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Utilising Our Greatest Power on Earth

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 05:47 AM
The closing months of this year will see us enter another phase on Earth. It will come to mark another turning point of the rising influence of negative powers upon humanity, just as the post 9/11 world exerted tighter controls over the sovereignty of nations. We are soon enough going to enter in the midst of greater challenges that will test the spiritual will of many, therefore I felt the included statement is more than necessary for these times of growing hardships felt on varying levels.

The coming phase of 'Elenin' is symbolic of the ElevenNine (11/9) Illuminatus coding, (9/11 reversed). I have been shown 'Elenin' will be an ominous omen of the negative geared changes to come (Not an E.L.E/Destroyer object I should add). The forces that influence the machinations of evil on this planet are going to exert their influence to a higher degree and our spiritual 'shields' need to be raised especially so to ensure we are not spiritually 'swept away' from Grace by the changing tides that will be upon us. Many feel this coming change on some level. These feelings, whether on a subconscious or conscious level are felt for a reason. Follow your heart and intuition always, including with my own statements of course. I do not seek 'followers'. I spread a message only.

All our thoughts and actions create a butterfly effect on this Earth and the state of our spiritual alignment will be significant to both our personal spiritual journey outcomes and our effect on others including the surrounding environment. A time of deeper connection to Spirit is advised now moreso to a much greater degree. That is the purpose of this message and I will try not to make a habit of these videos here (1 so far), but I do feel an urging to put this out there at this time amid growing fears, confusion and uncertainties...thanks also to those who have made me feel comfortable enough to do this via goodwill and positive encouragement.

edit on 21-7-2011 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:04 AM
Just a quick note to say thank you for the message. Many people are having these feelings, but don't understand who is sending the message... Your reminder above, in a very gentle and thoughtful way, is much appreciated.

I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.
Revelation 1:8

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

I appreciate your sentiments. Am sensing this change on the horizon more and moreso and hear others that express the same. We can adapt to any change for better or worse with the right power on our side. I just know that things will get more difficult before there is reprieve.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by benedict9
That is the purpose of this message and I will try not to make a habit of these videos here (1 so far), but I do feel an urging to put this out there at this time amid growing fears, confusion and uncertainties...

The only growing fears, confusion and uncertainties... is what people like you do to vulnerable people. What a bunch of "horse hockey!' Do you people think your going to turn into some sort of new being or something. For crying out loud, you much watch an awful lot of SciFi.

Ever think of maybe just getting involved in your community to lend a hand. I mean anything but put this dribble out there. It's useless nonsense, you know and everyone else knows it's "dung beetle food."

It's not even entertaining. Millions of people are starving and dying around the world and this is all you can come up with? Do the world a favor, hush!!!!!!

Now, Back to more nonsense! Take it away ben9.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by BlindSided

Do you people think your going to turn into some sort of new being or something.

Who is "you people" that you refer to? I am doing this of my own will and accord.

Ever think of maybe just getting involved in your community to lend a hand.

And who says I don't? ATS is just one community I am part of.

I mean anything but put this dribble out there. It's useless nonsense, you know and everyone else knows it's "dung beetle food."

Is there a specific point of reference you disagree with? Let me know and maybe we can discuss what elements you take issue with.

It's not even entertaining.

I am not here for your entertainment, nor anybody elses respectfully. I am always willing for open discussion as this is all in the Spirit of sharing, hopefully with fruitful exchanges even if there is difference of conscious perspective. And please, before you speak up on "what everybody else knows", why don't you read the comment above yours. Just that alone is evidence the effort was worthwhile.Peace.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:10 PM
Oh please ben6 you know exactly what I'm talking about. Please don't go the route, I'm picking on the metaphysical crowd. As far as the ATS community, this is a discussion forum for all types of relevant info on topics that range from everyday news items to conspiracy. I don't need to tell you that, do I? Been here for years just reading.

