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8-3-11 Creepy Website! Can We Figure Out The Code?!?!

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Zippidee

I didn't sleep well either, I kept seeing that damn dancing girl with the eyes I posted lol.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by IceFlower

I think the reason people think it is ham radio related is just because they played the numbers stations recordings on the site. Numbers stations used to be played on shortwave ham radios so they would go more undetected.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by AstroBuzz

I think its interesting how Bob Dylan seems to fit into almost ALL the possible theories
could be they're just major fans though

When I muster up some energy, I'm going to recap specifically the 4 most popular

1. its about "working together", "looking inside yourself", basically "YOU" (sociology experiment)
2. its about the holocaust (the belle selman link)
3. its about an art project regarding "stoning" (the doodle image on page 103 and 104)
4. what was 4 again? comets, constellations, religious/endoftheworld/type/propaganda (just see the recap for that ♥)
edit on 22-7-2011 by Forevever because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Forevever

Yeah, I understand that they could be copycats & view-seekers. Anyway, interesting thread. I told myself I wouldn't get sucked in. lol Now here I am listening to audio files with NATO call signs and scouring the web for info. The big question I have is why were the creators of the website allowed to hide their domain name registry information? Every other web host has to make theirs available. Who has the power to have it hidden? hmmm...

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Has anyone else noticed that in one of the Sightings pics (the one on the postal box) that there are 2 keys in the box and a lost dog sign....the dog is a Yorkie...Your Key.

Someone on facebook pointed that out.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by momeees

so how do you fall into this trap?

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by AstroBuzz

Originally posted by momeees
OK, again, I must say that I *have* read the pages and the FABULOUS updates from Forevever (thanks!) but didn't see this here.

Dylan is referred to often with regard to this phenomemon.

He has a song called (incorrectly): Everybody Must Get Stoned

Rainy Day Woman #12 and #35

Umbrellas? Rain?

That's it! Bob Dylan also has songs called:

"Belle Isle" - Self Portrait
"The Mighty Quinn" (Mannequin?) – Self Portrait
"Like a Rolling Stone" - Self Portrait

This is ALL related somehow to Bob Dylan... maybe. lol

He's playing in Toledo, OH. on 8/3/11

Or they're just big Bob Dylan fans? lol

Belle Selman is the girl? Belle Selman Bio Link
edit on 7/22/11 by AstroBuzz because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/22/11 by AstroBuzz because: (no reason given)

THATS IT. Just kidding. I don't think it's so simple (or complicated?)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by MrOysterhead
Has anyone else noticed that in one of the Sightings pics (the one on the postal box) that there are 2 keys in the box and a lost dog sign....the dog is a Yorkie...Your Key.

Someone on facebook pointed that out.

We were in depth analyzing those earlier in the thread, but there were a LOT of details.
Can you find a way to tie any information you find into the top 4 theories? That would be good.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

little girl, and umbrella, morton's salt started in 1911.

"when it rain's, it pours."

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by lifespath420

Dylan in Toldeo? Had I known....

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Forevever

The doodles can be found on the original site, but hidden....

if you go to

it's the "View#ProgressSTC" part that is important. It has changed several times. I'm assuming earlier on it probably showed images if you went to ...then on to View2Progress and so forth.

Just a couple days ago "View6ProgressSTC.png" showed a new picture, but after View7 was put up, it disappeared and only linked to the "You're lost" page. I suspect within the next few days, a "View8ProgressSTC" will appear, and View7 will be lost.

Sorry if that is confusing. It's the only way I knew to explain it.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:47 AM
ok I updated my signature for the quickness

basically a lot of ideas flying by are kind of shots in the dark

I think now we'd like more specifics that tie into the top 4 theories

I think the constellations in the face (last page, 109) are meaningful if anyone wants to give those a look

I'm going to try to pretend I can sleep again

I HOPE you won't see me again for some hours ♥
but if I can't sleep, I'll be back

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by audiopackrat

Check this traceroute:
Left the first few out didn't my my IP out there...

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

5 40 ms 15 ms 12 ms
6 58 ms 10 ms 10 ms
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 310 ms 165 ms 89 ms []
9 159 ms 243 ms 374 ms []
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 77 ms 75 ms 76 ms []
12 390 ms 104 ms 72 ms []
13 205 ms 325 ms 250 ms []
14 73 ms 80 ms 213 ms []
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 160 ms 236 ms 265 ms []

Trace complete.


posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by shadow12
reply to post by momeees

so how do you fall into this trap?

I went outside last night just after sundown to move my car in to the garage and hear the ICE CREAM TRUCK and his creepy little carnival tune. It kind of freaked me out and I chuckled out loud. Now every time I hear the ice cream man, I'll picture a black and white doll in the woods. Talk about classical conditioning.

