posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Whateva69
Isn't it astounding what kind of inexplicable things can happen during a meditation or in a very relaxed state? I once heard my name being pronounced
by a woman's voice (I was wearing ear flaps!) loud and clear from the left (my house was empty, the windows were closed). Naturally, it scared the
heck out of me, which is why I did some research afterwards and came to the conclusion that it could have been one of my spirit-guides being of
service to me; showing me that there is more to life, etc .
All I can offer you is an interpretation based on my knowledge and experiences, as I'm not a medium.
The word traverse has many meanings, such as (bold added by me)
tra·verse (tr-vûrs, trvrs) v. tra·versed, tra·vers·ing, tra·vers·es
1. To travel or pass across, over, or through.
2. To move to and fro over; cross and recross.
3. To go up, down, or across (a slope) diagonally, as in skiing.
4. To cause to move laterally on a pivot; swivel: traverse an artillery piece.
5. To extend across; cross: a bridge that traverses a river.
6. To look over carefully; examine.
7. To go counter to; thwart.
I interpret it as a notice to you that your grandfather hasn't made the transition from his earthly, human "shell" to recognize what he truly is.
Meaning that he still might be dwelling within what some would call the "astral worlds", living in a human-like condition/environment, without
recognizing the indefinite soul he is part of.
If you have eyes to see and seek for it, you will notice some members (maybe just one) here on ATS that claims to be working with the dead, for
instance by helping them to recognize who they truly are and in supporting them to "step into the light". Certainly, that's all very speculative, but
isn't "communicating in meditation" as well?
On the other hand, as you spontaneously reacted by saying "No he isn't!", it could also be possible that there was just someone trying to upset you.
Your spontaneous reaction shouldn't be underestimated.
edit on 16-7-2011 by SunLightyear because: spelling