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Anthony Kane, contactee, describes the “Council of Twelve” describes dimensional shift in 2012

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:24 PM

[url=]http://mists ative-contactee-brings-ufoet-message-of-2012?ie8c=0

2012: Dr. Martin Luther King relative, contactee, brings UFO/ET message of dimensional shift in 2012

This article is part of a continuing series on 2012

Anthony Kane, a black American relative of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize) and reported continuing contactee of representatives of an apparent extraterrestrial, hyperdimensional governance authority known as the “Council of Twelve,” has delivered a number of specific datelines and predicted developments concerning a dimensional shift which Earth and human consciousness is now undergoing in relation to the year 2012, according to information Mr. Kane received from the “Council of Twelve.”

Mr. Kane describes the “Council of Twelve” as stating that during the nine days from December 12, 2012 (12/12/12) to December 21, 2012, the planet Earth will split dimensionally into two separate Earths, each of which has different dimensional frequencies. Mr. Kane describes this as a process analogous to the way that a single cell can split into two cells.

According to the “Council of Twelve,” humans with a consciousness anchored in fear will remain in the third dimensional Earth. Individuals who are experiencing a “conscious awakening” and putting an effort into being conscious of the shift will migrate into the new dimension of the fifth dimensional Earth.

edit on 22-7-2011 by light2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-7-2011 by light2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:28 PM
It wouldnt surprise me if this did happen and i hope it does. Anyone whos interested in this idea should read Dolores Cannons books on the Convolted Universe or watch one of her interviews. She goes into great detail on the subject and idea of the Earth splitting.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:30 PM
I'll believe that over ascension any day. As long as Melancholia/Nibiru/ELEnin and everybody else from your hometown ain't hitting earth

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:30 PM
And has he any evidence to support this?? Or does he use his ancestors name to gain credibility???


Just to add....there is another thread about this on the New Topics front page....
edit on 22-7-2011 by loves a conspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by iksose7
It wouldnt surprise me if this did happen and i hope it does. Anyone whos interested in this idea should read Dolores Cannons books on the Convolted Universe or watch one of her interviews. She goes into great detail on the subject and idea of the Earth splitting.

It is exactly what happened when adam and eve were thrown out of garden of eden. It is a parallel twin world. that is why there are twins to show you that this is how our universe works.
edit on 22-7-2011 by light2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Heartisblack
I'll believe that over ascension any day. As long as Melancholia/Nibiru/ELEnin and everybody else from your hometown ain't hitting earth

The moon will be knocked out of it's orbit in alignment with earth and it's rotation. Once the moon is knocked out of orbit, the waters will become still and wont move that is when a major earthquake will happen and the earth will began to heat up and the rotation of the earth will be stammered.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:37 PM
I was about to call bs but that name...the council of Twelve sounds way too familiar. I can't place my finger on it.

Ok, what is an effort? What consists of trying to be conscious. I've been meditating daily, rather than my three year occasionally, for the past two and a half months and plan to do so for the rest of my life. I seriously can't tell you that I'm anymore super enlightened, in fact, I feel like I know a lot less about everything now.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:42 PM
Oh no!

So all my preparations for a Biblical Armageddon with the apocalyptic horsemen, Lions with horns, broken seals, 666, hordes of locust, seas and rivers turning to blood, are all in vain?

Is there a way that I can contact the "Council of Twelve" and file a complaint?

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
I was about to call bs but that name...the council of Twelve sounds way too familiar. I can't place my finger on it.

Ok, what is an effort? What consists of trying to be conscious. I've been meditating daily, rather than my three year occasionally, for the past two and a half months and plan to do so for the rest of my life. I seriously can't tell you that I'm anymore super enlightened, in fact, I feel like I know a lot less about everything now.

It is all different for every being on this earth as well all are at different conscious and awareness developments. Because some have been here for thousands of years trying to get it right.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Theres alot of theorys on what may or may not happen in 2012.

I personally dont think anything will happen which has been talked about.

I see alot of fearmongering and such,not much else to be honest.

Whos knows though, i may be wrong.
edit on 22-7-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by light2012

I've read a lot about the Council of Nine, haven't heard specifically of the Council of Twelve. But, I like his face. He looks like a good guy. Course, does that really mean anything.

I've read tons of stuff on this subject, it's one of my favorites. There are sooooo many different scenarios. Though most come to the point of ascension and the earth splitting, leaving the dark on level 3 and the light on level 5 with a new world filled with being only of love. That's the one I want to go with - when - if - it happens.


posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Gutterpus

Problem is, how does one get there. That's all speculating that this "if" is actually true.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth
Theres alot of theorys on whats may or may not happen in 2012.

I personally dont think anything will happen which has been talked about.

I see alot of fearmongering and such,not much else to be honest.

Whos knows though, i may be wrong.