If you were to spread this "talk" in any other community I do not think you would get to far with it. Is this something you discuss at let's say, at your school, if you attend one. At your community watch meetings, if you have one. How bout maybe just hangin with your friends and family at a barbecue. Is this what you discuss. "I doubt it!," or do you? Please tell us.

As far as the entertainment, that was meant as it was intended. Completely and totally boring. It has no thought to it, it is about as rediculous as you can possibly get, it has no merit in any.........thing. It has no basis in any known anything. Jeez it is just jibberish spoken and written through the years by drug induced boneheads that have no real evidence of anything that they say!!!

Save the conscious perspective trip for someone in your newfound cult.

There is no point to mindless jibberish so there is nothing to discuss. Go play baseball or something. If you only knew how ridiculous you sound.

Back to you ben6.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by BlindSided

These threads are amongst my biggest purpose in being online. This is a very special one, put forth by someone with so much integrity and a pure heart. Your discernment is lacking. We all have the capacity to pray and ask for this discernment, for awareness, for direction, to see through deceptions and the world, and find the direction we need to follow.

edit on 21-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Well good luck with that. Let me know how it works out.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by BlindSided

I see no discussion here. I have counted only numerous false assumptions about my path and intentions. You can keep going with that by all means.

BTW, yes I do speak about these matters regularly with both family, friends and also during social occasions with random people who funnily enough are quite interested in the 'metaphysical' and bring matters up also for fruitful conversations to evolve. This is a large part of my journey/conscious path and has evolved on it's own in many ways.

If you want to be civil, with basic courtesy we can further discuss any related issue brought forth. Am happy to do so.
edit on 21-7-2011 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by benedict9

Is the prayer you were going to include different than this.

Father in Heaven
I offer this prayer in Faith, reaching out humbly as a Child
I call out now with sincere intent to Know you
To develop in Trust, a personal relationship with you
I ask that I receive the Graces of your Holy Spirit in Surrender
That you may guide me according to Your Divine Plan in Love, Truth and Wisdom
And with loving guidance, lead not only my own spirit,
but Shepard All Mankind, onto the Blessed path of Deliverance,
according to Your Will
That we may All dwell with your Holy Spirit to Know and reject every evil and corruption of this world,
aligning in Holy Union with the Divine, becoming instruments of Your Will for the greatest Good,
purified to enter renewed, Your Kingdom of Heavenly Glory,
through the Spirit of Jesus Christ

I like this very much. I would like add one,

Dear Father/Mother and Family, please send forth the Spirit of Peace and Love to every heart, and those in need, healing our insight and awareness, our sight and hearing, that we may be walk with You, and be the means of Your Peace in this world, and meet each others needs. May love be kindled in our hearts, and faith in Goodness and Love, and You. Please help us to help others, make straight our paths, and lead us out of dangers and hardships, to peace and unity. Help us to help the children, and leave no one out. This I ask in the Name of Christ Yeshua, and the Spirit of Peace and Love.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Absolutely beautiful, thank you for including that and all are welcome to share here. I felt that very much from the heart.

That was the original prayer I meant to share on YT and may expand to further discuss it's meaning as this is not about religion at all, but about basic outreach though sometimes the message can be misunderstood because people can easily misinterpret spiritual messages with 'religious conversion'. Just sharing what has worked for me personally in many many ways. I know it has worked for you too. Thanks again for sharing.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by benedict9

Thats very much like I pray, nearly everyday, and before meditations. So that was the shorter version, for pouring out needs of others, faults even, things with family,kids, seeking, the world, so much. Sometimes I forget to listen. I think listening, stilling the mind is, important after prayers.

I was thinking of a thread, starting one or finding one, that was for prayers,the topic I mean. Where prayers could be shared. Then I found this one, someone in need of prayers.
Prayers Please!

To me the outreach is akin to seeking, but its also outreach to others. Part of that connection is based on how we view others, but with always room for Spirit to move people and intervene in whatever situations, for its not only those who are striving to be on a good path but Grace has delivered so many from other paths as well, miracles. Perhaps prayers answered, perhaps reaching to a humble broken heart.

