I posted this last night but it got burried and I feel this is a important matter so I compiled topic and posts into new topic.
Link to story(in dutch):
Translation(by google translate and me):
Breivik was in club with dutch man
Anders Breivik Behring murderer wrote a book in which he announced his actions in Norway. 2083 A European Declaration of Independence is a voluminous
book of 1515 pages and, according to the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten actually the works of a mad killer.
Breivik sent the book to his Facebook friends on the day of his deed and the document has now come online. He also distributed a film full of rhetoric
against Islam and Marxism.
The book contains tips to become a good Justiciar Knight sleeper cell and being unable to be discovered. There are also tips on how best killing
people and how you can get bombs and weapons of mass destruction.
The so-called Justiciar Knight is a function within the club PCCTS. That is, Breivik a pan-European club of nationalist militants who the "original
inhabitants of Europe" protects against the jihad and Marxists. One of the founders of the club's is one Dutchman, according to Breivik (look under
Section 3.12). According to the murderous Norwegian its a matter of time before other European members of the club will strike.
Update 0:50 pm: The lawyer Breivik, Geir Lippe City, has spoken with his client. Breivik told him that his actions were horrible, but necessary. At a
court hearing Monday, which formally decided to sit down or Breivik longer, he will explain his actions.
Reading the book will take some time and updates will follow. Here are some things that stood out so far:
- According to Breivik the Netherlands can not be saved by democracy, only by use of force. Along with his club, which would have about 80 members, he
targets the Netherlands therefore labeled as a potential target. The Dutch nuclear reactors are targets too.
- Breivik also makes a very sinister reference to the deed which again (as eyewitnesses described) that he had fun during his heinous act. "First
coming this autumn costume party, dress up as a police officer. Arrive with insignias :-) Would be awesome as People Will Be very astonished :-) "
Update 1:10 pm: Breivik has it in his book at length about the "traitors". Marxists and cultural Marxists he calls them. Among many parties as he
supports the mother party youth organization AUF, the Norwegian Labour Party (but also of the VVD, the CDA and PvdA are mentioned). According to him,
he Justiciar Knight the job right and these 'traitors' punishment.
Update 1:30 pm: Website with the same name as Breivik weird club. It is unknown whether this is a hoax made after release of the book, or its another
club that calls itself the ancient Templars, or really related to Breivik.
Link to vid
Link to book (live)
Link to book (live)
Link to book (download)
On the last pages of his book he can be seen in full templar regalia, templar biosuit, templar scuba attack gear!
Website with same name as his club
The site links to these:
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