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Police beat man after he finds his son has committed suicide

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:41 PM
I have had a gutful of this kind of behaviour from the police.There is more and more of this everday.They think they can get away with murder and they probably do.I don't think I need to describe the video, the title speaks for it's self.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:54 PM
90% of cops are pieces of **** with lil wee wee syndrome. They lead sad pathetic lives and become cops to feel important.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

F*%^ the police! Really! I'm so sick of these cretins.

I would have risked incarceration to defend myself and slap that pig a couple of times. We should have the right to defend ourselves and fight back in self defense no matter who the criminal that attacks us is - and you better believe it that these are nothing more than common thugs in uniforms.

Sickening and infuriating. I hope there's karma.


posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

You have people like Casey Anthony who actually kill their child and get away with it....Then you have people who had their child kill themself and get beaten by police....What kind of world do we live in???

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:55 PM
Here's an embed for ya....

There is no more dramatic experience for a parent than to lose their child. Police are making it more and more clear each day that they can not be relied on in times of need. They react irrationally under stress, and have very limited skills regarding social interaction. This is directly related to piss poor training, and the feeling of entitlement that comes with power.

There are still good cops out there, but where is to far and between.
edit on 7/26/2011 by TheRealTruth84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein

You have people like Casey Anthony who actually kill their child and get away with it....
I thought Casey Anthony was proven innocent in a court of law?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

You have people like Casey Anthony who actually kill their child and get away with it....Then you have people who had their child kill themself and get beaten by police....What kind of world do we live in???

A lost 1 that needs found, smh this is just outrageous.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

You have people like Casey Anthony who actually kill their child and get away with it....Then you have people who had their child kill themself and get beaten by police....What kind of world do we live in???

OT- This has nothing to do with Casey Anthony.I'm tired of people comparing her to other cases - she was found innocent,leave it be.

back on topic - if this is true,which I tend to believe it given the neighbors account,it is truly sickening and everyone of those cops should be fired.This poor man did not deserve this,based on whats it's in the story.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Kharron

If I was a cop and this guy told me to leave me alone, and even as you say, gave me a slap, I would still leave him. As a human being how can anyone lay a finger on him after that?

Huge respect to the guy for managing to control his temper during that. I know if that was me I would have punched, kicked and bitten anyone who did that to me, cop or otherwise. I just can't believe they're still on the job. How "complicated" can it be?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:21 PM
What a terrible story. You'd think even if the man was screaming and tearing his hair out and punching the walls they'd have comforted him and made him a cup of tea, or showed some kindness. Heartless pigs.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:21 PM
it said there is more to the story and that the investigation will be conducted so... cops will get theres... a free pass I am sure

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:44 PM
...this case is at least a year old... the grand jury hearing was 5 months ago... where are the links to that info?... not interested in the whole truth, huh?... the bottom of that article are links to more info about this case... if you have any integrity, you'll read those before making up your mind...

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Hmm,that certainly puts in a different perspective.I'm off to find more about this...thanks for that !

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 05:50 PM
This is exactly the type of thing that will eventually spark the revolution.

A man that has just lost his son, has nothing else to lose, and all the time in the world. Even if he had cussed and attacked the officers, it was to be expected. There is no justification for this action, but there is always the possibility of justice. This man seems sad and forlorn. Too bad, because if I was in his shoes, I would have no time for that. I would be plotting the deconstruction of 4 individuals living on borrowed time.

It seems this might not be the guy, but the guy is out there. The guy that will be the wrong one to cross. Eventually something like this will happen, and they will take the last shred of civility from just the right or wrong guy, and a tidal wave will form, and it will come crashing down on the system as we know it!

I feel for this guy. We had a suicide of a 28 year old at my work this week. R.I.P.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 05:54 PM
Every single day.

Why are we still paying to have these people beat up our neighbors?

America is broke, I say defund the police.

With friends like this, who needs enemies?

(I just wrote this on another thread but I felt the need to post it again)
edit on 26-7-2011 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Thanks for the link, but it doesn't change anything. A distraught man is going to act irrational. Plus, he has every right to be at his son's side, and in his own home, and the police have no right to restrain him, even if it is for his own good.

