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Drug use rife amoungst Afgan army soldiers, we cant leave them in charge

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:58 PM
Drug use rife amongst Afghan soldiers.....

What? Has something changed?

This is just an excuse to continue the occupation.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 12:06 AM
Maybe the Afghanistan government needs to get their sh.t together and start taking control of their poppy fields and their country.

I agree, this is just a lame excuse to keep our soldiers there.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 02:25 AM
It doesn't matter how long we're there. Once we leave there, Pakistan will install a Afghan govt that it can control

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by clintdelicious

Don't stress, the US Government has no intentions of giving up the poppy fields, oh, I mean, Afghanistan.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 04:50 AM
only reason anyone cares what happens in afganistan is because of the poppy fields,

poppy for medicine

this is such an old topic that there must be tens if not hunderd threads flirting with the issue at hand ,

whats even more absurd is that the ammount of addicts in the US outnumbers the population of afganistan ,

talk about making a horse out of a fly,

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 04:50 AM
Good thing no Americans are on opiates.
Who would be in charge here?

I suppose the best idea then is to keep spending OUR money and blood, to protect from their own culture?

Remember why we really care. pipelines...not pipes.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by clintdelicious

I've seen the trouble with drug abuse with my own eyes in the Afghan Army, western military forces have just as big a problem with alcohol and drugs abuse, than any other military force in the world.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by clintdelicious

Please dont lecture me about drug use and what a substance may or may not do.
I will lecture you, because you're here spreading propaganda when studies show that it's clear cannabis has no negative health consequences, other than short term memory loss while under the influence.

Weed affects different people in different ways, my girlfriend had never had any trouble with drink or other drugs before, this one changed her mental state so much it was frightening, she would be terrofied about global warming and all sorts of things that where no immediate danger to her, when she stopped she changed almost over night and finished her degree wihtout any other issues, coincidence?
You should see if AboveTheInfluence is hiring, you'd make a great addition to the biased organization. She never had problems with alcohol, so that makes it good? What about the fact that alcohol kills 100,000 American citizens annually, since she doesn't think about global warming while drunk, that makes it OK, even though there's the possiblity that she could crash her car while drunk or get alcohol poisoning and die?

Her housemate who smoked a LOT of it as well went mental over the smallest things, I knew him for 3 years in total and this only started happening when they both stated smoking.
Sounds like a personal problem, blaming personality flaws on a harmless plant is beyond ignorant. Just because they're irresponsible and can't keep a cool-head when they're not stoned doesn't mean that cannabis is bad.

On the other hand I played in a band with a guy who smoked all day and everyday, like I aid it affects people in different ways. Anyone who quotes surveys and experiments etc obviously isnt clued up much about drugs because these rarely reflect real life issues with drugs and sample small number of people or sample large numbers of people but dont go into any significant detail.
I am about as informed as they get about cannabis, I've spend more time researching this topic than you could imagine. "Real life issues", yeah because smoking weed really tears families apart, right? You always hear on the news about a husband beating his wife and children after coming home from smoking some weed. There's always the news story about the cannabis smoker who sells all of his possessions and turns to a life of crime because they're hopelessly addicted and need to feed their non-stop craving for a harmless plant.

So please dont talk like that, its silly to say it doesnt affect anyone badly at all.
Smoking cannabis does not pose any negative health consequences. None. Nada. Zero. Zip. El-Zilcho. Just because your ex-girlfriend and her housemate got a little cranky doesn't mean that we need to spend billions of dollars enforcing our drug laws in another country. I get cranky when I don't drink coffee in the morning, so should we also prevent Afghan soldiers from drinking caffeine? Because if they're addicted to caffeine and don't drink coffee in the morning, they could become dangerously upset, and since they're in a position of power, who knows what could happen.

Sorry dude. Weed might agree with you, but it is not a harmless plant. Physically it's fine. For some, mentally, it is the beginning of the end. And I speak from direct experience of someone close being banged up in the nut house for smoking faaarrr too much over too many years. On the other hand, I have mates who smoke a 8th or more a day and are fine. Same with MDMA...

You're being very very bias. And in my opinion, wrong.

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