posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:27 PM
In my amateur opinion I believe the dream to be the result of your reading threads on ATS...It is very normal to dream about things that you have
heard, read, or seen, even some time later. I have learned this from personal experience as well as by reading others' accounts that were similar.
I personally think that if premonitions really do exist, and people have them in dreams, they are probably on a smaller scale, as opposed to an ELE
(Earth-Level Event.) Of course, I also believe that all dreams involve your subconscious mind attempting to communicate to you where your internal
problems lie. Many times the problem is not evident to the individual. The subconscious has an advanced and expert way of compromising when dealing
with conflicting data, and whether one is aware of their problems or not, the same themes will recur in dreams.
The subconscious mind is like a brilliant author, and can use the most exquisite landscapes, objects, etc, to communicate with the individual. Of
course the imagery doesn't make sense to the conscious mind most of the time, unless one is trained and experienced in these matters.
This eloquent form of communication between layers of the human mind is fascinating to me, and I highly urge anyone who is interested to do some
research. Despite my knowledge relating to the subconscious mind and dreams, I am not fluent in dream interpretation, but will give it a vague
It is possible that this dream deals with your loss of identity, which could relate to some form of change.
It could represent the unknown, or things to come, possibly having to do with your outlook on the future.
It is hard to say, even though some recurring imagery in the overall population indicates similarities, because some imagery will occur on an
individual basis. SO, take my interpretation with a grain of salt.
Again, I don't think that this is any type of premonition involving something dire, but rather something in your own life. If you think about it and
analyze it for a while, maybe you can come up with the meaning behind the dream. Search within yourself, where the dream originated.