posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 06:11 PM
Ok now i have had to extensively research,examine,scab and borrow lots of books and other sources to come up with this theory.(or as my grammatically
correct friend Billy insists,hypothesis.)
Now then this is a theorem pertaining to the type of propulsion technology used by the craft at rendlesham.I know there isnt much to go on and a lot
of this is conjecture but hear me out.
Ok now then im sure youve all heard the story of how the craft appeared to have a part superheated/ melted.well using this as a guidestone ive
uncovered the technology used by the craft. (users accustomed to my posts will have heard me mention these before) it is my belief that the craft used
a gravitic these work by projecting a field of antigravity around the craft, nullifying all sense of inertia and gravity. ( a bit like the
inertial dampeners on star trek - and theyre also used in the Vril Disks by the way) several of the events that happened at rendlesham suggest this
technology.i will now list them.
the observation of the superheated section - now the craft has to have rapidly spinning plates, and after a while these can heat up and need to be
jetissoned.well what if this one couldnt, as it was in a populated area so there was a chance of the plates recovery (for example this information is
only available in tech readouts and from 1 sighting) so it had to make do.this would result in a ship plate being superheated, and thus glowing.
the bizarre reaction of the animals (barking etc.) - no not necessarily a sign of a grey, thats just jumping at your favourite scape i said it
projects an anti gravity field, which is made up of electro magnetic animals are more acutely tuned to this than humans so a significant
shift is very disturbing to them.this would result in the reactions seen by the animals at rendlesham.
several craft of similair type have been seen that have been proven, analytically , scientifically and in one case, obviously, to use a gravitic
thanks for reading.
my first post in a while.