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ATS and what members are never told (The calling out)

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:45 AM
I'm a high member of ATS what did you want to know?
edit on 21-7-2011 by Nosred because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:46 AM
Ok seriously ill stop now.. but ATS i'm on to you!!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:56 AM
ok, I'm letting one secret go and it is only because I am about to get in my ship and go back home to planet Ordulan.

All the dogs and cats that you see around you, they are all alien spies and they can talk to one another. This poor cat got caught and he has since been sent back home. Punishment entails no cat or dog treats for one full stellar year.

When you let your cat out at night, they go back home to give a full report while you sleep.

crap, my dog just walked in, gotta go bye

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by nakiannunaki
Ok seriously ill stop now.. but ATS i'm on to you!!

From what I've ascertained about the grand conspiracy from years of ATS membership.


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:17 AM
It was a covert ATS high member who vandalized the Georgia Guide Stones. The spelling mistakes gave it away. It was all caught on security cameras, relayed to the CIA and FBI then forwarded on to The Club of Rome, who video linked it to the Tavistock Institute which is being bugged by a freelance journalist. He'll pass it on to Murdoch once the Piccadilly circus leaves town providing the undertaker doesn't visit him first. In which case Scotland Yard will pass it on to Rupert. It will be the leading story in some trashy news paper tomorrow or the leading distraction all week on FOX News.

edit on 21-7-2011 by LexiconV because: All week... More like the next 3 months.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Kryties

Phage is just a grumpy old man...

Woops, said that out loud - what I meant to say is WE LOVE YOU PHAGE - Phage for President of the World!!!!

You sound like my Mother in law!

But I won't quote on her words or 'jokes'.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

There is no doubt in my mind that ATS has its own think tank building a picture of what is really going on.. Mapping out all the past events and learning ways of predicting the future..

Now you're onto something.
Kinda like Cleverbot!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

AS a Federal employee, I completely agree with your assessment of how impossible it would be to plan and execute anything of a conspiratorial nature. It only takes a few months of government employment to see hoe inept the whole thing really can be.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by usernameconspiracy
reply to post by getreadyalready

AS a Federal employee, I completely agree with your assessment of how impossible it would be to plan and execute anything of a conspiratorial nature. It only takes a few months of government employment to see hoe inept the whole thing really can be.

Well, the wheel is turning but the hamster's dead!

The CIA. NSA and other three letter agencies are Federal employees and they do quite well in the conspiratorial realm. How much do you know what they do Mr Federal employee??

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I disagree. What evidence is there that they do anything very well?

The TSA procedures in airports are all worthless and just for show. The handling of information before and after 9/11 was terrible. The information on Iraq was terrible. The Berlin Wall was a huge surprise to everyone! Cuban Missile Crisis, Iran-Contra, etc., etc. Their resume is pretty piss-poor if you ask me.

The only people giving the alphabet agencies any credit are the Conspiracy theorists, LOL!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by nakiannunaki
They say knowledge is power..
The amount of knowledge that flows through this site must yield some power right?

And power can only exist when you have subjects to wield your power over. That is really what Foucault was getting at with Knowledge is Power.

Isn't there some sort of secret forum that only "elite" members have access to? Be interesting to know what goes on in there.
edit on 7/21/2011 by yadda333 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:38 PM
I think what you should really be considering is what percentage of ATS posts/members are cointelpro trolls?? Mucking up the truth where it occasionally sprouts up.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:52 PM

This poor cat got caught and he has since been sent back home.

Now THAT was funny!

And hard, physical proof of a conspiracy, I might add

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:58 PM
OP... all you have to do is get a high member of ATS, explain to them you have a 12 pack of mountain dew and a box of twinkies ready to share ...quid pro quo, of course.. they spill their guts. Voila.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Advantage

I prefer cheese and biccies to quench my munchies! Washed down with a good imported beer or perhaps some of my wife's delightful homemade mulled wine.


Wait - what were we talking about again? :p

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by whaaa

I disagree. What evidence is there that they do anything very well?

The TSA procedures in airports are all worthless and just for show. The handling of information before and after 9/11 was terrible. The information on Iraq was terrible. The Berlin Wall was a huge surprise to everyone! Cuban Missile Crisis, Iran-Contra, etc., etc. Their resume is pretty piss-poor if you ask me.

The only people giving the alphabet agencies any credit are the Conspiracy theorists, LOL!

