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Telepathic Impersonation Technology (Black Ops, Mind Control, ET Impersonations)

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posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 06:19 AM
Hey all, haven't posted here in ages... I have something to share that is barely known at all from what I have seen in google searches... I have extensive experience with telepathic impersonation technologies. I am a TI(targeted individual, used to think contactee, and still may be, but definitely a TI). I experience at times severe mind control, severe tortures(countless of them in many different methods), interesting positive mind control stuff, and more....

I experience electronic telepathy, by what I see, as technology originating from somewhere in the military industrial complex, that has made its way into intelligence agencies hands in the USA(spy applications, disinfo ops, experimentation, etc). These groups are misusing this technology in MAJOR ways. If they were being described by ETs on another planet, they would be considered malevolent/malicious ETs and maybe even be called demons by the irrational religious crowd there(if they are irrational).

I post this in the ET section, as this is most relevant to the ET section. As people interested in ETs are the most susceptible to ET impersonations. I have been impersonated many ETs in my experiences. Many I thought were real. I found this later to be impersonation technology. I have not heard many people speak about this, and none in depth, so I offer my own testimony to the public.

Here is a video I did a bit ago, on Telepathic impersonation technology:

My situation is a complex one. And one that is hard to prove so there are bound to be some people who just don't think what I say is truth. To those people(or others), I can give some testimony of what happens to me at times to help give a better picture that what I'm dealing with is real...

1. I met an agent in person about my situation. (I am punished with advanced technology every time I say this)

2. This force or forces will take control of my body, any time I ask them to(and more importantly other times when I dont ask...). They can perform complex tasks with precision, with my body...

3. This AI has controlled me in obviously unnatural ways(the human operators as far as I know use an AI interface that acts as a synergy of human and computer thinking processes, or it can go in automated mode as far as I can tell). Without experiencing them there is probably nothing I can say to give a great idea of what is happening in full. But I have been shown "curves of consciousness" that are very unnatural. And been so blatantly mind controlled many times, it's more than obvious. It's complete overt control at times.

4. I have seen ships. One was exotic and up close. It was in broad daylight maybe 100-300 yards from me. It looked like an exotic manta ray without wings or a tail. It had curves on it like a womans hips all over it(like one side of them, hard to explain). I was speaking telepathically with supposedly the beings showing me the ships(ETs, or black project stuff).

5. I have had experiences where they tell me to lay down on my bed and I would be tortured in certain areas. And it happens.... I'm not sure of any delusion that will tell you you will be tortured(and without you believing it, just being curious what will happen) the torture comes and is exactly as described, and extremely painful, and obviously in a controlled fashion.... They have also given me options of what to dream, I choose, and it happens shortly after.

6.... I could go on but at this point either people will believe me or be open minded, or just disregard what I have to say. The truth is stranger than fictions at times. I have been shown so many angles with mind control. Been shown some UIs possible for telepathy.

To explain a synthetic telepathic UI..... Basically you can manipulate the mind with how much it can process at once with mind control. What they do is expand your mind to be able to pay attention to multiple things at once. Kind of like having 2 minds(a little) or awareness processes contributing to a cohesive and full picture for the one perception you have. They put a ribbon layer of consciousness that has deep concepts of things in the background of conversation, that has things such as: A lie detector, exaggeration detection(pretty much all angles and skews of communicating), sarcasm detection, etc. It really gave much clarity in what is going on in the convo...

Anyway, more on topic. Telepathic impersonation technology I am quite certain affects UFOlogy in a negative way. Disinformation is all over the place... The skeptics get a good bit to bite onto from things such as immature kids hoaxing things, and conmen aiming to suck people of money, but among those, there are legitimate experiencers, and legitimate disinfo ops to give the skeptics more to argue with. I hope I don't get flamed for bringing this stuff to peoples attention.

And FYI I was subverted in the video I posted. My speech(what I said) was altered, my tone was altered, my eyes were at times altered. Like I wouldn't swear in the video. They controlled that into me.......

