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Tiahuanaco, Puma Punku the real mystery...

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posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck
They were a bit patsy and soft when they came but after 4 weeks they did fine

As one of my field school directors was wont to say (and which became the hallmark of that particular project):
"It Builds Character!"

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:07 AM
My deepest apologies for the bump but this may'haps be the best place to ask about this.
Can someone please, please, pretty please show me theories behind Tiwanaku and Atlantis? I have lived in Bolivia (La Paz, to be more specific) all my life, and I have been to Tiwanaku a couple o' times.

When I was a kid, I was partially obsessed with Atlantis and the stories behind it. Linking Atlantis to my country is just fascinating for me, it's literally giving me the chicken skin. I have heard people theorizing that Tiwanaku could have been Atlantis. But just now I read I could have been a "refugee for Atlantians." That's even more fascinating. What would they need to hide from?

Links, or even your personal opinions, or research, will be very very appreciated on this matter.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:17 AM
Wow, great post. I really enjoyed all the vintage photographs. They could really tear stuff up back then. Sorry I just had to reference the unseen but ever present aliens.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Picollo30

Maybe they were diseased or retarded by their brains swelling until their skulls elongated? I do not think big head necessarily means the brain is firing on all cylinders.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by Tsurugi
reply to post by Hanslune

Oh its easy to test if it were a TV stargate - walk right into it

Like this guy?


Nope, the Maya are right where they have always been, In the Yucatan and surrounding areas. The classical civilization collapsed but they, as a people, are doing just fine.

Once again, my attempt at humor fails. I had hoped, by placing the Mayan comment after the bit about ACME and the Roadrunner cartoons, that it wouldn't be taken serious.


There is a musical chant you have to master in order to activate this gate. Jerry Wills expeditions tv. Check out the short video about the expedition to this star gate. I remember him talking about traveling to see the "creator" when he went through the stargate. He said he ended up in a laboratory and that our universe was the size of a football field and was used by the " scientists" to study their own universe.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 12:47 AM
As always, excellent write-up. It is obvious that this subject, and related subjects, interest you greatly, and I think that is part of the reason you write them so well. Anyway, I also believe that many ancient blocks were poured rather than moved, but that is for another discussion I suppose. It truly is a travesty that so much history has been lost, and I find it hard for anyone to make any claims regarding these sites, since they have been so mutilated by many different generations of people.

I did not know that there had been so much reconstruction based on what seem to be flights of fancy, and it is saddening. The 15,000 BCE date does not seem that far-fetched to me, and I think contamination of many ancient sites has resulted in inaccurate C14 dating. The main thing that I believe contributed to the destruction of these sites, leaving blocks strewn about, is rushing water. That is one of the only forces powerful enough to move such heavy stones, and water has a way of distributing large objects in such a peculiar manner. Kind of similar is how glacial forces can stack rocks into various sized piles, making them look almost man-made.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

Thank you.
I appreciate the feedback and I completely agree o both the possible dating and the "Reconstruction being based on opinion rather than fact.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 02:50 AM
Guys, it's the same story everywhere. I am pretty sure one day we will found out about that ancient civilisation that flourished between 15.000-10.000 BC when a cataclysmic event wiped out that civilisation.

This is why all these ancient remaining monuments look similar. A room in the Great Pyramid was also aligned to receive light from Sirius around 11.000 BC. I believe that this civilisation was the Atlantis whose peiple were living all over the world and were very advanced. No aliens here, just a super advanced ancient civilisation which disappeared after an event.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus
The main thing that I believe contributed to the destruction of these sites, leaving blocks strewn about, is rushing water. That is one of the only forces powerful enough to move such heavy stones, and water has a way of distributing large objects in such a peculiar manner. Kind of similar is how glacial forces can stack rocks into various sized piles, making them look almost man-made.

So, you can't accept that human beings have "mined" these sites for stones?

