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8-3-11 Creepy Website! Can We Figure Out The Code?!?!

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:42 AM
Domo... thank you
ats thread
This literally brought me tears....

I'm speechless....

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by Forevever

Nah, that's not selfish.
And don't feel bad, think I said like three times tonight I said I was gonna take a break from this thread, yet I can't seen to pull away.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:46 AM
"dream ...end...tyler" thing. steven tyler, aerosmith, dream on? sorta like dream on dream off. i also found several things that seemed music related.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Forevever
Domo... thank you
ats thread
This literally brought me tears....

I'm speechless....
Nice, you earned it for sure.

Good on you, Domo.
By the way, yeah,i picked up on your mispost and removed my wiseass response as soon as I saw you removed yours.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by undo

if we go with Aerosmith this should be the one

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by undo
"dream ...end...tyler" thing. steven tyler, aerosmith, dream on? sorta like dream on dream off. i also found several things that seemed music related.
the enricks.angelfire site is not related to the 8•3•11 thing and was accidentaly brought in here. That site was part of a video games ARG from several years ago
edit on 7/22/2011 by dethduck because: Really, really hate Swype's autocorrect

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Forevever

You've done a wonderful job- I really appreciate it- seriously, I think if it weren't for your work a lot of these new members wouldn't have signed up! God bless!

Peace and Love-

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:55 AM
Okay....let's get back on topic please because this thing is totally gettin' to me
Has anyone cracked it yet? Have I missed it?
....I have a theory if they haven't...

I have posted some questions for the site (not sure though if they were answered), and if anyone can post an updated link to what's going on there, I would really appreciate it.

This 'thing' has been bugging me for days (even dreamt about it, seriously I need a life!)
and I was following avidly from the first.
I have some links to some other of the questions asked which got stuck in my head.
It was brushed off by the fellow (ATS'er) who is posting updates after every 5 pages, good job on that by the way, as a diversion to the Monty Python angle.
Look. Let me explain my theory and then you can come back with, wtf!? (you're an idiot) if you like. I don't mind.
The question was something like or about the African Swallow
to which was answered
Is it unladen?

(someone else suggested this indicated a sense of humour, maybe ,maybe not...)
Never seen Monty Python myself even though I'm quickly heading towards 40, control your shock, I thought it was dumb...sorry

Jonathan Corum is the founder of 13pt, a design studio. His favorite color is blue. (This guy took the time to go into scientific detail about the weight of a swallow in flight and whether laden or unladen what they could do
check out the responses to his hypothesis)

""Being incredibly bored here in Iowa, and having far too much talent to keep to myself, I made you some wav clips: frenchman.wav and airspeedvelocity.wav.
Wow, thank you Sir Brandon VanArman, whose favorite color is red.""

Did someone ask about a colour and the answer was red?
Remind you of anything?

further on his site

this is one of the pages from that site, what the heck does it have to do with swallows?!
Was this just a nerd with too much time on his hands and a penchant for Python? I'm not too sure...I can't get it out of my head...
moving on

This person definitely has an interesting job with an obscure but relevant common theme....

What the hack did he mean with....

What is the capital of Assyria?
So I kept going....

Then there's the other side.....

somebody much smarter than me, please explain what this means, and fancy naming so close to Monty Python that most searchers would skip over it, or has someone looked at this too?

At this point I'm sure I have no idea what the heck is going on......anyone?

Are 'they' using this program to accomplish their needs....?(I'll get to my theory in a min.) How would I know? Do you? would love the feedback.

Dead end went back to orig. site and found.

A theory of coconuts:
Far be it from me to point out any lapses in the logical flow, but I feel the following theories must also be factored:

We must consider the displacement potential of a fully developed coconut - could the swallow, whatever specie, have ridden the coconut from tropical climes, via one of the prevailing currents, to the shores of southwestern England (given that the "historical" Arthur was most likely from Cornwal, in south western England, this can't be discounted out of hand).

Do we know, from any archeological evidence, that it was actually a coconut being used, and not a malformed walnut suffering from a botanical gigantism?

