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Massive UFO disclosure in USA : A challenge for ATS

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posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by kdog1982
Just wondering how that data base is working out.

Out of all the various techniques suggested in this thread to download the full collection of Project Bluebook documents from the website (the new name for and create an index/database of those documents, only one technique showed any real promise.

That one technique, suggested by Xtraeme and developed with a LOT of effort by him, is still being refined by him - but is beginning to pay real dividends.

Despite the initial interest in this thread, Xtraeme is the only one to have stuck with this project when it became clear that meeting the challenge I set in my OP involved a lot of work.

I'm reluctant to post much detail since the relevant story is really one for Xtraeme to tell (and get the credit for) - since he did all the relevant work. I'm just glad there are a few members like Xtraeme on ATS.

edit on 12-2-2012 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
That one technique, suggested by Xtraeme and developed with a LOT of effort by him, is still being refined by him - but is beginning to pay real dividends.

Cool so we can expect to see the smoking gun proof or those saucer schematics any day now, right?

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Smoking gun? No that was already posted here

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
That one technique, suggested by Xtraeme and developed with a LOT of effort by him, is still being refined by him - but is beginning to pay real dividends.

Cool so we can expect to see the smoking gun proof or those saucer schematics any day now, right?

Er, just in case I gave the wrong impression, I meant "real dividends" in terms of the challenge I set in the OP to download the entirety of the high resolution images of Project Bluebook documents on the website - rather than real dividends in solving all the issues in relation to UFO reports. I'm sure Zorgon you are familiar with "The UFO Curse" which Philip J Klass bequeathed to the ufologists who publicly criticized him,or who even think unkind thoughts about him in private:

The UFO Curse, by Philip J Klass
"No matter how long you live, you will never know any more about UFOs than you know today. You will never know any more about what UFOs really are, or where they come from. You will never know any more about what the U.S. Government really knows about UFOs than you know today. As you lie on your own death-bed you will be as mystified about UFOs as you are today. And you will remember this curse."

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
I'm sure Zorgon you are familiar with "The UFO Curse" which Philip J Klass bequeathed to the ufologists who publicly criticized him,or who even think unkind thoughts about him in private:

Well in my circles I don't have to worry about that curse. I'll have to ask my source if I can release that sketch of the Star Drive yet...
I'll let you know

But yeah a CD of all that would be nice to have, especially the high res photos.

Pay for something like that, I would... Yes Hmmmm?

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

The real stuff is savely locked away and only available for people who are grounded and smart enough to comprehand the evidence. These peolpe I am talking about are.....not us.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:04 AM
truth is inside of you, inside your DNA and inside your consciousness...

ask and you shall recieve

i KNOW we are not alone


posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
I'll have to ask my source if I can release that sketch of the Star Drive yet...
I'll let you know

I look forward to reading about a test flight of a vehicle using that Star Drive. Until then...

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
I look forward to reading about a test flight of a vehicle using that Star Drive. Until then...

Well see its like this.... the file is actually kinda sensitive... so I don't expect to hear on the results in the near future... but if we can cough up $30 million. my team assures me we can make a small prototype

But maybe if your nice and promise not to tell anyone... I might leak you a copy

But ya didn't get it from me...

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Doesn't have anything to do with this,does it?

Teleportation Physics Study

Abstract : This study was tasked with the purpose of collecting information describing the teleportation of material objects, providing a description of teleportation as it occurs in physics, its theoretical and experimental status, and a projection of potential applications. The study also consisted of a search for teleportation phenomena occurring naturally or under laboratory conditions that can be assembled into a model describing the conditions required to accomplish the transfer of objects. This included a review and documentation of quantum teleportation, its theoretical basis, technological development, and its potential applications. The characteristics of teleportation were defined and physical theories were evaluated in terms of their ability to completely describe the phenomena. Contemporary physics, as well as theories that presently challenge the current physics paradigm were investigated. The author identified and proposed two unique physics models for teleportation that are based on the manipulation of either the general relativistic spacetime metric or the spacetime vacuum electromagnetic (zero-point fluctuations) parameters.Naturally occurring anomalous teleportation phenomena that were previously studied by the United States and foreign governments were also documented in the study and are reviewed in the report. The author proposes an additional model for teleportation that is based on a combination of the experimental results from the previous government studies and advanced physics concepts. Numerous recommendations outlining proposals for further theoretical and experimental studies are given in the report. The report also includes an extensive teleportation bibliography.

Then all we'll need is Scotty.

Forgot to add the warp drive too.
Some of that stuff in there look like reported ufos IMHO.

WARNING!! Very large PDF.

edit on 13-2-2012 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-2-2012 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

Knowing zorgon he's probably talking about this -

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by freelance_zenarchist
reply to post by kdog1982

Knowing zorgon he's probably talking about this -

Is that the proto type,or is this it

Sorry,I couldn't help myself.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:37 PM
Best thread I've read in months!!

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:35 AM
Hey gang, just wanted to stop in and give a report. I've got the tool in a state where it runs and does what it was advertised to do. Isaac has been so generous to offer up his time to be my guinea pig ... er tester.
There are still a couple of stubborn bugs. I hope by the end of the next month to release the entire thing to ATS. It'll be fun to see how quickly we can download the entire NARA Blue Book archive. Till then!
edit on 26-2-2012 by Xtraeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Xtraeme
Isaac has been so generous to offer up his time to be my guinea pig ... er tester.

It's been my pleasure.

Just to be clear, though, Xtraeme has done all the work by himself. I've been in the privileged position of just pointed out some problems, without being able to contribute to their solutions.

Xtraeme's done a heck of a lot of work and I hope that, when he posts his solution, his considerable efforts get the recognition that they deserve.

Originally posted by Xtraeme
There are still a couple of stubborn bugs.

Those blasted bugs...

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by freelance_zenarchist
Knowing zorgon he's probably talking about this -

NICE! But no....

Maybe closer to this...

reply to post by kdog1982

No sorry... that is the Stargate tech ;D and Warp Drives are passe... (according to NASA

but there are many papers on the Warp Drives at Los Alamos archives
Should keep ya busy for months

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
Just to be clear, though, Xtraeme has done all the work by himself. I've been in the privileged position of just pointed out some problems, without being able to contribute to their solutions.

Great... still watching developments. Will there be a DVD version? I would pay for that

Originally posted by Xtraeme
There are still a couple of stubborn bugs.

Those blasted bugs...

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 11:53 AM
Its time for me to BUMP this thread. Whatever your reading on ATS, stop reading it for a second and take a look at this. This is one of those threads that is a MUST READ. A lot of effort and time put into something like this.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:43 PM
How is this progressing, did you get the bugs fixed ?
Was the task accomplished ?
Im very interested in knowing how this is progressing.

Im looking forward to try this tool, if I get a chance

And great work btw
edit on 1/6/12 by Squiip because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:06 PM
Looks like a semi-annual bump on this thread is in order. Has everyone lost interest in the original purpose because of the length of time involved?

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