posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 11:43 AM
I am o-, when I got pregnant with both my kids I had to have the shot at a certain point in my pregnancies. and after they were born, I have had many
medical problems in my adult years, it started with stomach infections and bowel infections. when I was a teen I had many back issues they called it
chronic back pain. as I got older after my kids were born it got worse, went from throwing my back out couple times a year to a couple times a month,
after x-rays and mri scans they told me I had arthritis in my spine, knees, hands. about a year later when I spent lots of time in bed they diagnosed
me with degenerative bone disease and 5 bulging disks and said it to be spondylolethesis I believe is how you spell it, the performed a spinal fusion
surgery 2 months ago going in through the front and back. its been horrible but I just now seem to sometimes feel better, but the bad days are more
often than not. over the years I have been told I have exzima , and skin psoriasis on my scalp which now comes and goes, the medical problems seem to
be getting better but I wont jinx it ,lol seems like when one problem stops another floods my body, im not over stating that either, when I get one
medical issue then it finally goes away I automatically get another very soon after with in 2 weeks after many issues over a period of a year to a
year and a half it seems I get a lil break with the medical issues.. is all this what you are talking about in this post are you saying my medical
problems are attributed to being rh-. I wasn't sure exactly if I am mistaken I appolagize.. but I think its an interesting read. thank you for the