It was only postulated, orginally, that the coconut may have been carried (or vice-versa!) by a swallow. Given our more modern knowledge of the migratory practices of the creatures of the world, can we discount the "swallow theory" and put forth a candidate known to migrate vast distances - the Monarch Butterfly.

Could the coconut be, in fact, the remains of a locally grown variety, in place since before plate tectonics moved England into the Temperate zone?

Alien Coconut Abduction and Relocation
— Gary Cooper

What the....?!? Are my eyes burnt out from looking at my computer screen?!

Then this arvy while baking a choc mud death cake for a friends birthday I watched this....

The umbrella is evident, AIG, pension funds for thousand wiped out.
Seriously you guys need to watch this movie, most of you would be aware of what happened in your own country, but this stuff takes the cake and effects more than just the USA

What does any of it have to do with anything? Probably nothing....but your read it didn't you...

So now it leads me to my theory.....

I think Belle is the grandmother of one very clever computer freak (in a nice way) who wants retribution for Nanna.
I think Nanna lost her pension fund and after many hinted threats (hacking dramas on banking) I feel Robin Hood is about to take back what is rightfully yours, because the leaches responsible are still sitting pretty and running just about all of Americas important Universities......not to mention the President

I think this enlisting of other people to the cause helps them spread themselves IT wise) out so as not to get linked to whatever happens on the said date.....

Watcha' think?

Now that I've shared, good or bad, I feel I can move on

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:58 AM
thx 1138 is not a religious movie. it was lucas' way of saying that the individual is better than the whole, and that the whole only truly benefits, when each of its members is respected as an individual

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by dethduck

Originally posted by undo
"dream ...end...tyler" thing. steven tyler, aerosmith, dream on? sorta like dream on dream off. i also found several things that seemed music related.
the enricks.angelfire site is not related to the 8•3•11 thing and was accidentaly brought in here. That site was part of a video games ARG from several years ago
edit on 7/22/2011 by dethduck because: Really, really hate Swype's autocorrect

okay, wasn't sure where that came from as i haven't clicked any of the links. i recall you saying that enricks and conset or whatever it was, were unrelated to 8311, and also made distinctions for the others such as which blog was accepted and so on. there's just been so many pages's a blur

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:02 AM
I've been browsing here for a while, but I needed to make a post to this.

I'm sure it's already been discussed but I believe this has something to do with:

ELENIN entering the orbit of the earth on August 3rd. Sounds pretty coincidental.

I know this could be a hoax and all smoke and mirrors, but this really has kept me on my toes. Just feels like there is something important here...

If they aren't going to hurt anyone, doesn't mean something else won't...?

Just interested to join in and continue to see how this all unfolds.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

if you feel I brushed you off, I must ask you to summarize the last 100 pages.

as for your theory, they say they won't break the law
I wouldn't defend their honesty, but thats what they say

your theory is as good as any
I am no longer recapping at this time - but I'll be around here and there to answer questions

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by BeaverTail

basic resemblance

-both have a motion -recall one of the questions on formspring "what if someone throws the first stone?" answer was "I hope there's movement" or something similar -and I am not referring to the "You'd be a liar" answer either.

-also, there is a presence of sound (which/why,not sure yet) an announcement on that date?radio signal?

-in the pictures, we notice the same diagonal/crossing lines are there in both "statue" connected to the SOMETHING leading to the right and left

ok. I really think these images are important. It says DO Not Throw Stone. Well we have the famous bible verse of John chapter 8 verses 3-11, where Jesus goes onto say. Let he who is without sin cast the fist stone.

Also great job figuring out the image in the top right was a "Top Down" view of the "manequin" .

I must say looking at the first image and the crossing of the wires inside the "mannequin" that if the left stone is pikced up first, the model will fall backwards, TOWARD the person That DIDN"T pick up the stone, hence triggering the bomb on HIS side. So that's a bit creepy.

Also want to note the similarities of this "contraption", and the devices used in the SAW movie series. Isn't there a film 11:11 coming out soon, made by the same writer/ditector?

Also would like to point out the similarities of this "bomb" drawing, and the Zodiac Killers' "Bus Bomb" letter and diagram.

