fluids then also within us that same power exists and we have the ability to grow without
need of anything.
For every force in existence there is an equal and opposite force. All beings are life-forces meaning for each life-force there is an equal and
opposite life-force.
Every family line begins with two perfectly opposite and equal beings, a boy and a girl. They are the heads of the family for they are the first
generation of the family. Being that they are the first in the family line they have no parents. The fact they have no parents proves the thoughts
upon growing without addition of materials or fluids(eating or drinking) for how do they come to be born. They are birthed spontaneous like the big
explosion of the birth of a universe and grow exactly the same as the planets and stars, growing by the power of creation.
There are infinite number of generations to each family. No matter witch generation you pick there is always another generation after it, for that
generation you pick has children. The lines of generations don't stop anywhere, there is not some generation that can't have children and then that
is the end of the story, the generations go on forever never ending.
All beings have existed forever, time didn't begin it always existed. Life is good not evil. With infinite number of children to each family line, it
would be evil if they had to wait being dead until their parents generation is born for them to come into life. Being that life is good they are all
alive right now and don't have to be dead they get to live in like a prebirth universe that is safe for baby’s to be on their own in and live many
lives before they gain another body and are born in the birth universe.
Each generation is alive right now and each is smaller then the one before it. Just as your sperm are smaller then you, their babys are smaller then
them and so on. The levels of smallness go on infinitley as there are infinite number of generations and the majority of the generations are smaller
then the atom. This tells you scientists really don't know what they are talking about and haven't really discovered squat.
Soul is a source of light. Each soul is different and if soul is light then we can replace the word soul in a sentence with light. “Each being is a
different soul” translated: “Each being is a different light”. So if each being is a different light think on some lights we know, there is blue
light, pink light, yellow light white light. Well that certainly doesn't account for all of us that is only four different lights, what is going on
then?....I will explain.
Each being is a different light, lights are different colours, each being has their own colors since they are different light then others. When we are
first born we see only in our own colours, our opposites and our childrens. Each of us sees our own colours but sees the same number of colours as
everyone else that way we can translate an image from anothers light scale to our own. We live seeing translated images from others light
Each being is infinitely unique, unique cells, unique colours, unique energy. Lights comes in colours, each coloured light is a different type of
energy then another type of coloured light. Light is apart of matter, light is energy, energy is matter, unique light means unique energy, unique
energy means unique matter meaning we are all are own unique types of matter even tho we see others as our own light colours and matters.
yours truly anthony