Now, I could give the police a little leeway if they struggled with him, trying to get him out of the way, and he accidentally got hurt, and afterwards they apologized. Instead, they arrested him? WTH? No excuse for that. Just a coverup of over-zealous police. There was no need for the arrest, or the pending charges. Maybe I could forgive the struggle, but definitely not the charges.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 06:05 PM
Once again, another one-sided story thrown out there to get a quick emotional response and yet another excuse for every cop-hater on ATS to jump on the bandwagon.

Why do you all have so much hate?

This is a tragic story, but it has nothing to do with police brutality. Read through the other links. The story is over a year-old. There was a full investigation, a grand-jury hearing and all the officers were cleared of any wrong-doing.

This was really a story about a father who found his son dead and totally lost it. I would likely do the same. He was upset because he felt the EMT's weren't doing enough and then was getting in their way. The police begged him multiple times to let the medics do all they could and he refused to get out of the way...and out of the crime scene and then got physical with the police when they resorted to physically removing him. Police than did what police do when someone is trying to hurt them.....everything they can to prevent it.

It really is a horrible story. No parent should have to go through that and I would also question the guys injuries and why they were sustained when it was four vs. one....but I know from experience that grief can lend you a lot of fighting power and when you are trying to hold down an insane person doing all they can to hurt you...unfortunately people do get hurt. wasn't the police officers faults. It wasn't their tragedy; they were trying to help.

I get SO SICK of the people that give no mind to what the real story is behind the video. The police you hate so much are our neighbors, friends and families. THEY have families and loved ones just like us. They are not heartless bastards who get a thrill out of hurting people. They lose their lives serving the public all the time and it's the most thankless job out there.

Don't be so quick to judge and hate.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by westcoast

NO. That would be the case, if the police force had used common sense, subdued him, let EMT work, and then released him and apologized for "having" to use force. That would be the humane way to have handled the situation, and the unfortunate requirement of using force.

Instead, they charged him with a crime afterwards? So, obviously it was not their intention to just get him out of the EMT way with as little force as possible. In fact, it was their intention to turn him into a criminal and find any excuse to use force.

I work very closely with Law Enforcement, I have lost a couple of L.E. friends over the past year. I know the majority is good. BUT, this isn't a "one-sided" case. The police were entirely wrong.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

You know what? I am a bit shocked and really disappointed in your post:

There is no justification for this action, but there is always the possibility of justice. This man seems sad and forlorn. Too bad, because if I was in his shoes, I would have no time for that. I would be plotting the deconstruction of 4 individuals living on borrowed time.

I was just talking on another thread about how much more hate and violent comments are allowed lately on ATS. This is a prime example....and from a moderator no less.

Way to set an example.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by westcoast

I'm proud of my example. If it upsets you, I am ok with that. In fact, we have law enforcement represented in our Mods as well, and I'm ok with them reading my post. The status quo is not working. The police used to defend the weak, and the strong defended themselves. Now the weak are the majority, and the strong are silent. There are no longer "natural consequences" for people's actions. Without those consequences, bullies have run amuck. Bullies have pervaded every aspect of society, including and maybe especially in law enforcement.

Maybe the attitudes on ATS are a reflection of the attitudes in the public? Just a few years ago there were quiet whispers of violence, now it is on every news show, radio show, and periodical. Just a few years ago, people would mention it among their friends, and the conversation would quickly pass by. Now, people talk about it openly, and when they are overheard by strangers, the strangers are drawn in, and the conversation continues!

It is about time for some natural consequences.

Like I said, I have many friends in law enforcement, I work with them daily. I have lost a couple of friends in the line of duty. The vast majority are great, and they have the best of intentions. Still, when someone is clearly in the wrong, and they clearly and willfully and intentionally take advantage of someone weaker than themselves, then they deserve an eye for an eye. There is always someone stronger, the bullies just haven't met them yet. I am a fan of nature. I tend to trust my instincts over my indoctrination.

For the record, I said, "if I was in his shoes...." I don't expect everyone to act the way I would act. I don't expect everyone to think my actions are the proper actions. I don't expect any forgiveness from God or anyone else. I am willing to take whatever lumps come my way, I am only pointing out my honest thoughts on the subject. I am also attempting to shed some light on the fact that the populace is changing, and my opinion is becoming more and more popular. The country is a tinderbox, and something will eventually set it off.
edit on 26-7-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

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