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Woman gropes TSA agent's breast at checkpoint, get charged with felony

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:17 AM

Some security...I am sure they are going to find lots of weapons on old ladies in wheelchairs and/or small children. They have no conscious about violating constitutional rights of their fellow americans. It seems they do however, require fellow americans to respect their rights. Why? They know the searches are unconstitutional and yet they are willing to violate others. Well they should not be surprised when they get it in return. as for a pat down comparedto gropping, they grope and yes they do put their hands all over your body.

why not? terrorism doesnt discriminate between age, sex etc...

also if they check me, why not the man behind me in the queue? just because he is 70.. why not the 15 year old? if i were singled out and no one else, then maybe yeah i would have a problem.. how do you chose who is a threat and who is not?
in todays current world, you cannot make a distinction between who is a threat an who is not... i agree sometimes it seems ridiculous who is searched... but what should we do, just pick out the people wearing turbans?

a good example is drug runners from south america have put drugs into dead babies.. so there are evil people in this world that will go to any length to do what they feel is neccasary..

and you say the american constitution... come on man, that thing is outdated anyway.. the world is a different place from when that was written..

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Thing is, if it's a felony when one person does it, it should be a felony when another person does it. This TSA agent might not have done any wrong, and I'm going to maintain that no one "deserves" a titty-twister. But countless people havetheir tender bits groped, fondled, squeezed, and wrenched by the TSA as a matter of course.

It doesn't matter if they're "just doing their jobs," the TSA should be held liable for all these sexual assaults they instruct their employees to commit. The implementation of these jobs needs to be reviewed and revised to be less intrusive.

If the TSA were constantly finding explosives in people's bras and jocks, maybe, maybe it'd be an excusable precaution. But that's not happening. And "someone might someday plan to do something bad" is no excuse for you to be tugging my balls at the airport.

but are they groping people? are they grabbing genitals breasts? i find that hard to believe... and if they do.. yes, the offending agent should be held liable..
but there you have the problem, you will get people like some posters here that get seached, dont like the fact they get searched and then accuse the tsa agent of assaulting them..

you cant have it all... you cant live in the world you live in of relative safety and luxury if you dont want to agree or abide by the laws that are put in place to make it that way...

imagine if they stopped these searches tomorrow... and on monday morning someone hijacks a plane and kills 400 people..

was it still so wrong they did searches? or would it be wrong that they stopped searches?... i can guarantee it would be the latter and there would be a thousand threads here slamming the government for that..

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
imagine if they stopped these searches tomorrow... and on monday morning someone hijacks a plane and kills 400 people.

You would immediately have the "truthers" claiming it was a inside job, that it was all Obama's fault and that the plane crash was actually caused by nano thermite, silent explosives, a mini nuclear weapon, a beam weapon from outer space, there was no plane crash, it was a hologram, there were no passengers on board etc etc.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Kitilani
Can anyone tell me what this TSA agent did that caused her to deserve having her breast grabbed and twisted?

You get what you give. If you choose to work a job that entails touching people all day long, eventually you're going to come across someone who is ballsy enough to do it right back. What does anyone do to deserve being groped just so they can fly? lol I can't help it but I think it's hilarious. There will be more incidences like this and more I hope, until TSA stops being the sexual predators that they are. These people choosing to work in the field may as well understand that they are doing quite a nasty job and they need to ask themselves, why do it? I bet they won't because you can't have a clean conscience and do that job. I have zero sympathy for these people.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

The they are being trained wrongly. Maybe they need a refresher course in patting down, since it is clear from alot of videos posted on you tube some take pleasure in doing this, which I find bizarre, I would have something to say if a TSA officials wanted to pat down my 6 year old child.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by R3KR
Then the TSA should get charged with a felony.
Whats the difference ?

TSA searches you when you try to board an aircraft: Consensual voluntary search IAW the contract you entered into with the airline in exchange for passage on their aircraft

You grab a TSA employees (or anyone else's) body part: Unwanted physical contact which can be defined as several variations of assault unless the TSA employee has given consent for the contact.

Clear enough?

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

A blurred line that implies do as I say & not as I do. In any case, TSA's big thinkers must have realized that extreme security procedures would inevidably beget extreme-like responses, as in the case of this elderly nipple twister.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
imagine if they stopped these searches tomorrow... and on monday morning someone hijacks a plane and kills 400 people..

Yeah except for the last 60 years, there was never a TSA... and still to this day, there is no TSA like groping in any other country in the entire world. And guess what, it doesn't happen.

I'm really sick of you slave minded people trying to enslave us all because you are a bunch of scared little kittens.

If you are too afraid to fly with 1990 security, DON'T STINKING FLY.

Go back in your basement being scared of terrorists 24/7.
edit on 16-7-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Aisling
I should be able to fly without being sexually molested by the tsa predators.

Sorry- you do NOT get to use the property of others as you see fit. You cannot just walk up to me and demand to get into my car and be driven wherever you want without my permission or adhering to any conditions I might apply should I decide to drive you after all.

Logic fail.

Originally posted by Helious
I know you do, you can't stand these little people defying laws that violate there civil liberties to the very core.... Any law or act that violates our civil liberties or our constitutional rights

Originally posted by drifter1109
They have no conscious about violating constitutional rights of their fellow americans...... They know the searches are unconstitutional

No, no, NO- a thousand times NO! I am utterly sick of these uneducated, moronic statements about civil liberties and the 4th Amendment and illegal searches. The damned searches are VOLUNTARY on the part of the passengers seeking to use someone elses personal property.

