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Anonymous unleashes new attacks on PayPal

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posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 11:32 AM
9:22AM PST
A leading ANON Twitter source; AnonymousIRC had this to say 8 minutes ago;
AnonymousIRC Twitter
"Received some more information: At least 35.000 PayPal accounts have been closed today, likely much more to come. Proud of you! #OpPayPal"

AnonymousIRC has declined to say where the information is sourced from.

In response to the flood of closed accounts, PayPay has shut down its online cancelation services. Undeterred, many are now turning to the phone-lines to cancel their accounts.

It is being reported that PayPal has lost $1B and is currently down -2.18% on the Nasdaq (

Calls for the PayPal boycott continue with tweets of "Every day is Cancel-Day".


On a side not; sorry to the poster above who is being inconvienced by this demonstration. You must be experiencing what the British Loyalists were feeling when they couldn't get their tea in Boston.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 11:41 AM
In my OP I stated that the purpose of the boycott was to respond to the way PayPal stopped donations to WikiLeaks.

This, while not incorrect, was not the full story.

The boycott is in response to the arrest of 15 "anons" who were involved in the DDoS (distributed denial of service) of PayPal following the shutdown of donations to WikiLeaks.

A DDoS attack can be likened to a cyber Blitzkrieg, where a mass amount of information requests shut down the functions of a site. Such attacks are against the IAB's Internet proper use policy.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 11:53 AM
I can't believe Anon is doing this!

I wish the government would stop dragging their feet and start chipping people. Then, nobody will be able to keep me from buying and selling things! Hey, Anon - I dare you to hack into my implant when I get it!

(I hope the sarcasm is evident

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Good luck proving these kids willingly helped and weren't hacked by super hackers to make them part of e botnet.

That is the easiest part of all.
ISP records, confiscated computers
Easily find the evidence of the recieved anonymous "care package" files they downloaded.

These sheep are too stupid to be able to hide their tracks, which is why they got caught in the first place.

Childsplay to bring conspiracy, accomplice and other charges connecting them to the identity theft, terrorism charges.
They will go up the river just like the getaway driver in a seven eleven heist.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

They are both illegal. If you lock arms outside a bank door and block people from doing business (you would have to be on the bank's property) they would arrest you, for at the least, trespassing.

Now an informed person, making a well thought out decision, who is prepared to accept the consequences for their actions, who breaks the law in order to make a statement is practicing Civil Disobedience.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 12:27 PM
Just saw on twitter and found news confirmation: link.

LONDON - Scotland Yard's cybercrime unit on Wednesday arrested a teenager it accuses of working as the spokesman for the Lulz Security hacking collective, the force said in a statement.

Scotland Yard said its Central e-Crime Unit arrested a 19-year-old at an address in Scotland's remote Shetland Islands. His name wasn't released, but the force said he used the online nickname "Topiary."

LulzSec, an offshoot of the amorphous hacking collective known as Anonymous, has claimed responsibility for a series of hacking attacks on both sides of the Atlantic. In interviews with media organizations including The Associated Press, Topiary described himself as one of LulzSec's six members.

Topiary's once-plentiful Twitter feed was practically wiped clean Wednesday. The only remaining post, from nearly a week ago, read: "You cannot arrest an idea."

Scotland Yard also said it was searching a residential address in Lincolnshire, in central England, and interviewing a 17-year-old under caution in connection with the investigation. The second teen has not been arrested.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 12:29 PM
So it seems they are already making arrests?


The man, who was arrested at a residential address in the Shetland Islands, is said to have used the online nickname "Topiary" and acted as a spokesperson for the groups via forums such as Twitter.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 12:44 PM

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Prozium
post removed st staff

I've no reason to doubt you are some higher up member in their group.
How does it feel to have that Topiary guy in the hands of the law.
Was he just a sheeple with no info to tell or do you fear his singing like a canary? hahaha

The irony of the law leaving his reamaining presence on twitter as "you cannot arrest an idea" was brilliant and a definate message to your so called collective.