If you have any questions on mind control, or electronic telepathy I'm well suited to answer such.


edit on 20-7-2011 by Myuzik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 06:53 AM
It all sounds rather technical, but simply put do you think you are a better person for all these experiences you have had, and do you understand the purpose of these experiences?

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Zcustosmorum
It all sounds rather technical, but simply put do you think you are a better person for all these experiences you have had,

I am a better person. But with mind control it's hard to be able to be myself at times.

and do you understand the purpose of these experiences?

I think the #1 purpose is control and power. But things are very holographic. In saying that I mean many angles to view things that many are valid and worthy to consider.

My soul may be growing from all this. Even in the impersonations of ETs I picked up traits I liked and wanted to have in myself moreso.

I have learned a lot about the world, and have a distinct purpose to expose what I have been shown that is not really that known.

But there comes a point to where all the torture is not very useful... I get tortured almost daily.

So I have gained from it. But it's not like I like my situation much.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Myuzik
Hey all, haven't posted here in ages... I have something to share that is barely known at all from what I have seen in google searches...

Perhaps because what your saying is not real to the rest of the world, which would mean that there aren't that many web areas dedicated to discussion of something that only happens in your mind? I don't know, just going out on a limb here....

I have extensive experience with telepathic impersonation technologies.

Can you please define your "extensive experience" in a manner that an idiot like myself with a normal brain can understand? Is this extensive experience verifiable at all, or did it happen on your living room couch every time?

I am a TI(targeted individual, used to think contactee, and still may be, but definitely a TI). I experience at times severe mind control, severe tortures(countless of them in many different methods), interesting positive mind control stuff, and more....

Well, if that is the case, I hope you seek and find the professional help you so obviously need.....

I experience electronic telepathy, by what I see, as technology originating from somewhere in the military industrial complex, that has made its way into intelligence agencies hands in the USA(spy applications, disinfo ops, experimentation, etc).

Funny you mention disinfo. It has long been an idea of mine that, despite the legions of ignorant and potential mentally disabled people that claim this stuff and actually believe it, there is a core of people that spread crap like this in a deliberate effort to make us all look like complete idiots. Which are you?

If they were being described by ETs on another planet, they would be considered malevolent/malicious ETs and maybe even be called demons by the irrational religious crowd there(if they are irrational).

For you to post the stuff you have just done and then dare to even call someone else irrational...when you make ridiculous and amazing claims without any backup and just expect us to hang on your every word....come on man. Your just as irrational in that manner of thinking as those that believe in the fictional zombie Jewish carpenter or any of the other zillions of invisible man religions that folks seem fit to kill millions over annually. I'm just asking you to be a little consistent, that's all.

I post this in the ET section, as this is most relevant to the ET section.

No, it is most relevant to skunk works or something like that.

I have been impersonated many ETs in my experiences. Many I thought were real. I found this later to be impersonation technology. I have not heard many people speak about this, and none in depth, so I offer my own testimony to the public

Oh, for crying out loud. There is no point in even going on with my reply. From your posting it is more than obvious you are not going to be able to functionally understand the reality that someone like me live in, and the real sad thing here is in a place like this you will probably get stars and flags out the ass, further making my point about our beloved community at large.

I remember back in the early 80's thinking that by now people would not be so ridiculous and that with technology and education in the next century my favorite subject might actually get somewhere. Imagine my disappointment when it got worse and worse due to the very technology I was betting on. It's like we shoot ourselves in the foot every day around here. Sad, just sad.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by MainLineThis

Perhaps because what your saying is not real to the rest of the world, which would mean that there aren't that many web areas dedicated to discussion of something that only happens in your mind? I don't know, just going out on a limb here....

Other people verify what I say. Such as Kim Carlsberg, and 2 other people who I have spoke to about it since I made the video. You've already shown your bias to me....

I have extensive experience with telepathic impersonation technologies.

