posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 01:23 PM
Hey my name is Christopher B I was born in Kelowna BC and am, or apparently was supposed to be Orion the coming light until my imagination went off
and broke reality lol.. I'll be 35 on 7/28! If you want to bum through mexico with me feel free! We can be homeless drifters!
I'm thinking of flying to mexico tonight with a long stop over in houston... don't really want to go there but whatever screw their numbers and
alpha bet game! If you want to say hi or just beat the crap out of me while I sit outside the airport feel free to stop by!
Actually I'm not sure how the stop over is but I know no one so if you want to entertain me with stories to take my mind of things i may make it
there on some horrible continentla or united cheap flight from vancouver. Was hoping for a cheapy through pheonix but i think I waited to long
debating it in my head and missed it.