Obviously your vast array of zombie machines are only one shot wonders, once you use them on something they are discovered and taken down (refering to the universty type units you refered to). This is why you need the sheeple to sacrifice themselves, your network isn't nearly as powerful as you claim otherwise there would be no need to get suckers involved in the ddos'ing just to get caught.

edit on Wed Jul 27 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

your network isn't nearly as powerful as you claim otherwise there would be no need to get suckers involved in the ddos'ing just to get caught.

Its where your knowledge in matter of computer engineering end

Is there something you dont understand about "exponential contamination" ?

The power is not in the number, but in its efficiency
Simple no ?

My network is powerful enough for the task , i dont need more
And plus, im not a single cell
You see or do you want me to explain a bit further ?

edit on 27-7-2011 by Prozium because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2011 by Prozium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Prozium

I'll just wait and see who else gets caught in the near future, but in general you have not explained the need for willing volunteers who throw themselves under the bus. I still take it as a sign of weakness, a crack in your overinflated egos.
Meanwhile all them tough new internet regulations are looking more like a sure thing with each passing day.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:26 PM
I agree with Anon and support them, until they hurt citizens. So until then, keep it up.

What gets me the most is that I and probably many others want to do something, however, computers do put dinner on my table but hacking is not something I ever got into. That said, this method is not exactly for me, but what can those of us that want to do something do other than spread the word in a physical sense. I am a person of action, and do not mind getting my hands dirty to get things done.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Skewed
I agree with Anon and support them, until they hurt citizens. So until then, keep it up.

What gets me the most is that I and probably many others want to do something, however, computers do put dinner on my table but hacking is not something I ever got into. That said, this method is not exactly for me, but what can those of us that want to do something do other than spread the word in a physical sense. I am a person of action, and do not mind getting my hands dirty to get things done.

Ahh, a classic sheeple in the making.
Whatever you do, your machine will be infected and you will be part of illegal activity if you make contact with them.
Get ready to get thrown under the bus.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Lol you guys are funny, and actually, I'm right!
Unless you think ddos is something else?
What I'm asking is at what point does this become illegal?
If a website goes down to ddos, then everyone else who is attempting to access that website is helping, by sending more requests to their servers. Should we arrest them?
Good luck proving these kids willingly helped and weren't hacked by super hackers to make them part of e botnet.

Also, good riddance to you too since you seem to enjoy sticking up for the man. IMO, all of You pro-pay pal people are just as bad by supporting a company that would seek to cut off funding to an organization that is exposing corruption. You have obviously picked your side, now get back on your knees

1) right is subjective.
2) I can refresh my browser to the same line. I can only do that so often unless I script or use a script that allows me to do it more. To my understanding DDOS does not do anything to the target server, other than to flood it with requests. If there are enough requests then the server goes down due to bandwith limits. Do I have it right?
3) I would think that it is illegal when used to disrupt legal activities. Please see my previous post in this thread.
4) That would really depend on how they are trying to access it. They keep logs showing IPs and such. They know the difference between someone trying to DDOS and the regular Joe who is trying to access his info due to the difference in the sheer number of requests.
5) Back to logs and forensics.

On a previous post in a different thread, I asked some questions that were not answered with regards to Operations Security and the use of flawed tools (some of which are purposely re-engineered by "th3j35t3r) For the record

First here is the article that broke the news of my little ‘infection’, which in turn has prompted Anon to create the above ‘masterpiece’.

The video states that I infected LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) – this is actually incorrect, I infected their ‘new improved tool’ – as is clearly stated in the above article, I also made sure that Anonymous knew that I had infected the new in order to ‘play fair’ – I gave fair warning – so it would have been a bad choice on the part of a user to use it or indeed for anonymous to advise people to use it.