I fell into this trap probably the same way many people here did. It's a puzzle. It may have no relevance whatsoever (which I'm becoming more and more convinced of). However, I love the chase and regardless of whether or not this ends up anywhere, making the connections out of a few bones that we were thrown was the fun part.

Having said that, I (like many of you) have spent a lot of time reading these posts and surfing the Net. I don't post as often as all of you, but trust me, I see the creepy doll in my sleep.

So, yes, I fell into this trap, and now I have to climb out.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Forevever
Domo... thank you
ats thread
This literally brought me tears....

I'm speechless....

Just wanted to give you my thanks as've made this thread a whole lot easier to follow! Good job!

As for what it is,I'm still clueless,but I'm leaning towards viral marketing.Just my feeling.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:53 AM
I figured after lurking this entire thread, from page 1 to current, I would join into the conversation. I want to start by saying that I have no definitive theory regarding the purpose or cause of the 8-3-11 group. I do not think this group is promoting any tangible product, and I highly doubt it is a viral campaign of any sort. Below is an explanation as to why it most likely is not a viral campaign (from my point of view).

1. The Timing -- My assumption is that the website in question (or at least their Formspring) has been around for about approximately two weeks to one month. ATS was one of the first places that this entire website was even looked at in depth, and that was only recently. To my knowledge, the website was originally found on /x/ (4chan). It seems as though if this is a viral campaign, it took quite some time to acquire any notoriety.

2. The Mystery -- If anything can get us interested, it's a good mystery. I could see how a campaign could attempt to go viral by adding creepy music and giving cryptic signals, however, in the degree that it has been done, I do not feel it shows the traits of such. Even if say, a movie was coming out on the 3rd of August, it seems as though there would be at least a few somewhat-obvious signs that it is some sort of campaign.

3. The Code -- Why would a campaign go through all the trouble of making in-depth, intricate cryptic messages that run the risk of never being solved? For attention? Maybe. However, if there is some sort of advertisement for their cause that lies within the codes, who's to say it will even be solved? To me it just sounds too risky for a group who's trying to promote something tangible.

4. The Denial -- The group has clearly stated that they are not promoting any tangible thing. Sure, they could be lying, but you must remember that they could of just not answered the question altogether (as it was on their Formspring). Either they're lying and they're trying to make themselves look mysterious, or they're telling the truth and they really aren't promoting a tangible cause.

5. The Shop -- Again, why go through all of the trouble of Photoshopping stickers on an electrical box? I can understand the desire for mystery, but to me it's just too intricate and thought out. If this is a campaign, then they're sure spending a lot of time on creating codes and throwing people off course, than they are actually promoting something.

Truthfully, I think that the theory of this being some type of University Project is probably a bit more logical. I only say this because of the numerous USF references on the surrounding posters on the Sightings Page. Aside from that, there aren't many leads to support or deny that theory. I feel as though it is definitely plausible.

The holocaust theory is interesting, as there are quite a few coincidences that match the site and its material (the locations of the Sightings, the correlation with Holocaust Museums, etc.). I recall someone saying that the picture of the two children on Hitlers' lap was shopped, but does anyone have any proof to support that? The girl sitting on his lap looks a lot like the girl from the website, so if that's not Photoshopped, we need to find some way to identify the little girl, as it may hold some clues as to what the sites' purpose is.

I felt as though there may of been a potential connection with Mary Bell (the child killer), however I think it's just a coincidence. There really aren't any legitimate facts to support that it has anything to do with August 3rd, 2011.
Something that I felt was interesting that was brought up earlier however, was mention of the US Debt Ceiling. If the ceiling is not raised, healthcare may become an even bigger issue. My thinking is that maybe Belle is someones' old relative or acquaintance, who, if the debt ceiling is not raised, will be deprived of health care and will die from her disease. Since I haven't checked out that topic in depth, it surely could be flawed, but it's merely a brainstorm.

The diagram(s) depicted remind me of the Spinx or the Easter Island statues, however I think the depictions may not be referring to physical terms. It could all be symbolic for something, 'setting into motion'. In a sense, the casting of stones is causing strong and unforeseen consequences and dire repercussions. I do not think this has anything to do with Mormonism. If it's trying to support Mormonism, it definitely isn't going about it in a very 'holy' manner.

The conflictions I have with this entire facade are the subtle and uninformative answered given by the group. The website of 8-3-11 is very ominous and borderline disturbing, whilst the Formspring preaches a message of peace and retraction. Why the creepy atmosphere, if you're promoting a message of positivity?