Even though most of it happened within historical times, and the stones themselves can be seen used for building purposes all around the area?


posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Zaanny

That says a lot. It would be difficult to replicate this work in 2012.

Thanks Slayer!

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by kavaron
Guys, it's the same story everywhere. I am pretty sure one day we will found out about that ancient civilisation that flourished between 15.000-10.000 BC when a cataclysmic event wiped out that civilisation.

This is why all these ancient remaining monuments look similar. A room in the Great Pyramid was also aligned to receive light from Sirius around 11.000 BC. I believe that this civilisation was the Atlantis whose peiple were living all over the world and were very advanced. No aliens here, just a super advanced ancient civilisation which disappeared after an event.

It is the simplest explanation.

And it would explain a lot.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 08:29 PM
I do not pretend to know the answers to this riddle. I study more in the middle east. I will say that I am not ready to hand off human ingenuity to the aliens....I think we are better than that.

I don't know how they cut the stones at Puma Punku. It is an amazing place. I ponder the process often but within me is this spark that says "we did this"...the very human species. I could get into arguments about stone tools, bronze tools....etc...meaningless. I think that within us...we are wonderful...we can do amazing things...we have just lost our way.

When these monumental works of art were built...there was no money...there was no "want". You got had your breakfast and then you went to work...pounding out a stone. It might take you your whole life...but you made a perfect might take you and your son...but it was a perfect stone.

Folks today have issues understanding the past. There was not greed like there is today...there was only honor and hope. You hope to make a difference...that your stone will call down the gods....and you worked with playing around...the "gods" were watching.

We today cannot even fathom what life was like in these cultures because selfish greed apparently was not a part of it...and we just don't "get that".

I have studied many-many-many of the ancient sites....there is nothing magical or supernatural....or even extraterrestrial about them....they are monuments to the cleverness of humanity....our ability to rise to a higher level for something we believed in....sadly...we seem to have completely lost that.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

I appreciate the time you took to reply and the contribution to the topic.

Good form

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 10:13 AM
Hello! I really enjoyed your photographs! They are lovely! Thanks so much for doing this thread!

I noticed the hands and fingers on the Gobekeli Tepe statue, and thought they looked exactly like the Easter Island statue hands and fingers. A perfect match. What are the odds?

The babies of humans do not spend much time in the birth canal, their heads do come out slightly mis-shapened,
but it only lasts two weeks at most. Their heads are flattened not cone shaped, and it is not an obvious exaggerated change, unlike the mummified baby's head. I really get the impression from looking at the skulls they are not humans like us. They are very different. I am surprised no bone specialists have stepped forward to analyze these bones.The color of the bones looks darker than human remains.

The pictures you show reveal that the Pumu Punku site was reconstructed due to someone modern's interpretation of the site? Is this correct? I always thought from the Ancient Aliens show these must have been very sophisticated modern individuals due to the architecture..... Didn't anyone document the event of restoration with photographs? The restoration photos should have been shown on Ancient Aliens, if the site was not the orginal building completely intact untouched by modern scholars. While I am talking about Ancient Aliens the obalesk at Serpent Mound in Ohio should be restored to the center of the egg. How did that get moved away and thrown down the embankment?

The stones of Pumu Punku were probably not moved by water. Stone weighing tons do not float. Water is not going to move stones, unless it was a tsunami. Even then something like that would have just knocked the building over right where it stood. Has anybody checked for radiation?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 05:31 AM
Such beauty those sites have. It surely cannot be as easily explained away as aliens did it, other forces seem to be at work.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by lostinspace

The other day I saw this photo in a National Geographic magazine on the ancient site of Gobekli in Turkey.

Do you notice the “H” pattern in his belt? It matches the megalithic “H” stone from Puma Punku?
Also, his hand position matches one of the statues you posted.

So far apart, but so similar.

Holy #. The hands and the belt reminded me of....

Look familiar?

Holy #.

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