posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:16 AM
Truther Alex Jones may be an A-hole but….
I have been listening to Alex Jones for the past five years, in addition to many other leading voices in the Truth Movement and one thing is certain.
Alex Jones may be an A-hole or jerk at times, but he is extremely informative. He can also be laugh out loud funny.
While Alex may or may not be clandestinely cooperating with Tavistock, Operation Mockingbird, the CIA, and the Vatican as some have suggested; for all
practical purposes Alex Jones is still a fantastic source of information. The important consideration is the fact that Alex has many guests on his
shows, including virtually every leading voice in the Truth Movement. This, alone, makes Alex Jones a valuable source of information.
The leading researchers and historians in the Truth Movement sometimes disagree about various matters and fight like cats and dogs, but all of them do
agree about certain fundamental truths or facts. For example, everyone in the truth movement agrees that the Official U.S. Government Report on 9/11
was not only false but scientifically impossible. Let us simply focus on this one fact.
We all know that this one fact, alone, is reason enough to launch a massive investigation resulting in the revelation of enough facts, truth, and
evidence to put a lot of traitorous folks behind bars for life. However, because the leadership of the U.S. Government intentionally ignores the
facts about 9/11 thereby allowing the perpetrators of this crime to go unpunished, we can only conclude that the leadership of the U.S. Government
must be traitorous criminals too. And, they are.
Alternative News sources like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Eric Jon Phelps, Eustace Mullins, Dr. William Deagle, Gordon Duff, Dr. Michel Chossudovsky,
David Icke, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Max Keiser, Bob Chapman, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, and Dr. Steve Pieczenik are a few excellent sources of actual history.
Remember the old wise saying that “in the multitude of wise counselors, there is safety.”
Remember, while you will hear some truth in the mainstream media like FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS, you won’t hear any of the really profoundly
important truth. Why? This is because the folks responsible for the most horrible crimes also own the mainstream media. Therefore, anyone who wants
to know what is really happening around the world needs to turn to these alternative news sources mentioned above. Be careful. Most alternate
sources are compromised in some way too.
Many believe the most vile and despicable people in America are people like Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rachel Maddow, Wolf Blitzer,
Chris Matthews, and the other talking heads in mainstream radio and television. Why? Because their job is to convince you that lies are the truth.
They all suppress the real truth and sell lies instead. Technically, they are all traitors because they have violated Article 3, Section 3 of the
U.S. Constitution.