Yeah but the thing about a good conspiracy theorist is that they can always think of a possible scenario that seems plausible in their minds. For example, the inept ways of the gov could just be for show, so we just think they are clumsy but really everything was planned out carefully to achieve a certain goal. Also, why would ats want to start a website to hide secrets? Well, now they control information that was once free flowing. They can delete any post or thread. Even if it was a true thread they would be "right" in doing so because it could be a matter of national security to talk about aliens. Also they have the ability to drown out real info with tons of other somewhat similar stories so you would never know which one to believe. I don't believe this is happening, but just playing along for the sake of the op and his theory... As far as satanic rituals, I don't know I just don't see that... It doesn't fit in with my personal conspiracy fetish
but what does is having control over information. You should think more about that if you want to find any conspiracy. But even then I doubt you will not find one. Threads are posted in real time and are only subject to review after being posted... So any info released would be seen by several members before it could be effectively "snuffed out" and everything that has been taken off the site was done for specific reasons and I do think its a shame that not everyone takes care to follow the t&c because I absolutely love reading their zany stories and defending their right to tell them. With ats and conspiracies becoming more popular, maybe power Will change hands at the top. I wouldn't be surprised if the top site admins are on a first name basis with some federal agents, etc, due to the controversial nature of the subject matter discussed on this site, and the Laughner incident, etc... But that's just inevitable once you become big and popular. I would see it as a badge of pride, in a way... But also a curse in a few ways. Anyway, this topic has me bored now. Adios! Sayanora! Bon voyage!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by ZackMorris

For example, the inept ways of the gov could just be for show, so we just think they are clumsy but really everything was planned out carefully to achieve a certain goal.

I could buy that if I didn't work here. Alas, it is not for show. Our system really is completely broken. We are privatizing so many government processes, because the private industry can work so much more efficiently, and still make a profit, compared to what we do for peanuts.

There is a Southpark episode about 9/11 and the Dukie in the Urinal, where President Bush pretty much agrees with us both. In the end, the boys find out there was no conspiracy for 9/11, it really was the 11 terrorists, but the government actually created the conspiracy theory to cover up the fact that they did such a poor job in preventing the attack. The conspiracy theory made them look all knowing and powerful while the truth made them look inept. I think that version is pretty close to the truth!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Dukie in the Urinal

I think this needs to be entered in a "mod quote hall of fame"...

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:37 PM
I have known many higher ups in my lifetime. I'll give you my take on what is driving the world: basically 2 things: ego and power.

A taste of power leads some people to pursue more and more of it until they are totally addicted and will do anything to get their fix, to get more of their fix and to make more of their fix. When I say anything, I mean anything.

Secondly, ego. Some people feel they are smarter than everyone else, know what others should do or think and try to force others to do it to prove they are right to themselves. The ultimate ego trip, once again they get a fix, and will do anything to get their fix, get more of their fix and make more of their fix.

So perhaps high is a good term.

Conspiracy? Well the drive to get power and control others can and will lead others to do some mighty strange things.

Remember Obama saying how is life would be much easier if our country were like China and he was president of a country like that and implying he wishes it were so. Proves my point, power for power's sake, ego, ergo I know best for everyone.

I'm not just singling out Obama, his wish just gives the away the grandest conspiracy of all.

Aliens, don't think so, knew someone who worked at Area 51, spooky stuff there yes, aliens no. Could be wrong but don't think he lied to me. Stuff going on we don't know about that looks like Aliens, yeah perhaps. Time travelers, possibly more like time viewers who slip into view from time to time. Dimension travelers, more probably given what we know about physics these days.

Grand over all conspiracy, probably not. Unchecked egos and power mad individuals like Soros, the greatest possibility.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by nakiannunaki
Ok maybe i did'nt structure my OP well enough and it isn't because im high btw

How about the conspiracy that ATS is a psy ops programme to condition it's members?
How about the conspiracy that ATS members hold satanic rituals?
How about the conspiracy that ATS is a Luceferic organisation?
How about the conspiracy that ATS members have realtions to Alien beings from other worlds?
How about the conspiracy that ATS members work alongside the Illuminati?

I could go on and on.. Just saying.

All 100% True!
That's why we're all here, of course.
Because we are lucifer worshipping, satanic loving, mjnd conditioned , alien beings who LOVE the Illuminati and would sacrifice our children to the MOST HIGH~ Praise him! Oh Lucifer.

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