posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Doax919
Firstly, cool dream (and subsequent dreams) Lucky you.
A question? When you're dreaming now, are you scared, calm, excited, what emotions generally do you remember feeling in the dreams?
I'm a huge fan of keeping an open mind with dreams, and genuinely feel bad for people who don't dream a lot.
The reason why I replied initially because the 'white' door caught my eye.
Then after reading the rest it flowed to another thought.
White imo means start/beginning/new
(which is based on a personal interview technique on the psychology of your workforce, ie. what type of person you are, how you function typically for
your particular personality, I'll see if I can find the ref.).
So for you to have opened the door you've accepted a start/beginning/new mentally accepting and open.
possibly...making you more open and receptive for whatever the heck causes dreams.
Good on ya' for posting
There are some very experienced people who understands these things better than I on this site, and personally I would be interested to hear their
take on this too.
Have a nice day