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Human Augmentation - Which side are you on?

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 05:22 PM
Human Augmentation

Human enhancement refers to any attempt to temporarily or permanently overcome the current limitations of the human body through natural or artificial means. The term is sometimes applied to the use of technological means to select or alter human characteristics and capacities, whether or not the alteration results in characteristics and capacities that lie beyond the existing human range. Here, the test is whether the technology is used for non-therapeutic purposes. Some bioethicists restrict the term to the non-therapeutic application of specific technologies — neuro-, cyber-, gene-, and nano-technologies — to human biology.[1][2]

We are getting closer and closer every year. Actually, human enhancement is becoming more common nowadays, military is already using it for their operations. Most common form is in form of chips. However, replacing limbs with artifical limbs may be 2-4 decades away IMO.

What spiked my interest in these things is actual game, that will be released in very near future. Some of you may know it. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. This game is focused around conspiracy theories, power of corporations over government, and human augmentations, that enhance power of humans. This game is not far from truth, and is based on many conspiracy theories, and upcoming things of today.

Human Revolution deals with the ethics of transhumanism, and carries an overarching message of humanity's reach exceeding its grasp. "Mankind is using mechanical augmentations," director Jean-François Dugas said before the game's release, "but there is still much to be determined in terms of their effect on society and the ultimate direction it will lead us in." The Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus appears in Adam Jensen's dreams as an allegory to this thought, and also - given that Daedalus was the name of an artificial intelligence in Deus Ex - an intellectual bridge to the original game. The pace of technological development is reflected visually by a Renaissance theme. Characters who support the advances of human augmentation dress themselves and decorate their homes in reinterpreted late-mediaeval Italian style, and the game as a whole has a sepia-tinted colour palette reminiscent of historic manuscripts. In contrast, characters who oppose augmentation wear clothing that is more or less current-day. Conspiracy theories and immensely powerful corporations also feature strongly, as in Deus Ex, though nothing is currently known about them. Parts of the game will take place during the day, unlike in Deus Ex, but most locations will nevertheless be brooding and dark.

We will be dealing with same issues in the future. Question is, will you be for this form of enhancement, or against? Will you enhance yourself in any way, or remain in normal form?

I personally am against it. I would not stand having any kind of artifical thing in my body, I find it... so unnatural, and gross.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 05:27 PM
In short? It's one thing to use it to replace lost limbs and such; it's entirely another to make people "enhanced" and take their bodies/minds beyond the natural uses. Stretching natural limits for long periods of time simply cannot be good for a person's health.

And, no, I don't believe in even giving people the free will to choose. Because "informed consent" is a fairytale.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 05:27 PM
My thoughts: we've taken natural selection out of the cards (not complaining -- nature can be rough).

IMO science takes over at this point (as per singularity texts):

Yes, there is great potential for abuse/irreversible damage in this space. Hopefully humankind thinks before it does to many things it can't undo/shouldn't have done because there were still too many unknowns.

Hopefully we never have to fight to hard for individuality (one of the most beautiful thing about our species, imo), and scientists never make assumptions about things like "junk DNA" before realizing later that it wasn't junk at all.

If it were up to certain old carmudgeons I think we could end up sexless/total clones (sounds horrible).

edit on 7/21/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/21/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Farnhold

I am against it but if somebody doesn't knock this government out of place this will be our reality in 10-15 years.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 05:31 PM
Is it inevitable? Perhaps. The "augmentation" supporters (artilect group) will quickly gain an advantage over the opposition (Terran group).

An artificial brain researcher, named Hugo de Garis, says this:

Kurzweil claims that if ever a war occurred between the Terrans and the other groups it would be a quick no-contest battle. The vastly superior intelligence of the artilect group would quickly overcome the Terrans. Therefore I claim that the Terrans will have to strike first while they can, during the "window of opportunity," when they have comparable intelligence levels. If they wait too long, then Kurzweil's dismissive view may become valid.

Along with those physical augmentations will come artificial intelligence systems, at first specialized and "narrow", they will become smarter and "broad".

If the Terrans want humanity as-we-know-it to survive, then they will need to strike BEFORE this begins. We only have a few decades left.

I'm against all of this technology. I am a Terran.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 05:45 PM
I don't know. If full body replacement was available then depending on upgrades and parts being available then maybe. Longevity would come in picture also. Would there be any reproductive options? Wouldn't want it just to be a fighter for the corporations or government. Might be cool for long space voyages to other stars or colonization of planets,

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Farnhold

there are others ways to enhance your body than using technology or science, dont you think? And when i mean "enhance" i really mean overcome your limitations by far even more than with technology or genetics. The rare ones that can do it, it would be awesome to meet one of these jewels.
What are the odds seriously..

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:07 PM
Meh. I just see it as an inevitable process, assuming we manage to get to a point that the technology is available and don't blow ourselves up before then. And yeah, I would consider it, especially if it allowed me to do things I could not have done before, whether due to physical limitations or or whatever.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:59 PM
me, I am not against it. This, has been a long time coming, and besides... its already here, what about vaccinations? and other drugs? plastic surgery? its been here for a long time, its only now we are on the very verge
of major threws in Genetics, Nanotechnology, etc. which potentially will transform human life as we know it.

does it scare people, yea. but I greatly suspect, the coming debates about this stuff will make abortion rights
seem like kids stuff.


