posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Hate is learned....I think.
It can be taught to children at a young age and if their little spirit does not fight it then they succumb to it.
I like teaching people how to not only change their way of thinking but also how to communicate with love. I think I am good at it at
Maybe I could get paid for it instead of being a Realtor and working for free. I counsel clients a lot and more times than not I never see a penny.
When on this site I do see a lot of negative people eager to hurt someone with their words....when in silence they may have learned something, or at
least not put their negative energy out all together.
Its sad but this is the world we live in and I think it is up to the receiver of the negative to show compassion with their words (love) back to the
one that delivered the negative words. Make sense?
When two people argue they are equally wrong. When someone hurts you it is easy to hurt them back but wisdom teaches to turn the other cheek by
providing back loving words or nothing at all.
That is a challenge....for sure.