If you are aware and not base your feelings off of fear mongering on tv and so forth you will feel your body changing and your thought process will change too. No longer will you care about the material things of this world as you will want to be somewhere different where your thought are magnified by energy to attain whatever you want. This will be the gift to the ones that walk in the spirit.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
reply to post by Gutterpus

Problem is, how does one get there. That's all speculating that this "if" is actually true.

Before you were born you carry past lifetimes with you and your agenda is already written in the fragment of your DNA of what course you will take it is up to you to take the red pill or the blue pill Nemo you create your own reality to get of this Planet. Power of thought can consume or destroy you it all matters of what type of energy you are putting out there in the omniverse. The choice was written before you were born again.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Perhaps you are thinking of Magenta Pixie? She refers to the Council of 12 as well if memory serves me correctly.

Sorry, maybe hers is the council of 9 as well. Been so long since I have listened..

edit on 22-7-2011 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:13 PM

Dr. Calleman writes, “human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau in the Mayan Calendar) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet." On Oct. 28, 2011 (Figure A), according to Dr. Calleman, the universal alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden”.

Well since this date is only a few months away, we'll have another marker point to look out for and see if anything occurs/changes. Personally, I really like this guys message, even though it's more than likely stories to excite his listeners. However, I sort of wish it were true. I feel like my desires now are far from materialistic, especially lately, as if I just want to break free of the chains of societal norm and become a "Creator". As an artist, I work every day to manifest my ideas, and being able to exist as a 5th dimensional being with the ability to use thought/love energy to create works of art in moments, live to explore, sounds amazing. Of course people living in materialism would say "you need to go get a psych evaluation" or something if you believe/hope for such things.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Raelsatu

Dr. Calleman writes, “human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau in the Mayan Calendar) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet." On Oct. 28, 2011 (Figure A), according to Dr. Calleman, the universal alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden”.

Well since this date is only a few months away, we'll have another marker point to look out for and see if anything occurs/changes. Personally, I really like this guys message, even though it's more than likely stories to excite his listeners. However, I sort of wish it were true. I feel like my desires now are far from materialistic, especially lately, as if I just want to break free of the chains of societal norm and become a "Creator". As an artist, I work every day to manifest my ideas, and being able to exist as a 5th dimensional being with the ability to use thought/love energy to create works of art in moments, live to explore, sounds amazing. Of course people living in materialism would say "you need to go get a psych evaluation" or something if you believe/hope for such things.

12 dimensions
13 = continuum
edit on 22-7-2011 by light2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by light2012

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth
Theres alot of theorys on whats may or may not happen in 2012.

I personally dont think anything will happen which has been talked about.

I see alot of fearmongering and such,not much else to be honest.

Whos knows though, i may be wrong.

If you are aware and not base your feelings off of fear mongering on tv and so forth you will feel your body changing and your thought process will change too. No longer will you care about the material things of this world as you will want to be somewhere different where your thought are magnified by energy to attain whatever you want. This will be the gift to the ones that walk in the spirit.

So basically love and don't feel fear and you have a chance?

Hope so, if this happens I wanna be on the 5th dimensional Earth

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by light2012

The One Electric

Problem is, how does one get there. That's all speculating that this "if" is actually true.

That truly is the question, isn’t it? Shakespeare anyone?

Light 2012

Before you were born you carry past lifetimes with you and your agenda is already written in the fragment of your DNA of what course you will take it is up to you to take the red pill or the blue pill Nemo you create your own reality to get of this Planet. Power of thought can consume or destroy you it all matters of what type of energy you are putting out there in the omniverse. The choice was written before you were born again.

I’ve heard and read this many times before and believe it could certainly be true and I truly hope it is. All my life I’ve believed in past lives, star people, God, Jesus, Buddha, Ra, etc. I also believe we have a definite purpose –whatever it may be. Did we design it? I don’t know. I sort of hope it’s like “Made in Heaven” with Timothy Buttons. But, in reality, do any of us really, really know? How could we until it happens? I certainly believe people can channel information. But, who’s to say they’re true and loving spirits who are being channeled? And, even if they are, who’s to say that valuable, incredible information they impart is from the one true Source? What if they don’t even know? Channelers certainly believe with all their heart that’s who their source is and they’re good. Who knows? I’ve never channeled information so I have no idea what it feels like. I can’t see beyond my dreams, although incredible as they are sometimes. Do they tell me something for future reference? I have no idea. I can write them down and try to interpret them all day long, but my interpretations can only subjective. How can they be otherwise? I certainly believe in the possibility that millions of years humans have lived on earth as well as having grand civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria. Did we at one time live in those places? I don’t know. One thing is for certain, enough deadlines are on the verge of hitting us square in the face, that we’ll either know or won’t know pretty soon. I’m ready for whatever happens. I believe if you have a good heart and really enjoy life and the people who fill it with you, and you try your best to be the best person you can be, then that’s about all anybody can do. At least I hope so.


posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:42 PM
Finally a more positive post for something supposed to happen on my birthday.

for some reason this 'twin earth' idea reminds me of the phrase 'As Above, So Below'

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