posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 06:58 PM
It appears there are other leagues being established, but for those that are looking for the real ATS Fantasy Football League, look no further than
this thread. Our league is going into it's fourth year and has a solid core of members that have been participating for multiple seasons, if not
since the league's inception.
The league will be a 10 team league this year. There are at least two spots available. Per tradition, I will be reserving spots for those who actively
participated last year. If any decline to resume their spot in the league, this will open up more opportunities for new players to join.
As the league owner, I maintain several statistics about our league, which you can view here:
The league is played on The scoring system is customized, not the default ESPN settings. I am planning a few changes from last year's setup
to increase scoring and competition. I will post updates for that in this thread as I make the changes.
Until then, however, if you are interested, please post here, but only do so if you plan to truly be active. We understand things happen and you may
not be able to participate during the season as much as you intended before joining, and that is fine. We just don't want people who will quit
because they missed the draft and aren't happy with their players, or who will lose a few games and get bored and stop updating their team. We hope
to have a fully active league. So if you intend to participate, we'd love to have you.