I really felt your spirit in this video. And believe that we have a role to play, its not just events, or even fascism that overtake us, or access to this world by more negatives. Our faith, love, visions of freedom, equality, and a better world, count, its an interactive school. The double slit experiment was showing that 1 electron interfered with itself, talking the position of multiple timelines or possibilities or potentials, before the wave was collapsed.

That tells me that this is interactive. That even signs of the times, or events, or cycles, and those acting out the parts as wolves taking advantage, all must respond to the love and expectation of individuals, and people. That the Higher Ups and Creator/Family are overseeing, and with positive intentions also have access to assist, and can even without this, for there is a perfect plan for all of Creation. So that we need to have that faith in the Family and each other, to see that light, that love within, even more difficult situations. So part of this is overcoming ourselves, especially when challenged, so there may be difficulties ahead, and need strong grounding, faith, love and hope. Trust. Prayers, and meditations.

So this is a very important message, for spiritual preparation is primary.
edit on 22-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 11:18 AM
Well, I tried to respond to this thread last night, and ended up rambling because I was too tired, so let me try again.

First off, thank you benedict9 for your wonderful message. It brings hope to my heart when I see people with such powerful convictions and such a sincere desire to spread messages of faith and love in a world that seems to be slipping through our fingertips.

The best way for me to think about the world's problems is to imagine a giant hourglass. Each grain of sand that passes from the top to the bottom is another problem that someone in the world must face. Each grain is small, and ultimately manageable for one person, or even a couple of people, to solve. As each problem is solved, that grain of sand moves from the bottom of the hourglass back to the top. It is no longer a problem, but it may again become one some day if we cannot keep the falling sands in check.

Right now, there is a mountain of sand sitting at the bottom of the hourglass. So much sand is too much for one person. It would take many lifetimes and full commitment to solve all of them, and we all have our own pile of sand to deal with. So many people simply ignore the mountain of sand sitting in front of them. They say, "Those aren't my problems, other people spilled that sand. They ought to carry it to the top of the hourglass themselves. Besides, I have my own sand to worry about." This is understandable, but it is an incredibly inefficient way of moving the sand, and so it continues to pile up. Each person sits there at the bottom of the hourglass, picking their grains out of the pile and slowly moving them to the top.

The mission, in this situation, is to try and work together to carry more and more sand to the top until the number of problems we're solving outweigh the number of problems forming, but the ONLY way we can do this is by reaching out to others and working together.

Perhaps this seems too simple, but it's better than nothing, and believe me, it's more difficult than some might think. We are all programmed to focus on ourselves and our own problems and to view the problems of others as obstacles to avoid. We think we're too busy to help each other, and so we rush through life ignoring those around us. We need to learn how to slow down and look around us. Often times you don't even need to go that far out of your way to make a difference. Start small if you need to; just a smile or a kind word in the right place can make a difference. The more you reach out to people, the easier it gets.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 11:57 AM

I like to utilize music as well as prayer and mediation. Here's one of many that I like which can also help you connect with the younger generation.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:55 PM
Bump. Beautiful thread. We should focus on the infinite and most important, rather than temporal, most of all. I was a given a message, that those who go to the front of the lineup, will be put at the back, and assumed this was in the next or spiritual rather than immediate in our world, and knew it was about sharing.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

The Earth in it's current paradigm is a spiritual battleground and we are being tested/tempted in many ways unseen. It may not be obvious to all currently, but this testing ground is in the coming period/cycle phase going to separate the wheat from the tares (those who have ignored/rejected inherently what is of the Good Spirit). We will all make our wilful choices based on our distance or mergence with Grace for we are currently under the influence of both Holy and unholy spirits here. Wilful sin provides more power of influence to negative entities to influence a spirit acting in rebellion of Grace. They can either find their way back to the 'Light' or remain defiant and bear the consequences of their chosen state of dwelling which benefits the Adversaries plans. It's that simple, just as is the meaning of Life---the progression path towards unconditional Love.

