posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 12:50 PM
I have a 15 page term paper due in about 48 hours and need some serious help finding at least 10 sources, Whether it be Articles, Journals, Etc.. If
anyone could post a reply with a link to source that has anything to do with Climate Change or Global warming it would be much appreciated. Also an
article or two on the History of Global Warming would be appreciated as well. Thanks ATS community you could really help since my future is literally
hanging by the grade of this term paper. Thank you. One Love
P.S. I'm no way shape or form asking anyone to do the paper for me. I just need some help finding sources to base my paper upon. Thank you. Any help
is appreciated. And the reason I even post this is because I have been so busy with work and other classes that its making me grow gray hair at age
19. Word of Advice never take Summer classes at any College or University.