So, I'm a little goofy this morning - I really need some sleep - so I'm gonna go right after I post this
Interesting how the brain works when you're really tired...
Couple of things running through my mind here
From elementary school - am, is, are, was, were, do, does, did, has, have, had, be, being, been, shall, should, can, could, will, would, may, might,
must - linking verbs
Amazing how you can remember stuff like that many years after the fact - for no apparent reason - it just pops into your head while you're getting
Another thing, and this is what I really wanted to share. I dont know if it can be found online (probably can) but its something I memorized back in
1988 if my memory serves (I generally suck with names, faces, and dates, surely it was no later than 90 though) - I don't want to look it up -
because I want to type it from memory. I totally forgot about it till this morning, I don't know why it came to me.
So here goes - up front - I can't take credit for it - only for the memorization
The Shaman rises with the sun
- technology unrisen still
And gathers to him bead and bone
- and feathers from a hallowed kill
And packs them in a leather pouch
- worn thin and supple over ages
Gifts of holies there before him
- ancient wise ones, mystics, mages
And chanting low the sacred sounds
- of wind and fire and air and earth
Calls back the knowledge he was given
- even long before his birth
Then dressing in the holy skins
- the rare white fur of bear
First held aloft, and softly offered
- to the gods of life in prayer
Takes to his breast a totem
- of teeth and claw and clay
Which came from sacred mountains
- where all his kin now lay
The eagle comes, as does the hawk
- like moths to meet the flame
Drawn to a time of power
- drawn to know its name
The runes are cast, the future spread
- in symbols at his feet
Not spared the revelation
- with vision so complete
The Shaman wept to see the worlds
- nuclear waste and swill
And wept again to know he'd seen
- Just man and his free will.
Rise up oh man before the sun
- and gather bead and bone
And call back to you hawk and eagle
- lest you find yourself alone.
I believe the authors initials were A.K. - Pen name "Lambert"
it won one of those poetry contests from the National Library of Poetry, printed on pg 1 (I'm in the book too, mine sucked though
So share with me - what have you memorized that randomly pops into your head? I'm sure I triggered something
♥ will be back later to see ♥