Now back to LOIC the tool that which anon continues to distribute to their unwitting followers. I had no need to ‘infect’ LOIC as it was already a flawed and sloppily coded ‘play-thing’. It already gave up users details without any intervention from myself. I proved this here weeks ago (before the Tunis saga) and it is in fact fairly widely known that LOIC will drop you in the brown stuff. Yet they still pushed it out to their followers who employed it against Mastercard, Paypal and more recently the Tunisian Government.

So who exactly is putting people at risk here Anon?

IRc seems to have some security issues too.

My point I guess would be that if this is indeed a "war": That some are giving others a flawed weapon and no real training. I guess they are just acceptable losses or cannon fodder.

moar here

My message is simple, however I will try to simplify it further so the likes of Anonymous can understand. Its more a message to those thinking of hooking up with them, rather than those who have already.

Anonymous require many people to carry out their ‘work’ they ask others to do their dirty work while at the same time providing no protection. LOIC is flawed and will expose you as you will see from figure 1 below. Anonymous official advice if a user gets busted is to ‘claim you were infected with malware’ (lolz).

Anonymous/4chan are many – I am one, I ask for no help, and would not accept it as has been demonstrated for fear of ruining a good persons life.

For those that want, there is a lot of information in this blog. If you aren't familiar, I would recommend that you start at the first things written and go to the newest stuff.

If I am wrong (subjective here) and you are right (subjective too), please answer.


edit on 27-7-2011 by pwndnewb because: fixed link codes

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Throw me under the bus, I do not care.

While I am under it, I am going to punch a hole in the gas tank and oil pan.

edit on 27-7-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I'll just wait and see who else gets caught in the near future, but in general you have not explained the need for willing volunteers who throw themselves under the bus. I still take it as a sign of weakness, a crack in your overinflated egos. Meanwhile all them tough new internet regulations are looking more like a sure thing with each passing day.

You know, you dont need to be agressive if you want to talk to me, really no need for an agression here.

The ones who get caugh knew the consequencies, we dont force anyones.
It happened because they didnt took the appropriate precautions.

If you tell someone " you can go play outside but look left and right when you cross the street or a car might ran you over" and the person get ran over because he didnt looked left and right while crossing, who is to blame ?

We told them to be careful and gave thems tools to protect their tracks,some didnt used thoses tools .

And for explanation,my network is one of many "agressive" network but if you want to sink huge battleships, you need more than one powerful network

We regroup and swarm our targets, its the simililarity with an hornet nest.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:44 PM

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 01:48 PM
Paypal are amongst the biggest scumbags going so anything against them is good in my books!

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Prozium
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I'll just wait and see who else gets caught in the near future, but in general you have not explained the need for willing volunteers who throw themselves under the bus. I still take it as a sign of weakness, a crack in your overinflated egos. Meanwhile all them tough new internet regulations are looking more like a sure thing with each passing day.

You know, you dont need to be agressive if you want to talk to me, really no need for an agression here.

The ones who get caugh knew the consequencies, we dont force anyones.
It happened because they didnt took the appropriate precautions.

If you tell someone " you can go play outside but look left and right when you cross the street or a car might ran you over" and the person get ran over because he didnt looked left and right while crossing, who is to blame ?

We told them to be careful and gave thems tools to protect their tracks,some didnt used thoses tools .

And for explanation,my network is one of many "agressive" network but if you want to sink huge battleships, you need more than one powerful network

We regroup and swarm our targets, its the simililarity with an hornet nest.

You stated you got as an example, 24 huge universty systems churning out infections for you, growing your botnet.

You gave a reason the sheep got caught (not using your protection tools even though LOIC tool was proven to be a trap by sending out identifiers so I call a lie there)

So here's the question,
You never stated why you need these sheep for your network. After all with 24 mega university servers churning out infections for you, what possibly could a know nothing sheep who volunteers to ddos contribute to the size and power of your botnet?

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Skewed
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Throw me under the bus, I do not care.

While I am under it, I am going to punch a hole in the gas tank and oil pan.

edit on 27-7-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

If you get the metaphore, it is your own bus that you board that runs you over.
So are you saying you will turn states evidence when caught?

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