Can you please define your "extensive experience" in a manner that an idiot like myself with a normal brain can understand? Is this extensive experience verifiable at all, or did it happen on your living room couch every time?

Obviously telepathy can be done where-ever you are. I've done so in the video as much as I care to explain to you given your response to me.

I am a TI(targeted individual, used to think contactee, and still may be, but definitely a TI). I experience at times severe mind control, severe tortures(countless of them in many different methods), interesting positive mind control stuff, and more....

Well, if that is the case, I hope you seek and find the professional help you so obviously need.....

Why do I need professional help? Nice NLP going here with you. What would prfessional help do for being tortured? I'm not weak. I can take the torture, and speaking to indoctrinated people who will likely just think I'm schizophrenic because the truth is too far out for their comfort/normalcy zone, is not my idea of helping anything.

I experience electronic telepathy, by what I see, as technology originating from somewhere in the military industrial complex, that has made its way into intelligence agencies hands in the USA(spy applications, disinfo ops, experimentation, etc).

Funny you mention disinfo. It has long been an idea of mine that, despite the legions of ignorant and potential mentally disabled people that claim this stuff and actually believe it, there is a core of people that spread crap like this in a deliberate effort to make us all look like complete idiots. Which are you?

I'm sure you wont listen to me, and pick whatever your bias leads you to. Why are you even asking me. I don't think it's an honest question. And it exposes your naivety.

If they were being described by ETs on another planet, they would be considered malevolent/malicious ETs and maybe even be called demons by the irrational religious crowd there(if they are irrational).

For you to post the stuff you have just done and then dare to even call someone else irrational...when you make ridiculous and amazing claims without any backup and just expect us to hang on your every word....come on man. Your just as irrational in that manner of thinking as those that believe in the fictional zombie Jewish carpenter or any of the other zillions of invisible man religions that folks seem fit to kill millions over annually. I'm just asking you to be a little consistent, that's all.

I've seen this argument countless times by people who think they are making some point against me that is really only made up in their own minds. You think you know what I expect. If you watched the video, you would have a better idea of what I expected(flames). The one clearly in delusion is you. I expected posts like yours actually. Mixed in with some reasonable people who may be clued up to certain truths. It's a decent waste of time to interact with you. But when you make false claims about me, I have to speak up...

The people who ridicule, disrespect, and harass me about this show their immaturity. And always have some false claim about me, like I expect certain things etc when that is totally fabricated in your own mind. True, your degree of closed mindedness and asinine behavior is alien to me. But I do understand things about it

edit on 20-7-2011 by Myuzik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:36 AM
This explains some of what I experience:

"One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction...Thus, it may be possible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them."

Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Defense Viewpoint, December 1, 1998

By posting any negative things about me, or me coming forward you are subverting the exposure of the truth and doing an injustice...

It's hard enough being tortured continuously. Being ostracized by ignorant or ill-informed people is just a small cherry on top as far as I'm concerned. There are plenty of TIs. Hundreds showed up at Obama's bioethic commitee. You can find those on youtube under the channel 'MrLibertyJustice" I believe.
edit on 20-7-2011 by Myuzik because: added a little bit at the end

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:00 AM
why you?

ever thought of attaching a camera to youself to monitor your everyday experiences as proof?

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Vastar
why you?

I don't know fully. They have given me far out tales of why me. Probably to discredit me when I speak of them. Even if they are true they are of little use in terms of information...

ever thought of attaching a camera to youself to monitor your everyday experiences as proof?

Yes I have thought of that. But they don't physically come up to me and torture me. They do it with synthetic pain, or emotional clusters/experiences put into me typically. A camera wont catch this. If I had stuff that picked up EMF or stuff like that, it may be of use...

