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Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by JBA2848
No i dont agree with a murder, did i say i do? dont get me wrong on that party, but i dont agree of using kids in a politically summer camp.
Originally posted by Mr Tranny
reply to post by Ozscot
Your own statements are contradictory. You first stated that they have to participate in the youth camps to become “non ignorant” AKA “educated” about politics. Then you turn around as say that they are attending them to “participate” in politics. Which is it?
You are blurring the lines between education and participation.
Generally, you want education before participation. If they are not educated in politics, then they can not make an “educated decision” as to which party they want to participate in.
When you run make them participate in politics before they are educated by an unbiased source about what the party they are participating stands for, then you are stepping into the realm of indoctrination..
An education means sitting in a classroom while a professor goes through the history of each party, their platforms, things that have affected those parties over the years and what they have done. Then make the students study and produce reports about those parties. During the education you never have a student participate in an activity related to the stuff they are studying, because you will have problems with students “going native” All studies have to be from a third party point of view.
A good professor should be able to spot when one of his students can’t suppress their biases when writing reports and should tell him to work on it.
If you don’t understand how “thesis”, “antithesis”, and “synthesis” apply to Marxism, communism, and politics in general, then you haven’t been educated.
The reason you can’t differentiate between education, participation, and indoctrination is because your education intentionally left those details out because they undermine the indoctrination process.
Your mental framework, your worldview was constructed without those key distinctions. That is why our position is nonsensical to you. Your mental framework gives no allowances for differentiating between those key concepts. When we try to point out to you that there is a difference, your mind shuts down because it can’t deal with that concept. It doesn’t fit the preexisting framework. The framework that has been built in your mind is rigid, and inflexible. That is why you can’t get past key questions and realize that those questions are nonsensical in the way you frame them.
In regard to a echoed response from all the survivors. Yes, that does show programming. When your emotions are at max, and you are pushed to the limit, your mind devolves to it’s most basic instincts. That tape recorder answer show one thing, that the base level of thought among all the survivors is just a cookie cutter impression. There is no individualism. There is no independence.
I have seen that in plenty of people around where I live. They have a rigid though process that prevents their understanding of the world from evolving as they grow older.
Just use google and look up the term “educated idiot” and "common sense educated out of them". You will get the idea. Those conditions are a result of indoctrination/programming. They teach you to NOT think for yourself. That allows the educator to lay down a frame work in your mind and fill it with what ever they want.
The hardest thing I have ever done is teach someone to think for themselves again. And even then, if I did not keep after them, they would, sooner or later, fall back to the “I can’t figure it out” I will just have to call someone to get it working.”
Your post show the same underlying mental state as many people I have had to deal with.
Originally posted by Bramble Iceshimmer
Well, I'll agree on one point in that it's pretty screwed up for a political party to setup an indoctrination camp for youth. Kids have a hard enough time growing up without being brainwashed, especially by liberals. What's wrong with hiking, swimming, canoeing, dancing and making crafts like a normal summer camp.
I suppose Beck thinks the Norwegian Labour Party has the same aims as the German National Socialist Party, ignoring the fact that the only Nazi present was the one, true to his beliefs and those of his intellectual mentors, intent on killing innocent youth. But then maybe he doesn't know how to think. Disparate organisations all over the world hold summers camps for their youth - political, religious, industrial, educational, youth groups, mental health, music - name an activity and there are camps. What alternate universe does this guy Beck inhabit? Show him a summer camp and he thinks Hitler. One very stupid ignorant bastard.
Originally posted by Dbriefed
It's a huge shame about the losses suffered. A stupid man and an evil act. My condolences to those who lost loved ones.
But do remember that Nazism was born out of Socialism. The National Socialist Party certainly made it's mark, and uniforms for political citizens made a permanent impression in our minds.