If you voluntarily consent to the search WHICH YOU DO WHEN YOU GET YOUR BOARDING PASS, there are NO violations of civil liberties and NO 4th Amendment issues. If you give me consent to have sex with you it is not rape it is having a good time. If you give me consent to punch you it is boxing not assault.

Try reading any Contract for Carriage and case law on consent- it will at least give you the appearance of education on the subject.

Throwing out false information only confuses those who wish to know about the subject and is no different than a false flag attack to rile a nation to war.

Jesus H Christ it is not THAT hard a concept to grasp FFS

Originally posted by Aisling
What does anyone do to deserve being groped just so they can fly?

What did they do? They voluntarily agreed to be subject to the search.

As for "Just so they can fly": You do realize that aircraft are someone else's private property and they can attach whatever conditions to the usage of that property that they wish. You do not have a "right" to simply use the property of someone else any way you see fit. If the owner applies terms and conditions to that usage you either abide by them or cease to utilize their property.

Originally posted by Aisling
I have zero sympathy for these people.

I have zero sympathy for people who VOLUNTARILY waive their rights. I have zero sympathy for people who put themselves in the hands of the TSA when there are many other alternatives. I have zero sympathy for people who complain when the terms of a contract they entered with the airline in exchange for passage is adhered to.

Most of all I have zero sympathy for people who continue to pour money into airlines that have the option of opting out of TSA and hiring private security.

Originally posted by AnonymousFem
I would have something to say if a TSA officials wanted to pat down my 6 year old child.

I would have something to say to you for voluntarily placing your child in a situation where you voluntarily waive their rights and consent to an invasive search. I would have something to say to you for not reading your Contract of Carriage which explains that in order for you or your child to board they are subject to search. I would also have something to say over you complaining when the contract you entered voluntarily is adhered to.

Originally posted by Aisling
What I will do is continue fighting these insane laws.
I should be able to fly without being sexually molested by the tsa predators.

What is insane is your demands to do what you wish, without any restrictions, with the property of others and that it is somehow your Constitutional right to do so.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:15 AM
she should get a trial by jury id vote not guilty!

of course id vote not guilty even if she was out of line!

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:16 AM
This is the way I view this whole mess.....TSA employees are trained to do a specific job....a pat down of people flying around the planet.....some of the TSA employees do their job correctly....some I think go too far and are offensive. I think there should be a re-training of their employees and a firing of many.

Anyone can be matter what their age. Everyone wants to be safe....everyone does not want another 9/11. So...the TSA pat downs are necessary.

The person that grabbed the TSA agents breast was most likely angry and in a (see how you like it!) frame of mind...that person was wrong....and should have had enough restraint and common sense to know that the TSA agent was legally hired to do a job....and did that job...(it is all on camera).

Conclusion....the arrest was not out of line...and I personally do not rejoice in the fact that the TSA employee was assaulted.

I also do not rejoice in the way many TSA agents do their job....they are out of line....and do come across as perverts.....however...not all of them....some do care and try not to offend people.
edit on 16-7-2011 by caladonea because: add more

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

Yeah except for the last 60 years, there was never a TSA... and still to this day, there is no TSA like groping in any other country in the entire world. And guess what, it doesn't happen.

Wow. You don't get out of the country much do you? That statement is utterly, 100%, totally incorrect and made up without any basis in fact whatsoever.

Try Jordan, Syria, Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Columbia, Sierra Leone, Chad, Uganda and Nigeria. Any of those make TSA look like rank amateurs in the invasive search arena.

Bottom line is either read and agree with the contract you enter into with the airlines or disagree and don't fly. Whinging about something you consent to makes no sense whatsoever.
edit on 16-7-2011 by SFA437 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:19 AM
Hmmm... It really is a sensitive issue we've got here, TSA has been getting into all sorts of situations lately... What I see here is an elderly woman who has become fed up with these searches and sort of fought back. I can see several reasons into doing that but out of emotion not rationality. Well all that I hope for is that this measure of security stays at the airport.
edit on 16-7-2011 by jlay7 because: Should read other comments...

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by SFA437


1) Is a passenger airliner--let's say a passenger airliner with the logo Northwest Airlines, the property of the TSA?

2) Which organization is responsible for regulating & conducting airline security procedures: the TSA or an airline company?
edit on 16-7-2011 by Axebo because: because that is writing

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:24 AM
Life's a reach

And then you cry.....

Go girl!

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You want to touch innocent people that badly, you run the risk of retribution.

Medal for guts.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:34 AM
I can't speak for everyone else here, but Yukari Miyamae just became a true American Hero in my eyes. Who knew it took a hand full of tit to start a revolution lol.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by MrKnoxx
I can't speak for everyone else here, but Yukari Miyamae just became a true American Hero in my eyes. Who knew it took a hand full of tit to start a revolution lol.

So...someone who broke the law is your hero...that speaks volumes.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:40 AM

reply to post by Misterlondon

imagine if they stopped these searches tomorrow... and on monday morning someone hijacks a plane and kills 400 people..


Imagine if it still happens even with the added security.....

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by caladonea

NO my friend, I believe if your going to go around unjustly molesting senior citizens and children its about time someone does the same damn thing to you. People are too scared to fight back, and yes as stupid and goofy as the story is, the fact someone took the guts to molest the molester is a testament that the human spirit is still alive and not completely reformed. So yes, liking what she did indeed makes me a horrible person, so please commence Sh!##ing on me.
edit on 16-7-2011 by MrKnoxx because: words

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by caladonea

You've got a funny idea about the law.

It's okay to constantly touch breasts and crotches and to feel up the elderly and young children, but a little tit for tat is illegal.

The people are rising up on their hind legs, slowly but surely.

Government has grown too big for its britches.

Time for us to put our hands in its crotch.

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