I do plan on getting scans for implants etc eventually. But I've heard they are so small now most of the time they aren't caught on scans...
edit on 20-7-2011 by Myuzik because: missing

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Myuzik

So what you're getting at is that an abductee, such as myself, could more probably be a victim of this technology. The advantage to the perpetrators being that when I'm looking for answers I'm looking in the wrong areas and also sounding like an idiot.
It's an interesting theory, but then the reverse could also be true. Where do you stand on abductions and do you think you could be part of that?
Myself, I have been looking into MILABS and also MKULTRA. The problem is there's a lot of disinfo about. It's easy to spend hours reading something only to later find out it's been debunked.
All I know for sure is what I've experienced, and that certain parts of it CANNOT be down to imagination.
edit on 20-7-2011 by ENGLISH BOB because: to correct grammar

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 08:59 AM
I don't discredit you. I know two individuals who have confided in me the same information and they don't even know each other. One served Air Force in youth, the other was pulled over and contained for 24 hrs on a road trip because he got too close to HAARP by accident, wrong turn. That's all.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by ENGLISH BOB
reply to post by Myuzik

So what you're getting at is that an abductee, such as myself, could more probably be a victim of this technology. The advantage to the perpetrators being that when I'm looking for answers I'm looking in the wrong areas and also sounding like an idiot.
It's an interesting theory, but then the reverse could also be true. Where do you stand on abductions and do you think you could be part of that?
Myself, I have been looking into MILABS and also MKULTRA. The problem is there's a lot of disinfo about. It's easy to spend hours reading something only to later find out it's been debunked.
All I know for sure is what I've experienced, and that certain parts of it CANNOT be down to imagination.
edit on 20-7-2011 by ENGLISH BOB because: to correct grammar

I don't think everything can be explained by this technology at all. The abduction thing is probably very multidimensional in aspects of why it happens and by who. I don't have all the answers. I just know terrestrial powers who are without morals, and have an agenda to debunk the truth, are out there and perpetrating things such as impersonating characters to people with advanced mind control and telepathic technologies.

If you said you had a "demonic possession", and it could be this technology, I'd say yes.

Also if you were involved in any occult activities and had distinct results of supposed gods and the like, entities etc, foul play with this technology is a distinct possibility. How easy would it be to convince for example, skull and bones people that some god exists and it comes when you do rituals to tell you what to do etc. I don't rule that out at all after seeing what this technology is capable of. Whoever has this technology could manipulate the world in very distinct ways with it. It needs more exposure IMO.

I'm not saying ET abductions don't happen at all. Not sure why you would think that.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:33 AM
I guess he met schizophrenia then. I heard she can be a right pain in the ass.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by eyespying

I guess he met schizophrenia then. I heard she can be a right pain in the ass.

Comments like this give me bad feelings about humanity.. Ashamed to be on the same planet as some people would describe my feelings in part. Some people epitomize inside the box thinking, and are brainwashed into thinking delusions are real, and other people who don't experience something within their little box, they label them mentally ill, or a sinner, or hellbound, etc. I imagine this is common behavior in simple minded specimens of undeveloped planets all over the universe...

This type of behavior annoys me. I can't really respect someone's discernment when they say I'm schizophrenic without any real clue...
edit on 20-7-2011 by Myuzik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Myuzik

Originally posted by eyespying

I guess he met schizophrenia then. I heard she can be a right pain in the ass.

Comments like this give me bad feelings about humanity.. Ashamed to be on the same planet as some people would describe my feelings in part. Some people epitomize inside the box thinking, and are brainwashed into thinking delusions are real, and other people who don't experience something within their little box, they label them mentally ill, or a sinner, or hellbound, etc. I imagine this is common behavior in simple minded specimens of undeveloped planets all over the universe...

This type of behavior annoys me. I can't really respect someone's discernment when they say I'm schizophrenic without any real clue...
edit on 20-7-2011 by Myuzik because: (no reason given)

I never said 'you' were schizophrenic. Perhaps there is a message in my previous comment.

edit on 20-7-2011 by eyespying because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 11:56 AM
I did read up on the Monarch Project recently, extremely disturbing stuff and I am still wrestling with what to make of it. The science behind it sounds well founded and quite reasonable in being able to achieve what it claims. The complete lack of humanity to implement and expand operations rips your heart out and leaves you dazed. The way this has expanded into a power base does help explain why so much is wrong in this world. There does appear to be many different variations and mixing of projects going on, but the assault on the mind is one common thread.

