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Possible link to autoimmune diseases and RH negative blood type

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posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: Witness2008
This actually occurs in Horse x Donkeys ... Mules.....
Also crossing A Lion with a Tiger... A hybrid species .. The liger. noted, such crosses don't usually occur in nature.

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 11:43 AM
I am o-, when I got pregnant with both my kids I had to have the shot at a certain point in my pregnancies. and after they were born, I have had many medical problems in my adult years, it started with stomach infections and bowel infections. when I was a teen I had many back issues they called it chronic back pain. as I got older after my kids were born it got worse, went from throwing my back out couple times a year to a couple times a month, after x-rays and mri scans they told me I had arthritis in my spine, knees, hands. about a year later when I spent lots of time in bed they diagnosed me with degenerative bone disease and 5 bulging disks and said it to be spondylolethesis I believe is how you spell it, the performed a spinal fusion surgery 2 months ago going in through the front and back. its been horrible but I just now seem to sometimes feel better, but the bad days are more often than not. over the years I have been told I have exzima , and skin psoriasis on my scalp which now comes and goes, the medical problems seem to be getting better but I wont jinx it ,lol seems like when one problem stops another floods my body, im not over stating that either, when I get one medical issue then it finally goes away I automatically get another very soon after with in 2 weeks after many issues over a period of a year to a year and a half it seems I get a lil break with the medical issues.. is all this what you are talking about in this post are you saying my medical problems are attributed to being rh-. I wasn't sure exactly if I am mistaken I appolagize.. but I think its an interesting read. thank you for the post

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: LuFri


I am O Neg. and I have a severe degenerative joint disease that is now affecting most of my body and my quality of life.
I also have chronic psoriasis with skin lesions, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea, a progressive neuromuscular disease, an ascending aortic aneurysm, and last but not least I am a "little person" who is equally proportionate in size. I am also allergic to most everything in nature to the point to it be debilitating at times. Just wanted to share with you! Peace.


posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 06:15 PM
My eyes are the color of two crazy mismatched marbles...and I'd love to be an alien hybrid...but...
The presence or lack of antigens in the blood cell is purely genetic and probably a result of evolution, but hey, that is still pretty cool.
There is a parasite that will effect a person with an RH- blood type more profoundly, Toxoplasma gondii. This will not effect my undying love for sushi, so if you see me out driving...give me some's known to slow your reaction time. I can read the headlines now, "25% of human race killed in rear endings during rush hour."
edit on 16-2-2018 by Vivyinsect because: I mispelled a word.

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