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8-3-11 Creepy Website! Can We Figure Out The Code?!?!

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posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:07 PM
Anybody got any idea regarding this?

Have you located the mole yet?
They contacted us and have been taken care of.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by summereign225

she is also off to africa on a religious aid type of trip could be someting to do with it

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:09 PM
yes, Jacy and her pack seem religious, they aren't leading some amazing new cult that will give us some grand illumination. If religion plays any role in their game at all, it was to tell us all to follow whatever sect they belong to, but I dont think they even really planned that out at all. They are...right at this moment...trying to figure out how to save the game...OR...trying to figure out how they dont come out of this looking like the sloppiest, laziest, dumbest mystery game designers of all time. Again...lies and fake clues dont make a good mystery. You have to give the players a usable set of clues or your game is stupid.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:11 PM
This COULD be some inside joke that just got out of hand.

I was thinking back last night while checking out the new D&D Book of Vile Darkness and then I remembered something from high school that's a little similar to this 8 3 11 puzzle thing..
I used to DM a very dark campaign and eventually we made a forum for it so that we could play with other people online (still pen and paper but online). Eventually we made a litte geocities site for it and made it seem like it was a secret underground club where everything was in context to the campaign and never mentioned that it was for D&D.

One time someone left the site open in the computer lab by mistake and of course a teacher saw it and it suddenly became a big issue where they we trying to figure out who was the leader of our schools secret underground Satanic club lol.
So being the weird kids we were, we got carried away with how this was being perceived and swung it in a new direction to make it look like we were conducting rituals in the school basement.

I think the whole ordeal only lasted a bit over an month till it just died off because there was a new interest.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:11 PM
ok I hate to say this but.......

2 things just glared at me from this questions answer
- Does everybody lie? I think so. Even you lie.

- Your right. 175,000 doesn't even exist.

1. They spelled you're wrong
kills the intelligence theory doesn't it?
- - it also reminds me about "keys are unnecessary" and it is "key" - means they are keys that are unnecessary and may be completely futile - if its a puzzle we want - thats a puzzle solved

2. They appear to agree, however badly, that they lie - and follow it with, "175,000 doesn't even exist" - as a lie - to prove the point - that they also lie.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:12 PM

Jacy involed in this. also...
anyone notice how 'Belle's eyes/nose/forhead look alot like Jacy's?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
did someone mention this and I miss it?

First they involved Grace Sutuchan with you, now is Becky Proffitt... This girls have no more privacy in their life because this.
The harassment is disgusting.

Liberty did you mention it or was that your question?

so they're aware of the harrassment directly? how so? were they contacted by these people? or are they these people?

they did claim they were not twins.... I don't know how honest they are - I've always questioned that.
edit on 24-7-2011 by Forevever because: (no reason given)

Has to be because of the original whois search thats been posted for days. People have called the number, gone to the address, etc.

Kind of been all over the net about it.

Plus, Grace and Becky have both been mentioned on so many boards, hardly seems like a stretch to imagine they have been hugely harrassed about this.

If Becky is indeed a correct guess, which it appears she is, then I am sure they are acutely aware.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:13 PM
Wow creepy little girls ... Why do there eyes look like that I'm not the only one who thinks they look weird right?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Justbeginnings
Hi everybody!

I'm concentrating my efforts on studying the audio tracks, since they seemed the most interesting (clue?) for me...

Right now I'm trying to get information from the track "Lostinthemountains" but I'm stuck. I know is foxtrot style, but I'm not sure of the language (maybe german?) and I have no idea about finding out its title.
Any clue would be very valuable

Which page is lostinthemountains from?

I was working on the audio Knowledge.mp3 from the "about" page. It has a little girl who is hard to understand at first, but then towards the end of the 4:20 long track, her speech is much more understandable.

She is speaking in German, and at first, she counts to 10 twice. Then the music box song plays. Then she counts to 10 twice again. Then the music box plays. Then her voice begins to change, and her numbers are repeated, to create a really long number. I am not good enough with German to translate it fast enough, but if anyone understands German well enough to translate what the long number is at the end, I can post the mp3.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Libertygal

Good find! Looks like twins to me?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Q Are you worried that people who have been following your clues have gone off on wild tangents? It seems rather than releasing further clues to get them back on track you are just ignoring them. Is this true?

A Yes. I've given further clues but they've ignored them.

Why "I've" instead of "we've"? Freudian slip?