All in all, after more than a hundred pages in, it seems as though we've acquired more questions than answers. I think there really won't be any solving this case -- it's all too scattered, and determining what is relevant and what is not is proven to be difficult. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens on August 3rd, 2011, at 12:00PM.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by themadman0307
I would like to apologize in advance if some of the info I've come up with just now has been cited in one of the previous 105 pages!

First off, though, I want to say that this has been the most fun I've had on ATS since I started reading it. I don't reply much, but I love reading the threads and I absolutely love learning about everyone's points of view!!

Anyway, a previous poster noted that the umbrella is unicode 2602, which refers to the Pleiades.

More specifically, it refers to the IC 2602--the Theta Carinae Cluster a.k.a. "Southern Pleiades." I know some, myself included, consider Wikipedia to be less-than-reliable in many cases, but the article for IC 2602 states that it was discovered by one Abbe Lacaille, a noted French astronomer, in 1751 from South Africa (doesn't 8 • 3 • 11 have a member in South Africa???)

Theta Carinae is the brightest star in the IC 2602 cluster, which can be found in the constellation Carina. "Carina" is Latin for the keel of a ship. Bob Dylan's song, referenced earlier in this awesome thread, has imagery of boats and sailing.

Could be be searching for a signal... an arrival announcement... from this part of the galaxy?

P.S. my apologies again if I violated any posting rules... I'm still relatively new to the posting world!

edit on 22-7-2011 by themadman0307 because: one more apology if my post is less-than-adequate

I find your analysis interesting considering, to me, the picture of the statue looks like the Sphynx in Gaza. Some contend the Gaza layout is linked to the Plaides. Also another poster mentioned a connection to Judaism (Star of David, 144,000). With the Jews also being connected to Egypt.

All PURE conjecture, however, as I am not very good at riddle solving. Just making some loose connections because, at this point, why not throw something out there, right? May give someone an idea.

ETA: Then we have casting stone referencing "let he who without sin cast the first stone" which is from John 8:7, but John 8:3 talks about the adulterous woman being brought to Jesus for judgement. 8:7--Jesus says, "let he who is without sin...". 8:11--Jesus absolves her, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”

Like I said, just making loose connection (I know John has been discussed already)
edit on 22-7-2011 by nunya13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:56 AM
GoDaddy is the hosting site...apparently these people must not have a lot of money. If these people were up to no good, I am sure GoDaddy would be aware of it because people who want to do damage don't make websites...

To me it is really a practical joke because they spend a lot of time finding references. I one time played a mystery game with my friends and each character in the mystery game had their own page on WordPress. I had created a mystery game like Clue and sent my friends out on the internet to find the clues. But that was a game my friends and I were playing. Perhaps these people did the same thing but other people got involved.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Forevever

So this has been dragging me away from my real life duties!! I am going to constantly thinking about this 8-3-11 thing until 8-3-11!!!

Anyways here is some other thought. What if the names of the group members are actually derived from astronomy? What I mean is that the images and language seem to try and point to something from the stars. If you look up their names you can find that each one references a "minor planet or asteroid".

Discovered On = May 12, 1999
Discovered Site = Socorro (Socorr, New Mexico)
Discovered By = LINEAR (Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research)

Discovered On = December 4, 2000
Discovered Site = Socorro (Socorr, New Mexico)
Discovered By = LINEAR (Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research)

Discovered On = March 14, 2004
Discovered Site = Socorro (Socorr, New Mexico)
Discovered By = LINEAR (Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research)

Discovered On = August 27, 2006
Discovered Site = Anderson Mesa (Near Flagstaff, AZ)
Discovered By = LONEOS (Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search)

Maybe this is nothing but it's just a hunch. If an event were to occur it doesn't mean it would harm us, nor would it mean that the group from 8-3-11 will profit from this. They do mention there is nothing they can do to stop this event and that the date was never selected. Could these originators of the group come from either of these observatories? LINEAR (Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research) or LONEOS (Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search).

WOOPS! Forgot Reference:
edit on 22-7-2011 by plewis51 because: Forgot Reference. Added.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by clearseeing

Well said and a very interesting take on it all.

The diagram(s) depicted remind me of the Spinx or the Easter Island statues, however I think the depictions may not be referring to physical terms. It could all be symbolic for something, 'setting into motion'.

I thought of this as well. with the figure and the arrows depicting either forwards or backwards motion, could this symbolize that we can either move forward to the positive or move backwards from where we are today.

I say this because of their reference to 11:11 11am question and their answer that we were born that day.......with that day and time being the signing of the armistice in the first world war now symbolized as remembrance day, that on that day and time we moved forward to a time of peace

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