posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:41 PM
After careful consideration to the interpretation of design and purpose behind this code, as the person stated that there is all the information
needed to figure it out...
1.) FIRST OF ALL the reference to the adulterous woman in the bible HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS... he who is without sin bs....
Pick up a bible for your reference and see that it says it in there and it even admits to it...
If that were the case then what the romans call "jesus" (which is the wrong name entirely in the first place)
ACCORDING TO THE SAYING... ask yourself... according to christianity... who would have been the only one qualified to be throwing stones??? thats
right... "jesus."
2.) the reason there is ANY and ONLY a "religious" aspect to this "mystery" is simply because THEY WANTED YOU TO LOOK THERE FOR THIS SPECIFIC
REFERENCE as there is a REAL reference to what the REAL message these 8.3.11 is trying to convey... and it is right UNDER ALL OF YOUR NOSES...
Just by looking up SAM and the rest UEL makes SAMUEL then CHAPTER 8 VERSES 3-11...
google it and it is about the same message that they are trying to convey about FREEDOM and RIGHTS being stripped away from all of us and that it is
happening right now in this day and age where PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY BEGGING TO BE RULED OVER...
That is the sick part... JUST READ the passage of first samuel chapter 8 and then if anyone has any questions feel free to let me know then I can
explain further of what ALL OF THIS 8.3.11 is ALL ABOUT...
edit on 20-7-2011 by Kamesan because: (no reason given)