175,000 doesn't even exist.

Maybe it's a group of one.
edit on 24-7-2011 by Grower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
ok I hate to say this but.......

2 things just glared at me from this questions answer
- Does everybody lie? I think so. Even you lie.

- Your right. 175,000 doesn't even exist.

1. They spelled you're wrong
kills the intelligence theory doesn't it?
- - it also reminds me about "keys are unnecessary" and it is "key" - means they are keys that are unnecessary and may be completely futile - if its a puzzle we want - thats a puzzle solved

I originally thought he meant key as in door key, car key, etc., vs the key to life type thing, existentially a key thought, clue, hint, direction. One is tangible, the other is not. Now, not so sure. He also makes a *lot* of spelling/typing/gramatical errors. I was overlooking this largely in part because I thought others were also answering questions.

2. They appear to agree, however badly, that they lie - and follow it with, "175,000 doesn't even exist" - as a lie - to prove the point - that they also lie.

Well, you could argue by the same token that really, there *is* no one named 175,000. He did, however, identify himself as such for the questions board, so technically 175,000 doesn't exist but the person replying to answers under that assumed nick *does*.

Either way you look at it, that he was being sarcastic or being honest, or lying, it doesn't bode well at all for him or the group.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Forevever

No idea if you have looked into the :"Myslit" profile yet. but was just interested if you knew of a good spanish translator??

What do you know about 8-3-11? - myslit

Everything about it... Spanish translator. - myslit

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:20 PM
Possible Mossad connection
83 sq rooted....9.11
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot....Wilco-Album cover = Twin Towers
36000....."more than 36000 people who have become ill because of the terrible events of 9/11"
175000....WTC Memmorial $175000
18000.....Manitiwoc 18000 crane used on new WTC
2100...."SOUTHFIELD, Mich.– Architect Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, will explain his claim that explosives were used in the 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center on Monday, April 18, at 7 p.m. at Lawrence Technological University, 2100West Ten Mile Road in Southfield." (can someone please recall any Michigan referrences please)
SAM...Sam Riegel and his videos shedding light on different 9/11 truth angles
38.451%injustice.....38.4 billion dollars set aside in an emergency fund to benefit investment banks and insurance compaines affected by 9/11/01.
Umbrella...."Umbrellas for peace" a 9/11 inspired movement for peace.

Retract....Unveil referrence (Sorry can't remember the person who said this)
Maybe they are planning on revealing some inside information about the attacks on 9/11/01.
Just a thought and sorry if its been brought up before or if its just my deluded mind conjuring BS.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by killswitch0n

question posed to 8 3 11

and then : Myslit profile:

Looks like Myslit smiled at every single question though

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by LazerTron
They are...right at this moment...trying to figure out how to save the game...OR...trying to figure out how they dont come out of this looking like the sloppiest, laziest, dumbest mystery game designers of all time.


OMG thats too funny

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by violentz313
Wow creepy little girls ... Why do there eyes look like that I'm not the only one who thinks they look weird right?

The eyes are light colored and that is just how they looked in a black and white photo.

If you compare the left pupil from the photo on the left, to the left pupil in the photo on the right, you can see where they shopped it to try to fix the pupil, the errors are the same.

Same also with the bottom left side of the lip i the photo on the left when compared to the photo on the right.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Zippidee

Man you put some thought into that! Nice show. Belle perhaps a survivor and afflicted with an illness as a result? Lost a child?

I really don't think this site is going to be releasing anything groundbreaking. They have been surprised at the amount of buzz created.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by killswitch0n
reply to post by Forevever

No idea if you have looked into the :"Myslit" profile yet. but was just interested if you knew of a good spanish translator??

What do you know about 8-3-11? - myslit

Everything about it... Spanish translator. - myslit

I don't speak spanish, I only know of google to translate

is that a question on the myslit page? that they are the official translator?

nevermind, those are in the early Q&A on 8x3x11 - my mistake
edit on 24-7-2011 by Forevever because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Zippidee

"SOUTHFIELD, Mich.– Architect Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, will explain his claim that explosives were used in the 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center on Monday, April 18, at 7 p.m. at Lawrence Technological University, 2100West Ten Mile Road in Southfield." (can someone please recall any Michigan referrences please)

This takes us back to the sightings page with the pic of a man at a desk, & behind him what appear to be blueprints, along with a prominently displayed folder that says "Justice".

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