posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by LazloFarnsworth
Well, I hear where youre comming from, and honestly, no one REALLY knows what they are for, but I serious doubt that they use the lights for the same
puropses humans do. I agree with the one poster that most likely it is a byproduct of their ships propulsion system/drive.
For example, if one looks at the photos of the Ship that shut down Chineese airport Xiangshan something, last year in 2010, you will notice light
emmiting from its base. However it is not foucuses as a search beam would be and is pretty diffuse. When it is hover the light is projected downward,
when it is in motion the light trails to the rear, as if it was using the light itself to move around!
Also, lets not assume that aliens even see in the same visible light spectrum we do. Im sure some of our technology that emmits light on non-visible
spectrums would appear very strange to things that could see it and they would wonder what its purpose was, but to us it would simply be a waste
product of our technology.
As a stretch...the ships could be partially alive, some sort of biomechanical contraption, not too intelligent in and of itself, but ideal as a
symbiote for the ships driver...the ship would emit light similar to the way some squid do our other sea creatures, light isnt always artificial, it
is necessary for some life forms. Just a thought!