Praise Christ for His sacrifice to not only teach us the Way to the Father's Mansions, but to demonstrate it in a world full of people under the influence of evil. Nothing has changed for millenia.

Only those merged in leanings towards Grace will see through the increasing snares that can impede on our spiritual progress as this cycle transitions to the next. Many will behave as wild animals provided the catalyst events to come. I have prepared my spirit for such inevitable happenings for I know what a Separated humanity is capable of.

Whatever is not awoken to in the flesh in repeated Calling, will be realised by the spirit departed. Many are overcome by the world, still trusting only in their physical senses, rejecting the Spirit/Father of Creation that gave them Life. There will be more obvious 'wake up' calls coming and indeed it is easy to mock these words now, but the arrogant in due course will be made humble accordingly. In this life or the next.
edit on 23-7-2011 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by relocator

Just want to deliver simple and sincere messages---don't have much of a 'marketing' strategy in place, nor is that my style

Creative video though, thanks for adding.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by T3hEn1337ened

Right now, there is a mountain of sand sitting at the bottom of the hourglass.

The hourglass is cracking.

So many people simply ignore the mountain of sand sitting in front of them.

Some will sink, others will swim. It depends on their choices entirely.

The mission, in this situation, is to try and work together to carry more and more sand to the top until the number of problems we're solving outweigh the number of problems forming, but the ONLY way we can do this is by reaching out to others and working together.

Via the Spirit of Grace encompassed, all Earth 'missions' will be accomplished according to the Plan.

We are all programmed to focus on ourselves and our own problems and to view the problems of others as obstacles to avoid.

All programming influences can be made void by Grace paving our path for us to progress. If only we Truly Trusted.

just a smile or a kind word in the right place can make a difference.

Exactly what I mean by 'butterfly effect'. We are always 'broadcasting' within this dimensional field and influence everything around us, both individually and collectively, for better or worse. Cause and effect.

Glad you were inclined to contribute and thanks for the spark of encouragement and understanding my intention. Have never heard that hourglass analogy. Interesting perspective
Peace within, extending Love throughout. That is Grace at work, amen.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by BlindSided

This one's for you. Catchy name.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Matthew 20:16:
"So the last shall be first and the first shall be last"

I agree that it's about sharing, sharing and patience. I was just on another thread talking about "The Ascension" which, depending on how you look at it, is simply another word for the rapture. The thread was claiming that 50% of humanity would ascend on May 13, 2013.

I have less interest in the exactness of the prediction; if it happens, it happens. In the meantime, there's little sense in debating the specifics. What did interest me was someone who claimed that 50% of humanity wasn't ready, and that most people would rather watch TV and play iPhone games. And that's when I remembered what you said:

Originally posted by Unity_99
I was a given a message, that those who go to the front of the lineup, will be put at the back, and assumed this was in the next or spiritual rather than immediate in our world

You see, I've always been very lucky. I have led a privileged life, and I've seen the people with their iPhones and TVs, but I've also helped out at homeless shelters, talked to people who have been living on the streets. The poor far outnumber the wealthy, and from my experience many, I might even go so far as to say most, of them are very down to earth people, who either ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, or who just never had the opportunities that some of us had.

If the first shall be last and the last shall be first, then clearly this is, as you said, about sharing and, as I would add, patience. We all want, on some level, to live as kings. However, those that are patient and share what they have with others instead of taking it all for themselves will be the most likely to "advance" during the ascension, rapture, or whatever else you want to call it.

I'm not saying give up all your possessions and live on the streets, though some might find that admirable, but I am saying that those who are on the bottom of society are often ignored and overlooked when people think about society as a whole.

A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. The bottom half of the world adult population owned 1% of global wealth. Moreover, another study found that the richest 2% own more than half of global household assets.

Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia

If that was in the year 2000, imagine what the numbers are like today. At the very least, it's food for though.

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