Just as you expected wise ass remarks, I too have questioned my own sanity in contemplating the validity of yours and similar stories. If this is just all crazy stuff the it does not matter, but if it legitimate the repercussions are huge. Considering the sticky situation going on, what do you want out of it?

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
I did read up on the Monarch Project recently, extremely disturbing stuff and I am still wrestling with what to make of it. The science behind it sounds well founded and quite reasonable in being able to achieve what it claims. The complete lack of humanity to implement and expand operations rips your heart out and leaves you dazed. The way this has expanded into a power base does help explain why so much is wrong in this world. There does appear to be many different variations and mixing of projects going on, but the assault on the mind is one common thread.

Just as you expected wise ass remarks, I too have questioned my own sanity in contemplating the validity of yours and similar stories. If this is just all crazy stuff the it does not matter, but if it legitimate the repercussions are huge. Considering the sticky situation going on, what do you want out of it?

I just want to spread awareness of what they are capable of, and what their tactics are so maybe they will be foiled or protected from happening. If someone sat down and read all the different tactics they use for TIs for example, it could protect them from BEING a TI.

My life is legitimately involved with the powers that have all these crazy technologies. I know for sure I'm not dreaming this up. They have shown me music enhancing technology using mind control to enhance music for example. Its not all bad. But it IS in the wrong hands IMO. This is clearly shown by what they are willing to do to me...

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Myuzik

Ok, thanks for the heads up, I know this stuff ain't easy to talk about. One thing I can recommend is copper mesh, steel wool or mesh could also work but not as good an conductor. Make a blanket, poncho or something you can slip into to shield yourself from the electromagnetic assault. We are going to have to upgrade your tin foil hat, look into a Faraday cage. Good luck.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 04:28 PM
I suggest that those unqualified in mental health disorders, study dsm and learn to understand when and how to apply the information it contains! You would be shocked at what is recognised as reality at this point in time.

I can not say that I do not have reservations about the op's story, but these stem from personal beliefs and the lack of evidence available. I often see ghosts, speak to the dead and see the future, all of this is accepted by the mental health profession as being REAL! I would doubt that most reading this believe me, cool, so what, but I do know life has more to it than even the most intelligent and educated person can imagine. It is not for us to judge!

In the op's posts, at no point does he/she write as if he/she is mentally disturbed. I am educated and at this point, part qualified in this field. Doesn't strike me as a mental health problem!

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 05:55 PM
Have you consider doing some electroencephalography research? Might be interesting to explore what is going on in the brain.

Found this. Not exactly cheap but interesting nonetheless.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by eccentriclady
I suggest that those unqualified in mental health disorders, study dsm and learn to understand when and how to apply the information it contains! You would be shocked at what is recognised as reality at this point in time.

I can not say that I do not have reservations about the op's story, but these stem from personal beliefs and the lack of evidence available. I often see ghosts, speak to the dead and see the future, all of this is accepted by the mental health profession as being REAL! I would doubt that most reading this believe me, cool, so what, but I do know life has more to it than even the most intelligent and educated person can imagine. It is not for us to judge!

In the op's posts, at no point does he/she write as if he/she is mentally disturbed. I am educated and at this point, part qualified in this field. Doesn't strike me as a mental health problem!


Originally posted by eyespying

Have you consider doing some electroencephalography research? Might be interesting to explore what is going on in the brain.

Found this. Not exactly cheap but interesting nonetheless.

My contacts have offered me to go to a neuroscience lab and have them monitor my mind while the music enhancing technology is going on. But we have gone over the possibilities there... It could be good, they could do something drastic to me. Not to mention they have set me up to be discredited if I ever get known in multiple ways. So I'm a reluctantly seeking a lab at this time...

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