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The Revolution begins in Spain - Media Blackout

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posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
Im in Spain right now, can you point me to where the revolution is taking place please, cos im looking out my window and everything seems fine.E

Those were protests not a revolution and it already happend.

The title is a little misleading. There is no revolution in Spain.

Looks like the media blackout and revolution is also by passing Alicante.

Nothing going on here...oh, just the postman.
edit on 19-7-2011 by dsm1664 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
The more I think about the uprisings all over this planet, the more I believe in a higher power. There is one thing that unites many of us. We want to live in a world without corruption of our elected representatives. Truth is becoming a common theme worldwide. After years of deception and being herded like sheep the people are realizing that they have been mislead to desolate pastures. I think there is a revolution occurring but it is against corruption worldwide. It is against deceptive practices. It is against lies.

It does not take a genius to make a religious correlation out of this and almost every religion says the say thing would happen in the end. People will be separated against each other one supporting the deception of the world, and the other supporting the truth. Good news is the truth will supposedly win in the end and the meek shall inherent the earth. I personally am looking forward to it.

Look dude, there are not too many people who are in the real knowledge of what kind of lies they have been taught or told to! The masses are being led by the other "new" leaders like Assange and they belong to the same "company"! Never forget that! Even here on ATS it works on a similar but sinister way.

The Meek shall inherent the earth!!

You cant be serious.... this is against natures laws. So then the lambs shall rule over the lions right?

Only people who are meek and have no real significance in life tell something like that! Ask your self a question first "What is my function in life?" not your purpose, nobody cares about it. You will probably say, as you are a high ranked ATS member, tell the meek the truth to wake them up, right!? Yeah, please go on with that....

The meek are a dangerous species and need to be tamed by the elites! This is the circle of life and you can do nothing about it. Either you are a meek, sitting in corner and complainin about any sh*t you see, hear or read, or you act like a human and understand how a societal system operates. TPTB is your friend not your enemy. Learn to be like them and then you will see what it is to be responsible. Meeks are irresponsible and thats why the only thing they do is blame blame blame.

Just to pop-off your delusional thoughts: There will be No Revolution! The Meek will stay as meek and the elites as elites. The rules will stay the same but only little bit adjusted for the eyes of the meek. If you never learn why the elites use the tactics like lieing, deceiving and whipping you everyday, you will stay as a hero of the virtual "non existant" world. Thats why you have the oportunity to write here and now... be it on ATS, facebook or twitter! All the places you are able to write something were provided to you by the elites! Never forget that! So stop blaming on them. They have provided you many things you arent even aware of. Just to make you aware of that, they can be taken away at anytime desired!

Revolution will bring only one thing: destruction! Interestingly many meeks (aka losers) want that destruction to happen but none of them count the costs, side effects and its global impact. Only thing you want to see is destruction first, than the new era, but how that new are will be built and led, is not the concern of the meeks. Anyhow a new leader will come up and do it right! RIGHT?

You and your kind will be kept under control, till the end of time! You can change nothing about it! I am so amused to read the threads here about the coming NEW things. And only thing I do while I read them is ROTFLMAO!

Meeks love those words: new, more, big, golden, shine and HOPE! Sorry but my balls hurt out of laughing when I think about all that stuff being complained here. Oh but dont stop, write write write..... you are a good helper!

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by darkl0rd

Wow. That is the most depressing thing I have read for a long time. On so many levels.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by michaelmcclen
reply to post by ExPostFacto

Religion is a lie, all religions are. If you believe in a higher power then thats cool, I belive in a higher power but I dont believe in any religion. Its all a load of # to make money from you and keep them in places of influence and power.

While I agree with you to the point of religions geared towards corruption, I also believe that there is key information within the texts of religion. This information when cross analyzed is somewhat constant and seems to be a map, as it were.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by Fitch303
I wish people would know the difference between capitalism and corporatism.

there's no difference? As soon as government allowed corporations to expand their charter, capitalism turned into corporatism. It seems as though day by day corporate rights are expanded while individual rights are expunged, so as far as i'm concerned we can never again go back to the days of capitalism. As long as we continue on this road where corporations, banks and the affluent individuals are treated better then the masses,
then TPTB deserve nothing less then to swing from the gallows for leading us into such inequality! Too bad society is short on truthers and long on denial, fear or contributing to the erosion of society as they profit by defrauding the unsuspecting ignorant individual that is all to common place amungst my fellow countrymen. Someday hopefully they may wake by the hunger pains in their bellies, that may brings revolution to the lips of the masses, that we may once again fight for our individual freedom and we may finally finish what our forefathers had intended for us all along! "For all men and woman to not just be created like, but to be viewed, recieved and expect the same privileges, so that we can never again deny inequality "! Once we are equal there won't be anything to stand in the way of unity for all the world! This is the only New World Order i would support, for any other can kiss my A$$!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by darkl0rd

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
The more I think about the uprisings all over this planet, the more I believe in a higher power. There is one thing that unites many of us. We want to live in a world without corruption of our elected representatives. Truth is becoming a common theme worldwide. After years of deception and being herded like sheep the people are realizing that they have been mislead to desolate pastures. I think there is a revolution occurring but it is against corruption worldwide. It is against deceptive practices. It is against lies.