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:04 PM
Human augmentation is childish.

So your boobs aren't big enough. Get over it.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 12:05 AM
human augmentation with mechanical and biomechanical parts is going to become more and more the norm. it will happen. there's nothing that can be done about it. frankly it's neither good nor evil. and for those who opt in, good for them, hopefully they are happy with it. for those who don't the same. and for those who are violently opposed, who are you to tell people what they can do with their body? it's arguably the only thing we can ever really own.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 12:13 AM
i'd like to augmented with the ability to read and send pheromones.

also infrared sight and night vision.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 01:03 AM
Cyborgs huh? Geez the abuses of this are more than a little frightening. And we thought we were slaves to the powerful now?

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by 2012srb
Human augmentation is childish.

So your boobs aren't big enough. Get over it.

Well, hold on there now partner!

This is one area of augmentation that I fully support...and, no, I am not in the bra business.

I think, also, it would be cool to have a calculator chip installed that interfaces with my brain.

Actually, we should all get some kind of standard port installed (like a USB to something) so that we can swap out devices as better ones come on the market.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 01:46 AM
i am not for being modified thanks

the only use i see for bio-augmentation is to help those who have lost limbs and stuff in order to help them. how much "humanity" would we loose each time we get an "upgrade" on our bodies. i remember in the RPG shadow run every enhancement took away part of your humanity, at a certain time going berserk from all the bio-hardware. to be honest i never really supported the use of plastic surgery the way it's done now. sure to help say a burn victim or to fix nasal issues that effect breathing ect is ok, but to just go in to suck out fat, fix my face ect, that's just way too much.

and yes there is always the concern with bio-enhancement that they build little extras like a shut off switch, or "control mechanism" as well without your knowledge or consent. sure we can do much, the question is "should we".

as for the game COOL
i used to love deus ex, was a great game filled with augmentation and conspiracy. started out working for UNATCO (UN armed forces), till in the game you turn against them. the "Grey death" plague, even aliens made it in. can't Waite for the next installment to come out.

i will admit that i always liked the plug in circuits in the game shadow run that let you literally go into the net (was dangerous with all that "black ICE around tho). and for using to control vehicles and drones with your mind.
edit on 22-7-2011 by generik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:29 AM
As long as civilisation continues, human argumentation is a reality. The questions of sides or opposition comes down to how it is implemented. Either by ethical and humane processes that are out in the open or by unethical and cold scientific processes that are kept hidden. When this society cannot even confront the clear lies and deception behind 9/11 and the reasons for war we are on the cold scientific path. There will always be some trying to push the boundaries without any accountability, but when this is done on such a large scale it will leave a wake of pain, fear and terror in its path.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:34 AM
My belief is that in the instance of something like a horrific injury, artificial replacements for limbs, organs and tissues are an essential advancement, and must be allowed to flourish despite the ethical risk posed by abuse of that technology. We are living longer in general as a species, and if amputees, persons who have suffered organ damage or failiure, and those with severe disabilities, can be assisted technologicaly to become self sufficient and as effecitve as thier undamaged counterparts, then that will be alot better for our future society than the other options available.

Mankind has made many advancements in his technological arsenal over the years, but the abuses of those sorts of tech have never really gotten enough people angry for anything to change. Personaly I call using JDAM missiles against shepherds and sand dwellers an abuse. I call Britain having more security cameras than coppers an abuse. But rather than fight these battles where they already exist as a threat, we have worries about nanotech upgrades to personal strength ?

Let me tell you something you might not have thought of. The only effective way of terminating a dangerous person who tries to control the world with automatic weapons, bombs , tanks, missiles and so on, is to use them yourself. The only way to bring down a group of folks who wish to control the world with these augmentations, is to use them against them.

The only other way to take that kind of crap off the streets, where it to become a norm, would be a high bursting Nuke, or perhaps a dedicated EMP bomb. All that nano junk is going to be highly sensitive, oh it might be armoured up to the eye sockets, but its going to be very weak against electromagnetic pulses.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 09:52 AM
Yeah I am all in.

Any improvemnet to this limited body would be welcome.

Johnny mnemonic has a new body guard.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:54 PM
I have to agree with the idea of helping injured people and other disabilities with this kinda tech. As for healthy people It will still offer some very good options, especially if we can enhance our natural bodies abilities such as cellular regeneration or antibodies.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:07 PM
I would go for the full cyborg conversion, but only if my body was preserved for re-conversion. Basically if they can do it with out destroying my organic host, than it is game on!

Of course some testing would need to be done first, but last year or so ago French surgeons successfully performed the worlds first spine transplant. So if they can do that, then a cyborg interface for the neural pathways can be set. Science fiction is always closer to reality than perceived.

Besides, this technology would help restore handicapped people of all kinds, accidental amputations as well as veterans with war wounds, would be able to have a chance of returning to a normal life.

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