posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by MentorsRiddle
Good questions....I read this a while ago, but Im sure the ISBE told Nurse Mcelroy (?), that they were on a Base (Mars?) in the Solar System somewhere
and were just communicating thru the Grey.
Remember, the ISBE said the Grey body is only a Doll, it is biological but different to humans. Perhaps the meaning wasnt 100% conveyed between the
two, but consider that the Human body is just a biological vessel for the "Soul/Mind/Entity" that is Us. We are just a collection of cells and
elements, that form an organism that exists. But our actual "US" is our mind or soul, which inhabits the biological entity until it wears out, then
presumably, we enter Another biological entity (newborn baby) on Earth, because we are kept in a prison of the story goes.
Certainly an interesting concept, explains peoples theory of Past lives.....
Maybe if we can overcome the evil vices...greed, hatred, etc we can rise to the next plane....all very Buddhist like.