It does not take a genius to make a religious correlation out of this and almost every religion says the say thing would happen in the end. People will be separated against each other one supporting the deception of the world, and the other supporting the truth. Good news is the truth will supposedly win in the end and the meek shall inherent the earth. I personally am looking forward to it.

Look dude, there are not too many people who are in the real knowledge of what kind of lies they have been taught or told to! The masses are being led by the other "new" leaders like Assange and they belong to the same "company"! Never forget that! Even here on ATS it works on a similar but sinister way.

The Meek shall inherent the earth!!

You cant be serious.... this is against natures laws. So then the lambs shall rule over the lions right?

Only people who are meek and have no real significance in life tell something like that! Ask your self a question first "What is my function in life?" not your purpose, nobody cares about it. You will probably say, as you are a high ranked ATS member, tell the meek the truth to wake them up, right!? Yeah, please go on with that....

The meek are a dangerous species and need to be tamed by the elites! This is the circle of life and you can do nothing about it. Either you are a meek, sitting in corner and complainin about any sh*t you see, hear or read, or you act like a human and understand how a societal system operates. TPTB is your friend not your enemy. Learn to be like them and then you will see what it is to be responsible. Meeks are irresponsible and thats why the only thing they do is blame blame blame.

Just to pop-off your delusional thoughts: There will be No Revolution! The Meek will stay as meek and the elites as elites. The rules will stay the same but only little bit adjusted for the eyes of the meek. If you never learn why the elites use the tactics like lieing, deceiving and whipping you everyday, you will stay as a hero of the virtual "non existant" world. Thats why you have the oportunity to write here and now... be it on ATS, facebook or twitter! All the places you are able to write something were provided to you by the elites! Never forget that! So stop blaming on them. They have provided you many things you arent even aware of. Just to make you aware of that, they can be taken away at anytime desired!

Revolution will bring only one thing: destruction! Interestingly many meeks (aka losers) want that destruction to happen but none of them count the costs, side effects and its global impact. Only thing you want to see is destruction first, than the new era, but how that new are will be built and led, is not the concern of the meeks. Anyhow a new leader will come up and do it right! RIGHT?

You and your kind will be kept under control, till the end of time! You can change nothing about it! I am so amused to read the threads here about the coming NEW things. And only thing I do while I read them is ROTFLMAO!

Meeks love those words: new, more, big, golden, shine and HOPE! Sorry but my balls hurt out of laughing when I think about all that stuff being complained here. Oh but dont stop, write write write..... you are a good helper!

What are you smoking? "TPTB is your friend not your enemy. Learn to be like them and then you will see what it is to be responsible." if we were all scumbag elites the world would be a better place but only in your little mind!
Elites and responsibility wow that's a real stretch, I see how responsible they are with the economy, ecology,
diplomacy and all the other destructive actions they bring about! "Revolution will bring destruction" where do you get these fear mongering ideas? Looting brings destruction. TPTB bring destruction upon all of humanity and it seems you are either asleep or one of them! Revolution brings change. If our forefathers did not rebel in early america, how much more oppressed would we be by british rule? The only reason why we have the freedom we do is because of us meeks fighting for the freedoms of the oppressed! I wont go over all the propaganda you spouted because you are obviously delusional! It seems us meekers are our own species and not just human beings and we are lucky to be led by such great humane powers. Wow i will say this for you you were right about us meeks wanting destruction but not for all man kind but just the elitist scum that you are obviously one of and any system, media or individuals that support it! You and all your hate mongering, opressive, destructive, satan worshipping crony friends can all go back to hell where you belong!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:56 PM
I LOVED the way the song and the video was put together!

I had never really listened to the words of that song - watching the lyrics at the bottom was awesome!

Thanks for sharing it - whether it is a Revolution or not - the MESSAGE is powerful.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:22 PM
I agree with the news media blackout. Never saw a thing about this. Sometimes there's a fleeting shadow on the news showing a protest but if it's in the west it's soon gone and generally stated as being for the purpose of something completely different than it is. I think it was Dane Rudhyer who said something like 'three people of like mind can change the world.'

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by mappam
I LOVED the way the song and the video was put together!

I had never really listened to the words of that song - watching the lyrics at the bottom was awesome!

Thanks for sharing it - whether it is a Revolution or not - the MESSAGE is powerful.

I completely agree. We need to get this message out. Then when the protests turn up in your city, we need to get everyone out in the streets.

Pick up your flowres and protest!!!!!!
edit on 21-7-2011 by Shamatt because: (no reason given)

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