posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 04:23 AM
This footage is bugging me. As soon as you view it it's like a diamond bokeh, the camera's shaking, the "object" is shaking. It SHOULD be
debunked as a reflection or camera flare.
I have seen that very same shape and transparency in the sky on a piece of video I took and it was really up in the clouds, way high, and stuck
almost on the end of a thin sheet of cirrus. I panned the camera past it to view a white ball that was sitting in the blue sky that I mistook for
Venus at the time, and I only spotted the diamond while viewing later. It didn't wobble, just glided from one edge of the screen to the other in
about 1 second.
I watched the footage over and over and tried to pause for a better look but it was interlaced and blurred, so I had to keep playing and rewinding and
I was convinced the diamond had a line up of whiter "ball" shapes inside. Like two rows, maybe 2 and 3, or 3 and 4.