posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 06:34 AM
You are right, now that bin-ladden is all hear said but no show, this people has a real martyr, they have a leader that so far has shown no
hesitation against the powerful invaders of his country.
This people were oppressed during Sadam rule and even when they were able to do their religious things, they were not allowed to do demonstrations.
The entire area in the middle east is vigilant they are seen a new strong religious leader that perhaps is going to start the Jihad, the more US fight
this man the more supporters is going to attract to the area and the more of our soldiers are going to die.
Is something that our country has to understand, this people are not fighting or invading they are fighting for their own rights to rule their own
country, the Middle East belong to the Arabs not to the US or coalition forces.
This not about Bin-ladden anymore or the terrorist, this about winning what cannot be won.
This is not more about the will of the people of Iraq but the will of the few interest groups that US manage to put in power in that country.
You cannot win the hearts of the people in a country when while your are killing them.
Bush should take it like a man, accept the failure, and retrieve.
I wonder if the Middle East did not have any oil, will we be there at all?