Underground switches, being triggered by the photo sensitive cells being blocked by a vehicle that could only be a bus, (blocking the sun long enough) to trip the switches.

Also look at December 69 the Zodiac killer sent the famous "Belli" letter.

He talks "Help me I'm drowning". Also how his "Bomb" contraption was a dud due to rain. Needed an Umbrella maybe?

He also loved to use cyphers as well.

When I looked at these images and the code. Two things came to mind SAW series, and The Zodiac letters, diagrams and Cyphers.

Probably nothing. Again coincidence.

I like Matrix Portals idea that this is some sort of self Rorschach test.

Also wasn't the Book/Movie "Watchmen" tied into this very early on in the thread I can't remember. But "Rorschach" was the main character, in the Watchmen Graphic Novel.

But the main point I get from the two images above is some sort of Speaking Robot, maybe speaking about The Holocaust. Maybe a Nazi or a survivor (Belle?) coming out of hiding and seeking forgiveness/acceptance, or Womans rights, or something Political. All set up so that whoever "casts the fist stone" starts a chain of events causeing this mechanism to fall over and detonate the buried bombs.
edit on 22-7-2011 by Nola213 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by VCharD

Hi VCharD! Welcome to ATS!
Please check out the last recap in my signature - some of us also found lots of Elenin ideas ♥

Looking forward to more of your posts

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by dethduck

Oh well thank you. I actually have a certain fondness for posts that are wise and assish!

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by undo
No worries, it keeps coming up time and again.
Just trying to brush away the external clutter and associated confusion added to an already confusing enigma.

A good rule of thumb is to keep in mind that the group has released no videos to date and they only release stuff on and only.
Any other site and it's not from them.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by dethduck

Oh well thank you. I actually have a certain fondness for posts that are wise and assish!
May I direct your attention to the top half of my signature below.

In other news, I have been remiss in my manners.

To all new members what have joined our special brand of madness here in the last two days, I greet and welcome you.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by Nola213

the words "live shoulder" are incorrect if the decoding thing is accurate, as the second letter in shoulder is actually a "p", and i think the letter after it is an "a." so it would be spaulder (which is half armor for the arm, that goes from shoulder to elbow), also somehow i originally translated the weird < shape in "live" (the letter "V") as an "o" and now i can't remember how i arrived at that. live makes more sense. also odd that i originally had the "E" symbol translated as an "N". dunno where i got that either. so live is at least better than what i had, which was lion.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:18 AM
I have some thoughts on this.

My sense is that its an experiment on those that are taking part examining how enthusiastic people are and how long they maintain that interest

As far as the Get Involved, section is concerned and the changing of parts of their website, I think its an attempt to maintain the interest of people that become tired because they can't find a solution. As far as the small group of people that are 'selected', thus far they have been instructed to photocopy materials and then to photograph them / put them in public places so the word can be spread. Those people don't know whats going on, but are enjoying being part of the mystery.

Either way the aim is to get as many people as possible to participate / speculate...

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Nola213

Originally posted by BeaverTail

-both have a motion -recall one of the questions on formspring "what if someone throws the first stone?" answer was "I hope there's movement" or something similar -and I am not referring to the "You'd be a liar" answer either.

-also, there is a presence of sound (which/why,not sure yet) an announcement on that date?radio signal?

-in the pictures, we notice the same diagonal/crossing lines are there in both "statue" connected to the SOMETHING leading to the right and left

not sure which are yours and which are beavers... wondering if the P word is "pulled" - then the sides go down (as shown by the arrows) top turns (also shown by arrows)
this is the first time I got a chance to really really look at those images

what are the "bottle" looking things on either side of the center figure, the wire goes across... looks like baby powder

if the P word is pulled - does that change the R's to U's? the symbol isn't so legible in the FRE area
edit on 22-7-2011 by Forevever because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-7-2011 by Forevever because: yeah I mispelled symbol

my fault - the word "orientation" seems accurate, so the R's are right.... so if the 2nd letter after the P is an are... pr-ed?
edit on 22-7-2011 by Forevever because: (no reason given)

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